Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 469: This idea is awesome!

"He promised, he promised, and he really promised to meet with me. ???????? Hunting ??" His Excellency Alfonso was jumping like a monkey in his bedroom, "hahaha ..., I am one step closer to truly taking power. I can certainly become the true Governor of Yucatán.

I knew I would succeed, and I knew I would succeed. I'm really a genius. My father used to boast of my cleverness. I really am a smart man, right? The idea I came up with was simply amazing! "

The lamps, books, vases, and even tables and chairs were all littered by the ecstatic Governor-General, and the ping-pong bells in the bedroom kept ringing. Governor Martin, the housekeeper of the Governor's House, stood with his head bowed, and remained expressionless.

"Old Martin, you are doing very well. Rest assured, I will reuse you, I know you are the one I really believe in." Alfonso managed to calm down, but his face was hard to hide. He took a few deep breaths and patted the old housekeeper's shoulder, promising: "When I have power, you will be my greatest help, and I will make your family more prosperous.

But the things ahead must be arranged. What kind of clothes do you say I should wear to meet Victor Hugo? I hope to appear before him in a majestic manner. He should also be a big man, at least my father was driven back from Cuba by him. Do you think I'm a little humble, or do I try to show my charm to convince him? "

Alfonso Suxu talked about Chase, but never thought about what they should talk to Zhou Qingfeng, and what conditions to use in exchange for their support. He should have reminded his old housekeeper not to speak, and kept his head down as if thinking about other things.

Just as the master and servant were talking in the bedroom, the door of the room opened, and the military police captain Lula, wearing black boots, stepped on the pedals, and came in with a smirk, "Governor Alfonso, at night OK. Looking at your expression, it seems very interesting! "

His Excellency the Governor was originally happy like an inflated ball, but Lula was pierced by a needle at first glance, and he stunned. He stared stupidly, his open mouth couldn't be closed, as if he had run into a rat of a poisonous snake, and didn't dare move.

This weird gesture made the smile on Lula's face even worse. His Excellency the captain of the military police approached Alfonso and carefully looked him up and down. Where he saw, Alfonso shuddered, while the rest remained rigid.

"You ..., is there anything wrong?" Governor Alfonso held back the fear in his heart and asked calmly.

"It's a small thing." Lula leaned close to Alfonso and whispered next to his ear: "I just got the news that someone in the Governor's House disappeared these two days, but he suddenly appeared from outside the city today. came back.

You know that the people of the Aurora Corps are now around our city. I have been investigating various suspicious people, and I am worried that someone in the city may collude with the outside. I just wanted to ask what the suspicious person was doing? I am thinking more about whether this person has a special mission? Is there anyone else behind him? "

Lula's gaze was like a viper and a wolf, and Alfonso stared at goosebumps. The latter trembled a few times when he heard each other's questions. "Lord Lula, I don't understand what you mean? What can I do in the Governor's House? Nothing!"

"The same thing, you don't even know anyone in the Governor's House." Lula sneered and agreed with Alfonso's explanation. He turned to Martin, an old butler who stood still, and asked, "Old man, do you know something? Don't hide it from me, because you can't hide anything."

Old Martin still has a dull face, but he has not spoken to argue yet, but Governor Alfonso yelled: "I have to declare first that this old man has nothing to do with me. In fact, in the Governor's house No one obeys my orders at all, and I don't know anything. "

Seeing His Excellency the Governor hurriedly cleared it out, the old steward Martin was not surprised at all. He still had a dull face and said blandly: "Lord Lula, if you want to investigate someone in the Governor's House, I can call everyone for you to interrogate one by one.

However, I can assure you that no one has left or disappeared in the Governor's House these days. This is well documented. Everyone has a job record. "

"Oh, is that it?" Listening to the old steward so calmly, Lula was suspicious. He waved and smiled: "In fact, I just investigated the situation in the Governor's House these days, and no one really left. Maybe I thought wrong, I'm sorry. I just came to ask, it seems to scare you all. Yes, hahaha ... "

Suddenly Lula came and hurried away, as if she were just trying to tease Governor Alfonso.

But when the executioner's figure disappeared, Governor Alfonso was sweating, sitting softly on the ground with his hands and feet. As he panted, he murmured in a panic and indifference: "It's over, I've been spotted by Lula. I'm really spotted by him now.

Old Martin, look at your good deeds! The person you're looking for has leaked. You destroyed me. Understand? You **** old confused, I really shouldn't find someone like you who can't move and do me work. I still trust you so much, but you live up to my trust.

Something must have happened to this crazy dog, Lula, and he will continue to investigate, and he will definitely be able to find out. I'm dead now, really dead! "

The Governor-General, who was still full of confidence, cried like soft mud in an instant. He first cursed his old housekeeper, and then lay tears on the bedside ~ www.readwn.com ~ In general, it is sadder than the death of father and mother.

The old housekeeper Martin still did not respond to this scene. He stood still for a long time and suddenly said, "Governor, maybe there is a turn for the better, and bad things can become good things."

The old housekeeper had always been bland, but when he spoke this time, his tone became calm and powerful, as if he had made some decision. And Governor Alfonso caught the life-saving straw with the drowning man, crawled over on his knees, took his hand, and said, "Come on, what other ideas do you have?"

"Maybe we can catch Victor Hugo. Which legionnaire has ventured to Mexico and there are certainly not many people around. As long as we mobilize enough troops, we can still succeed.

Regardless of life and death, as long as you catch the other party, you can say that this is a long-cherished plan for you, specially designed to get rid of the enemy of "Incred". As for not telling Lula, of course, it is for confidentiality. "

After the old housekeeper had finished speaking, the governor Alfonso jumped up again with a full-fledged ball, and shouted with bright eyes: "This idea is good. As long as we can hold Victor Hugo, I My father will definitely appreciate me, and the top executives of 'Inkley' will appreciate me too. I can also be a governor of power. This idea is really great! "(To be continued.)

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