Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 516: Dumping

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Veracruz, an important port city in the Gulf of Mexico, is very close to Mexico City, and is an important material transportation port for the Mexican government. After Dania decided to draw on the "Governor Alfonso" as an ally, she immediately and vigorously began to act, first of all, to improve her strength.

Uncle Ike exchanged 50,000 needles of atropine from Zhou Qingfeng's hands. This is a drug that 'Inkley' urgently needs. There are many more people who need first aid in the last days than in the past, but medicines are basically used with one less. This is all the more precious of the smuggling channel, 'Provincial Governor Alfonso'.

However, Dania didn't care how urgently the North American headquarters urged the shipment of atropine. She seized the drug and brought it to Veracruz, where she wanted to sell the drug privately.

Dania felt that she was moving fast enough, but when she landed at Veracruz's airport with a few large suitcases on a light * plane, she found that the smuggling merchant had opened a small steamer and took A large quantity of goods arrived at the port here.

Small smugglers often don't get the most valuable supplies, but they know what's most in short supply on the market today. For example, the wasteland world is a difficult problem to ignite, so Dania saw the hired workers unload a lot of matches from the port. These matches will be sent to cities near Mexico City by rickshaws.

The urban circle around Mexico City is home to 20 to 30 million people living in extreme poverty. It is now the most densely populated place in Mexico. The demand for matches is very large, and no matter how many can be sold. But Dania asked strangely, "What do Mexicans use to buy these matches?"

"We buy it with coal. Look at the smugglers. They are transporting various goods on small steamers, but all the coal is transported. Cuba does not produce coal very much, and the Aurora Corps is extremely short of fuel for coal. "Dania explained to Garia, the director of the Port Authority, a corrupt corrupt bureaucracy.

Dania was sitting in Garcia's office. From the window, she could see the busy port cranes working, and a large number of Mexican poor people were selling labor and carrying goods on ships like ants.

"Miss Dania, you can also get enough coal from me. I'll give you five hundred tons of coal. Just leave all the atropine you brought." Garcia laughed, he was in charge of Verac Ruth's port material transportation, the ability to eat and get a card is a self-contained skill.

Coal mines in northern Mexico are rich in resources, but it is a hassle to ship them out. Dania cannot go directly to the place of origin to get coal. She can only come to ports that specialize in the distribution of materials to find supplies. And in the warehouses at the docks, there is indeed a mountain of coal.

The loss of tens of thousands of tons of coal by a few hundred tons is absolutely necessary, but officials at Mexican ports dare to set the loss in excess of 50%, and then take a large profit from it.

"Five hundred tons?" Dania sneered. "Mr. Garcia, are you a little smuggler who bullies you? I didn't bring matches, soap, not daily tools. I brought them. Atropine that can save lives. This thing is more precious than gold on the market.

I can also bring morphine, penicillin, sulfa, heart disease drugs, dermatological drugs, and medicines for all kinds of common diseases. You want to exchange hundreds of tons of coal for the medicine in my hand, you are too greedy. "

Garcia hummed twice and added: "Well, the medicine is special, a thousand tons of coal. There is no more than that."

"It seems I need to change someone to talk to me about drug sales." Dania didn't hesitate, grabbed the wide-brimmed white feather hat next to her, lifted her long skirt and turned away.

Garcia first slaps, and then slams the table with a fierce attack, and yells: "Smelly * You better sit down for me, I let you enter my office, not to make you play me . "

Two Mexican gunmen stood at the door of the office immediately, blocking his way as Dania left. But the woman didn't turn around, only slightly tilted her head and said scornfully, "Garcia, don't forget your identity. You are just a dirty Mexican bureaucrat, and a pig can replace you anytime soon."

"You ...!" Garcia was furious, but he was angry but he couldn't vent, because he really didn't dare to move the 'Inkley' people. Because 'Incredible' is absolutely ferocious in protecting shorts. He could only hold back the fire and asked in a low voice: "Miss Dania, how much coal do you want?"

"I want a thousand tons ..." Dania first said a number that pleased Garcia, but she added, "... diesel."

One thousand tons of diesel? Why don't you grab it!

Garcia slaps the table again, "Miss Dania, do you know how nervous diesel is now? The atropine in your hand can never be replaced with a thousand tons of diesel, and a hundred tons."

"Really? I'd love to wait and see. There are many people who have diesel, but few people have medicine." Dania put on her hat and did not give Garcia more chance to speak, walking lightly out of the port Office of the Administrator.

Finding the hotel where he was temporarily staying, Dania began to silently calculate the possibility of her success. Veracruz is Mexico's oil-producing area. Although the refinery here has also suffered damage, it has more production capacity than the almost rebuilt Havana refinery. There should be no shortage of fuels here. After all, oil supplies in other parts of Mexico are provided here.

As for the level of corruption of Mexican officials, they absolutely dare to fight hard for the benefit. After all, diesel can still be refined from petroleum, but atropine is really nowhere to be found. Dania decides to see a few more Veracruz power figures, and may get more.

While staying at the hotel, Dania again felt that various goods from Havana began to invade the entire Caribbean surrounding area. The plates, plates and forks used in the upscale hotel she lives in carry the "Made in Aurora" logo ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you even import metal plates here? "Dania asked the waiter in surprise during the meal.

The waiter at the hotel was very calm. "Before, the society was chaotic and damaged a lot of things, and ordinary living supplies became scarce. Although the locals can also produce plates and dishes, they are not as good as those produced in Havana."

How good is Havana?

Dania couldn't help but remember a rumor that she had heard before. Before the nuclear bomb destroyed the world, the 'Aurora Corps' had deceived a large number of industrial manufacturing equipment from the Inpotray-controlled Buttonpot Nons shipyard. The Aurora Corps will create a lot of wealth.

"Imported things should be more expensive? Will the locals be more economical and use cheap locally produced goods?" Asked Dania again.

"No, it's cheap to import." The service staff denied. "And now the imported goods are sold in pairs. For example, we can't produce sanitary paper yet, but the demand for paper is rigid, and those smugglers demand us to buy it. You have to buy other things as well. The price is cheaper anyway, so we bought it. "

Forcibly dumped ... Dania came up with the word. She couldn't help but feel a little shocked. Why did the governor of Alfonso suddenly become so powerful? As long as this continues to develop, the recovery speed of the Aurora Corps will exceed imagination! (To be continued.)

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