Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 474: Movie-Class Performance

"You idiots, rice buckets, idiots, useless at all. Hunting text ???? Watching the insurgents shoot at me."

"I almost died, okay? If I die, you all have to be buried!"

"You incompetent waste are all rolled out to me. I don't need you to protect me. I'll find two hundred pigs better than you."

In the square of the Governor's Palace, more than two hundred Mexican soldiers guarding the Governor's Palace were scolded by the 'Province of Alfonso'. They clenched their heads, all with aggrieved expressions, as if nothing happened had nothing to do with them.

The Governor's Mansion was attacked, and the Governor was greatly frightened and even injured, and half of his face was wrapped in gauze. The hurried gendarmerie captain Lula couldn't say anything. He was also blushing with fire. The incompetence of the Mexican soldiers had long caused him headaches.

However, the "Governor Alfonso" made an extremely rare move this time and really disbanded the guards guarding the Governor's House.

"What? He doesn't want to guard, so what about his safety?" Lula hadn't known until the next day. He thought that the wandering governor was angry last night just talking, who knows that he really came. It made him feel a little uncomfortable.

What was reported to Lula was the captain of the guard who was originally `` Governor Alfonso '' and the eyeliner he inserted. The captain of the guard was reluctantly complaining to Lula: "The governor ran to the factory in the city to pull people, and even went to the prison to recruit people. He brought more than five hundred people together."

"What? The prison?" Lula really couldn't sit still this time. The prison was full of all kinds of suspects he had arrested. Although there were few real destructors, they were so easily taken away. Guard, this is too ridiculous, "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"The governor used the whip to draw the prison chief directly into a concussion. Now people are lying in the hospital. Others can't stop it. I just came to report it." The captain of the guard said that he had done his best, but he really carried it. Can't live with each other is the Governor.

"If Alfonso is alone, wouldn't you stop him?" Lula was really angry. The governor, who had no worries at all, had no one at all, and he couldn't stop it?

The captain of the guard even lowered his head and said in a grievance: "Not only did the Governor take the whip to draw people, he also had a dog next to him, which was very fierce. The animal that came silently came over and hit someone, and the people who were hit all hurt. Dead, it's hard to get up on the ground. "

dog? Lula remembered that ‘Alfonso’ did return with a dog that day and looked at ordinary people. Who knew that it was Alfonso ’s accomplice.

"It's weird. Did this attack stimulate Alfonso to the other extreme?" Lula hurried to the Governor's Mansion. As a result, more than 500 people were seen in the courtyard square of the Governor's Mansion. Eat and drink. It is really a large group of prisoners and slaves surrounded by the 'Lord Governor'.

Seeing the appearance of the fierce Lula, the original cheerful dinner event seemed to break into an evil poisonous snake, and everyone was scared away when they went. After the crowd had let go, the Governor-General, who was carrying a wine bottle, was revealed.

"Ahh ..., Lord Lula. Come here, I just have something to tell you." Zhou Qingfeng's alcoholic rushed and ran over happily.

Lula frowned immediately, and stretched out her hand to cover her nose coldly, saying, "Lord Alfonso, you are extremely wrong doing this. The people you recruit are not reliable at all. These prisoners have great security risks and they must accept Investigation and trial. "

With that said, the original panic scene was even more restless. The prisoners who have just been released from the prison are all suffering from all kinds of suffering and torture. They know that they will never come out once they return. Everyone was beating, their eyes were on Zhou Qingfeng.

And Zhou Qingfeng did live up to the expectations and laughed a few times, and reached out and patted Lula's shoulder and shouted, "My Excellency Captain of the Military Police, who doesn't know that the people you arrested are all innocent? I am the Governor of Mexico. I It's up to them.

If you think they are guilty, come up with evidence. I will defend them personally. Actually, to say the danger, I feel that there is another goal. "

There was a depressive cheer at the scene, and some people raised some hope in their hearts. Perhaps the unreliable governor could save them.

