Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 548: Covert approach

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When Zhou Qingfeng got up, Mr. Hashimoto Jiro had already gone out, and it was said that he had gone to repair the shop.

Since seeing the inexplicable 'Lin Sang' running out last night, playing Yakuza in the Xintian group like a chick, the middle-aged uncle finally slept peacefully and even suffered half of his own injuries do not know. Early in the morning the next morning he got up to work.

As the master Kyoko never slept, people always have more SI. Not only did she hear the voice from Ke, she also knew that she was afraid to follow this man from the Mid-Continent.

The age of marriage in Japan is sixteen, and it is not uncommon for high school students to get married. Kyoko was only a boyfriend whom Zhou Qingfeng met when he was a child last time. This time he can resolve the family crisis. At least I can see that this man is powerful enough. In order to express her gratitude and gratitude, she got up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for Zhou Qingfeng's heart.

The daily breakfast is a dozen or so bowls on a tray. Looking at the many things and the same, in Zhou Qingfeng's view, the contents of each bowl are not enough to feed the cat. The staple food is rice, a bowl of miso soup, a dish of tofu, an egg, and a small piece of fish, which is relatively light.

"Thank you, I'm not Ke." When Kyoko prepared the breakfast, Zhou Qingfeng was almost hungry. He started eating immediately after using chopsticks. And he eats, others may only have a look, and startled every minute.

"Lin Sang, haven't you eaten enough?" Li Xiang squinted her eyes to show her disdain. She was poisoning her tongue almost by chance. Hashimoto Mana could only laugh while sitting, while Kyoko was already busy feeding Zhou Qingfeng.

Kyoko originally thought that the young man could eat, and also added a handful of rice, but he did not expect that the young man could eat so much. The rice in the rice cooker bottomed out within a few moments, while everyone else hadn't moved the chopsticks yet. After Zhou Qingfeng finished eating, he boasted, "Tofu tastes good, the pickled cucumber is particularly mouthful, and this rice is particularly strong, I am very happy."

After eating and drinking, Zhou Qingfeng said that he would go out when something happened, and Lixiang, the best-seller, took Hashimoto Nana to find professionals who can do the post-video. And Kyoko looked at the bowls and plates swept by the wind and clouds, but there was a long-lost happiness, at least that someone made something that they loved!

Not to mention others, just say Zhou Qingfeng.

He received an e-mail from Arenzo yesterday and still indicated that he wanted to meet him alone. However, the email specifically reminded that due to the special direction of the research, I am afraid that some uninvited people will monitor it.

The technical blockade of the United States against China has a long history. This tradition has continued from now on until now, such as the well-known 'Batumi Agreement', and the 'Cock SI Report', which once made a noise.

Although the e-mail sent was relatively vague, the meaning SI was very clear. If there was danger, he would not show up. To put it plainly, let Zhou Qingfeng take care of it.

"I knew things would not be so easy and simple." Zhou Qingfeng was still in a baseball cap and sunglasses, and called a taxi on one shoulder and rushed to the University of Tokyo. He has replied in the email: he will meet with the instructor under the appropriate circumstances.

Seminars in universities are often open, such as this high-end biology seminar hosted by the University of Tokyo. In order to give students in the school's medical department an opportunity to contact the world's first scholars, a large venue has been set up to allow observation and questions on the spot. .

Due to the opening of the University of Tokyo, Zhou Qingfeng entered the orderly meeting place without revealing anything, and sat with more than 1,000 people. There were many reporters at the scene, as well as camera stands at the venue. Scholars and organizers came to speak in turn.

Soon, a white-haired Steve Arenzo was invited to the stage. This is a tall, white old man with a stern and serious face. The industry has had a mixed reputation for him, but everyone agrees that this is a very difficult person.

But to say who Zhou Qingfeng knows best about biology, it is undoubtedly Steve Arenzo. His armband computer is derived from the relics, and the computer has all the manuscript materials for life, even including a lot of personal information about him.

From the many temporarily recorded private videos and voice files, Arenzo is a weird, lonely, paranoid yet extremely talented person. But decades of research have been unsuccessful, and he has experienced a variety of humiliating and humiliating lives. He is more of a pain in the heart.

According to the records in the armband computer, Arendzo has now fallen into a great dilemma. The DuPont Consortium invested hundreds of millions of dollars and waited for years without gaining anything. This made them impatient, messed with the research many times, and made the professor extremely annoyed and angry.

Now Zhou Qingfeng arrives with more than ten years' data, which is equivalent to providing Arenzo with more than ten years and giving him a chance to make corrections. I hope this will change the destiny of this one.

He gave a speech on the stage, and Zhou Qingfeng's eyes followed the path of LU who had been on the stage. He saw at least three strong white men in suits and headsets with a wary look on his face. At first glance, these powerful guys from Kong Wu didn't come to the seminar.

Zhou Qingfeng sat at the venue for a while, and Leng Buding saw a reporter passing by and took his card off the hook. He looked at the name above, "Takagi Shinzo."

Wearing the card ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Qingfeng walked steadily to the sign-in desk at the venue. After bowing slightly to the staff here, he asked: "Excuse me, I'm Takagi, can you know the schedule of important people in this seminar?"

The Japanese are very good at normal courtesy, enthusiasm and meticulousness. Zhou Qingfeng asked for a few more words and got extremely detailed information, such as the residence where Steve Arenzo taught and the number of his accompanying people And share.

Zhou Qingfeng then searched the names and information of these accompanying persons on the Internet. Some assistants such as doctoral and master's degrees were easy to find, and the information of four others was similar.

"That's these four guys." Zhou Qingfeng returned to the venue again, and ran to the side of the front desk of the venue with the help of his reporter, raised his camera and began to take pictures. Arenzo was seated in the front row, and four inseparable guys beside him were taken into the frame.

"How do I get in direct contact with Arunzo?" Zhou Qingfeng began to think about SI. This kind of inter-academic seminar will not take too long, usually only two or three days. After two or three days, Arenzo will return to the United States by plane, and he must get it done in two or three days.

It is certainly not possible to rush into contact. This is not the case, and Arenzo is not Xu. You must learn to be careful in other people's territory. Zhou Qingfeng silently left the venue and went to the hotel where he gave his feet to step on the plate.

Hotel management is much stricter than university, but it is easier to get in. Zhou Qingfeng aimed at a man who looked similar to him, opened the room directly in the hotel after receiving the other's credentials, and was next to the bedroom.

So on that day, Zhou Qingfeng appeared on the balcony of the bedroom. (.)

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