Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 485: Rubbish

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A cigarette is lit, and a faint white smoke is flowing. Lula clamped the cigarette with two fingers, took it to his mouth, took a sip, and immediately spit it out and cursed: "It's worthless inferior goods. The taste is not pure at all. Tobacco is doped with too much spices. I want to cover up the defects.

The processing of tobacco stems is not bad. They are produced with regular factory machinery and the processing technology is very good, but the raw materials are too poor. This is basically what is used to deceive people, garbage. "

Lula pressed the just-lit cigarette on the table with one hand and wrinkled it into a ball. In front of him was a box of cigarettes that had been torn apart, and each cigarette had been torn open, apparently being carefully studied.

However, watching Lula dispose of the so-called 'inferior goods' at will, and several military police officers standing together in his office nodded again and again, saying that this was indeed worthless rubbish. They will never have the slightest interest in such things.

However, Lula replied sharply and said solemnly: "Although this cigarette is far inferior to the premium products from the regular formal factories in the past, it is still a very useful commodity in the current social situation.

Cigarettes are not something that is easy to store, and they are also consumables in the last days. There is a lot of smoking in this world, especially if people with a cigarette addiction smoke a lot under anxiety. Relax and learn to smoke.

People always do something in order to satisfy their spiritual needs. In the chaos of the last days, cigarettes are also a comforting necessity. What about inferior cigarettes? Better than not coming!

In fact, in my opinion, the quality of cigarettes flowing from the Governor's Mansion is already very good, which is better than smoking leaves. This temptation to the bottom of society is still huge, and we cannot let this commodity circulate at will. "

Yeah, yeah, yeah ...!

As soon as his boss changed his mind, a bunch of military police officers nodded again and again. They also received gifts from the Governor's House today and invited them to the masquerade tomorrow night.

But compared to Major Harding, who is not under the direct jurisdiction of Lula, the gendarmerie must be more afraid of the cruel and hard-working Lula. Immediately after receiving the bribe, they came to show loyalty to Lula, fearing that someone would tell you, and then offend the officer who was on fire every now and then.

"Extreme brand, haha ​​... who came up with such a disgusting name?" Lula sat on the back of the chair, pinching his head and neck and said, "Our Governor Alfonso always comes up with some weird ideas. , He just wanted to use these cigarettes to buy over my men? But it is also necessary to prevent it. In the future, we will have to add one more item to ban such low-quality cigarettes. "

After reading the cigarette, Lula picked up a crude iron bucket again and laughed. The iron bucket used by Zhou Qingfeng for instant noodles is also the cheapest choice. The appearance is naturally rotten, and the concave and convex are even covered with rust. The only word for 'Extreme' is English, which looks slightly better. A little bit.

"This is what you say can affect the morale of the team, Alfonso is really joking with me!" Lullano shouted. He pried open the tin bucket and immediately smelled a very strong spice smell, which made him frown heavily. "This thing is very low-grade at first sight, and it is also garbage."

Although the tin bucket is a bit rotten, the sealed packaging is still good, and can withstand long-term storage without deterioration. However, Lula took out a piece of golden instant noodles, and she had no appetite just by looking at the crushed vegetable grains.

"I've never eaten instant noodles with such high calories, uneven nutrition, and weird tastes. They didn't exist in the past, they don't exist now, and they won't be there in the future. The instant noodles in front of them are even worse. I'm very suspicious of them. What is the source of the raw materials. "

No one can tell exactly how these instant noodles are produced, and naturally no one speaks. Lula went on to say, "But nowadays people have a hard time thinking about a balanced diet and nourishment.

I understand the situation you are talking about. Don't say that grass-roots 'Incred' soldiers lack oil and water in their food, and even officers often do not have enough meat.

If humans eat more fat in their diets, they will become obese, but if their fat intake is low, their physical strength will be severely reduced, and even their lives will be difficult.

This thing is indeed the enemy we will face. Now that food is scarce, this kind of unplanned instant noodles can buy a few people into a desperate one. We must also strive to ban this food and never let it be sold on the market. "

Lula set the tone, all gendarmerie officers echoed, nodded vigorously and said they would work hard to ban any traffickers.

Lula finally picked up a bottle of white wine with a straw paper label ‘Extreme Vodka’ on it. Even if the label is bad, the wine bottle is still crooked. It doesn't look like high-end goods at first glance, and the goods on the floor are more beautiful than it looks.

When the bottle is opened, Lula does n’t have to drink it. Just smell it and sneer: "Garbage, or garbage. I can only say that the most here is alcohol and water, not a little bit of wine. This tasteless thing is only for Pour into the gutter.

But what made me wonder is where did Alfonso get these things? It seems that the Governor-General has some secrets we do not know! "

After the identification of the three things, Lula asked again: "Alfonso is going to hold a ball tomorrow night? Who are they invited to?"

"It seems that both military and government administrators have been invited ~ www.readwn.com ~ someone answered.

"Did you invite me?" Lula asked.

No one answered this time, and the result was obviously ... no invitation.

"Good job, Alfonso." Lula sneered. "When did that **** become smarter? I actually know how to isolate me. But can I just isolate myself casually? I don't believe you keep coming up with these Commodities to buy the management of the entire city, if you really have such a big capacity, you will not be suppressed by me for several months. "

After judging the three knocking bricks thrown out by Zhou Qingfeng, Lula ordered: "In the future, as long as anyone who has these things is found on the market, they will be confiscated illegally! People must be seized and the goods destroyed, and we must not take care. The Governor of Waste cannot control the situation. "

After Lula made a response plan, all the alcohol, tobacco, and instant noodles that were delivered were naturally removed. But as soon as he left Lula's sight, the gendarmerie officer who had just vowed to ban these things immediately became confused.

"Okay, Your Excellency the Captain already knows this. It's time to divide things."

"That's mine. Don't grab it."

"I want cigarettes. I want all cigarettes. Whoever gives me cigarettes will give him wine and instant noodles."

"What are you doing? Is the black market trade starting with the gendarmerie?"

"Hell, the captain also said these things are garbage, but I think they will be stronger than gold." (To be continued.)

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