Zhou Qingfeng continued to close to Lula's ears, spitting his wine and saying, "In fact, I feel that my guard is hiding a lot of spies. I have seen them sneakingly watching my whereabouts. Especially that one. Captain of the guard, he also secretly reports to the mysterious figure, I think he is suspicious. "

Lula really couldn't stand the drunk from the 'Governor', and disgustedly pushed Zhou Qingfeng away, saying arrogantly: "Your guard captain was chosen by me, and I guarantee his loyalty. You cannot be fired at will. he."

Originally Lula thought that his bright card would completely seduce the "Governor Alfonso", but who was expecting the drunken "Governor" suddenly jumped up, and drunkenly cursed: "Lula, the original Are you monitoring me behind your back? Are you trying to kill me, right?

I wonder why anyone would kill me? Others don't have this motivation, only you have it. You want to kill me so that you can take control of the military and political power in the entire Yucatán region. But don't forget, you are just a gendarmerie captain!

I'm going to report this. I'm going to report to the 'Inkley' headquarters. You can't monitor my life like this. I will never give up on this matter, nor will I accept this humiliating life. Now you get out of me, my governor's house does not welcome you! "

It's too difficult to have such a vocal, heated statement-like antithetical discourse, and it has stimulated the effect of enemies. More than 500 suffering Mexicans at the scene were immediately grateful to His Excellency the Governor. Now in Merida, there is only one who dares to challenge the perverted executioner!

And Lula was the first time to see the "Governor Alfonso" who was drunk, and he was provoked by the arrogant gesture of the other party. When he raised his hand, he wanted his companions to forcefully dispose of this obstructive trap and forcibly. Dissolve the black people gathered by the other party.

Only Lula's hand had just been lifted, and a dark shadow came over from his side, bumping his head on his stomach. Just listening to the ugly captain of the gendarmerie, who has always been fierce, he feels the pain, and the lower abdomen painfully covers his stomach and falls down. When he finally saw the target, it was a furry dog's tail dangling in front of him.

"Stupid dog, you did a good job, kill me, kill him." The fake Governor Your Excellency, like Le, was yelling, shouting with a wine bottle. And the more than five hundred slaves and prisoners around him suddenly saw their eyes, feeling happy as if they were eating cold drinks in San Futian, and some even followed with a shout: "Bit the executioner, and the dog bites him!"

It is not necessary for Lula to order this time. His men rushed up, not to provoke the "Provincial Governor Alfonso" who provoked authority, but to pull himself up and down and turn and run.

When he ran out of the Governor's Mansion, Lula was so anxious that he scolded and said, "I want to kill that dog, I must kill that dog! Whoops ... it hurts me, why would a dog's power So big? Take me to the hospital right away and I feel like my stomach is broken. "

It was natural to dissolve the Uganda House of the Governor's Mansion ~ www.readwn.com ~ When the next day, Lula was told under the examination of the doctor that it was not a big deal, at least some blood stasis, just rest for a while. The captain of the gendarmerie immediately jumped out of the hospital bed, thinking of mobilizing his men to break into the Governor's Mansion, and to find his face anyway.

But before Lula stepped out of the ward, the ward door opened. The grand governor Yucatán blew his nose and tears, and shouted: "Lord Lula, I was wrong! I should not drink so much alcohol, I apologize for my behavior last night, I do n’t even Know what you did.

I felt so guilty when I woke up today, I was wrong, I was really wrong! In order to show my sincere apology, I deliberately killed the dead dog that hit you. "

An open bowel and a broken stomach, a **** dead dog was taken up, and the smell of that smell made Lula smoke like a dead body. He shouted violently: "Are you here to mad at me? Roll, throw this dead dog to me. And you, get out of me too."

"The Governor" immediately left the dead dog and escaped from the ward with a rat, and Lula in the ward was really angry with him to vomit blood. (To be continued.)

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