Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 461: People are not as good as dogs

"Who will tell me that white Americans have no racial discrimination in the future, and I must slap him. ???? hunting ?????????????" Zhou Qingfeng put down his binoculars and pointed to Sister Irene and Ellie said, "I'll have to kill those **** later, because I can't even see them."

During the day, the task force tried to lure the enemy deeper and hit the west, only to be confused by the guerrillas that came out halfway. But Zhou Qingfeng didn't stop there. He led the team at night, and he wasn't even afraid that others would strengthen their defense.

Relying on the almost perfect reconnaissance ability of 'dog meat', the task force's Huaxia platoon approached the port of Progreso silently and silently. Their ability to run tens of kilometers away on the battlefield is indeed a headache.

Surprisingly, the attacks during the day did not alert the 'Increte'. No special guard posts were added to the road from Merida to Progreso.

Zhou Qingfeng was originally worried that there would be drones monitoring the ground from a high altitude, but the individual soldiers they carried did not have anything flying in the sky. However, when approaching the port, it was shocking to see a few white supervisors abuse Mexican slave labor, and more than a dozen skinned bodies hanging on wooden stands.

The twin sisters followed Zhou Qingfeng. The **** scene made two girls who could not help but vomit. Irene was unwilling to speak, and Ellie whispered: "It has nothing to do with race, it's just a brutal act."

It's just that even Ellie doesn't believe it.

The battle platoon was ordered to ambush on the highway. Qin Weidong estimated that once the battle started, the enemy might send a team of three hundred or five hundred people to support it. It is impossible to stop these people from playing tricks.

"I plan to set up an ambush position on the highway, mainly a remote-controlled mine attack. I can't directly fire without direct fire." Qin Weidong did not plan to confront hundreds of people. The strongest firepower in his hand was an m252 force. The artillery is negligible when facing a large number of enemies.

Therefore, the combat platoon buried more than a dozen five-kilogram explosive packs, each with a power of almost a 155 mm caliber heavy artillery shell. This is still to learn from the anti-American armed forces in the Middle East. Nothing is enough explosives, and the enemies who are bombed will definitely be heavenly.

Fifty meters, buried a lot of land, then unmanned reconnaissance aircraft stared in the sky, the mortar mounts were ready to pick up leaks, and the combat platoon was fully prepared.

If the enemy is fainted and stunned, the battle platoon rushes up to pick up the bargain. It can be said that the bombing is not chaotic, and it is not a platoon.

At the other end, Zhou Qingfeng personally brought several elite soldiers into the port of Progreso for destruction. The port town itself is not very large, but the trestle from the 6th place to the pier goes deep into the sea, up to six kilometers long. Such long trestle is rare in the world.

What Zhou Qingfeng had to do was to use a large amount of explosives to blow up the trestle bridge. Without the trestle bridge connecting 6 places, the port was abandoned. However, an elite soldier reminded: "Sir, at most, the explosives we bring will blow up a few sections of the bridge deck. It will be difficult to blow up the pier. After the bridge deck is blown up, it can be repaired with a few iron plates."

"It doesn't matter, my purpose is to let the 'Increte' in Merida pay more attention to this port, even if only for a day. The next priority is to destroy the slave factories in the city."

There was no objection to the action, and Zhou Qingfeng rushed to take the lead. However, he acts as an arrow in front of him, and ‘dog meat’ runs faster than him. This medium-sized dog almost flew out, aiming at a gas station on the high road outside the town.

This is where Zhou Qingfeng called and killed before, which was transformed into an oil storage center. More than a dozen tanker trucks parked outside, and various fuels unloaded from the port were temporarily stored here, supplying the entire Yucatán and many surrounding areas.

When Zhou Qingfeng approached, he could hear a few white men still beating Mexican slaves. The only words heard in the wind seemed to be that some of these Mexican slaves stole oil and sold them, so the supervisors hung up all the slaves and tortured them.

It was late at night, and the sea breeze outside the port was blowing to six places. The closer you get, the stronger the **** smell mixed in the wind. In the silent night, screams, yells, and whips are mixed. At a distance of about 50 meters, Zhou Qingfeng ordered in the noise-cancelling headphones: "Kill these assholes."

The sound of fluttering, fluttering and fluttering continued. The two sisters who set up a sniper position two hundred meters away seemed to be washing the shame, and they shot the bullet into the body of the violent white supervisor. They also hate these brutal guys.

The bullets went from far to near, the first knocked out the gun guards at the gas station, the second knocked out a laughing white fat man behind the gas station, and the third and fourth came next and would stand under the wooden frame. The two white men who used torture were also shot dead.

At the gas station, only the screams continued, and Zhou Qingfeng leaped forward from the shelter immediately. ‘Dog Meat’ runs faster than him, with four claws flying like a flying sting on the ground.

Someone inside the gas station seemed to be out of the situation. Several gun barrels protruded through the window and even heard words like shouting for support.

Zhou Qingfeng with the cat on his waist didn't stop at all and continued to run forward. Behind him, the twin sisters slammed the bullets out of the night, and one bullet was a life.

With the sound of a few pieces of broken glass ~ www.readwn.com ~ The gas station window burst * Opened a few bloodstains, the person standing behind was killed on the spot. Panic sounds kept ringing, and some people even started firing wildly.

The distance of fifty meters is instant for 'dog meat'. Within five seconds, it rushed out of the gas station, crashed directly into a window, and rang a rattling sound, followed closely inside. It was bursts of exclaiming and screaming.

When Zhou Qingfeng ran past several obstacles on the road and rushed to the entrance of the gas station, the silly dog ​​had already turned around in the gas station. He was full of blood and ran out to invite Zhou Qingfeng. Apparently it had killed the people inside.

Looking at the scene of the corpse, the elite soldiers who followed him were shocked. Before joining the Aurora Corps, they all pretended to be high-tech warriors. When they first met Zhou Qingfeng, they also had the pride of ‘a civil and military skill sold to the emperor ’s family’.

As a result, the soldiers are now seeing their 'Emperors' as being better than themselves. As soon as the actual battle comes on, first of all, the lovely maid next to the "Emperor" is also cruel, and then it appears that a dog next to the "Emperor" is stronger than himself.

Is there anything wrong? It ’s really a dog this year! (To be continued.)

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