Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 568: Chase

A round of armor-piercing shells bombarded the crew members in the BTR-60, but when the fate was still undecided, Catalina, who was in charge of the command, had anxiously ordered to find out where the opponent was and bombard it.

Due to the need to set up a 152 mm short-barrel howitzer, the btr-60's turret became extremely huge. At the time of the modification, the people in the military factory considered that the threat of armored vehicles was less, but the threat of heavy firepower alone was increasing.

In order to improve the protection ability, the entire body and sides of the btr-60 are equipped with explosive reaction armor. Fortunately, with this layer of armor, a group of talents in the car were bombed to death without showing up.

And because the armor-piercing projectile hits the target with a metal jet, there is not much charge, and the explosive power is limited, the various sighting equipment of the btr-60 are still barely usable. In fact, when the 'mutant' in the woods opened fire, the dazzling fire exposed its location.

Captain Julio himself was frightened by the armor-piercing shell. He didn't dare to gamble on the opponent's second shell, and he shouted to the gunner to provide shooting parameters. "Two o'clock, the edge of the forest, At a distance of 520 meters, a grenade fired and killed me. "

The entire crew was also adrenaline rushed by shelling, and their movements were twice as fast as usual. The loader shoved a grenade into the cartridge, and the gunner stepped on the firing pedal immediately after adjusting the muzzle.

There was a loud noise, and a large muzzle spouted a muzzle flame that was more than ten meters long. A dark oval grenade flew from the dazzling fire, and a distance of five hundred meters passed instantly.

In the woods, a bunch of human mutants waiting to break through the stronghold for a big meal were immediately ravaged. The taller mutants responded the fastest, and these motor-developed guys rushed out to lie prone a dozen meters away.

And the commander Bill of this attack quickly got down, ‘Zombie’ was slow, and he could n’t run away. At this time, he could only bet his life.

When these guys hid, fled, the large-caliber grenade arrived on schedule and exploded! In the sound of a thunderous explosion, the super strong shock wave vented freely, and a large number of withered trees within a 30-meter radius were lodging, and some were even burned to the point of fire.

‘Zombie’ Bill lay in the woods, but was blown away by the raging air waves. When it stabilized its body again, it saw the second round, the third grenade one after another, and even the machine gun on that assault gun was firing fiercely, sweeping them just where they were.

"Damn it, how could there be a heavy self-propelled artillery in this stronghold?" ‘Zombie’ Bill was also cursing in his heart. He knew that he had already angered the forces in the stronghold. At this time, it was an absolute fight, but he had to withdraw if he did not withdraw. "It's a pity that the radiation cockroaches I convened, I'm afraid that I can't even return half of them."

The 'Zombie' mutant was extremely calm, and Bill, the commander, saw that the crazy assault gun not only fired continuously, but also approached at high speed. It quickly greeted the remnants who were alive and quickly retreated, leaving the attack rally with the cover of the woods.

After retreating, ambushing, reconnaissance, alternate cover, and a series of tactical arrangements, 'Zombie' Bill's team was out of combat. After waiting for two hours, the remaining personnel and bugs gathered again, and it suddenly found that not only the radiation cockroaches under its control lost half, but even the zombies were less than half.

"A grenade just landed among us and killed more than a dozen people on the spot." In the cold moonlight, a 'zombie' reported with a husky voice, "We are lucky, otherwise we will not survive. "

"It doesn't matter, there are still a lot of scattered zombies in the wilderness. We can re-recruit a group of people." As a commander, Bill was calm and moderate. After he counted his men, he was worried about the mutants. "Frank hasn't been able to keep up?"

Both "Zombies" and "Mutants" have great advantages and disadvantages. Both parties know that they must work together to survive better. ‘Zombies’, because of their weak constitution, ca n’t carry even slightly heavier firearms. Those big ‘mutants’ carried all the heavy weapons in the team.

However, at this moment, "Mutant" Frank was in trouble, and when he was attacked by the artillery, he took his men away from the scope of the artillery. In the process of retreat, the talent for killing made it feel a little threatening.

"Someone's following us." Frank drew his nose with only two holes left, sniffing the cold air. Its skin seemed to be disfigured by sulfuric acid, its craggy head was twisted and deformed, and there were strange weird sarcomas growing on it.

"I also smelled human, and they were very brave, and they were not far behind us." Another mutant whispered. After it was determined that someone was following, the mutants spread out tacitly, forming an anti-tracking ambush formation.

One hundred meters away from Frank and others, ‘dog meat’ was walking briskly among the fallen leaves in the forest, followed by Zhou Qingfeng, holding an electromagnetic rifle with a cold expression on his face. In the other direction, Katrina, who was bombarded with a legion, took the army firing instructor Richard, who was also cooperating.

"This **** ~ www.readwn.com ~ I want to run when I hit Laozi? Really when Lao Tzu is muddy, can you just bully?" Zhou Qingfeng followed these 'mutants' because the latter was huge and left behind. There are more traces than the other zombies, and they can't regulate the body temperature. They can be clearly seen in the night vision device.

"Stupid dogs, walk around behind these idiots to surprise them." Zhou Qingfeng said, and he ordered a few action team members to follow up. "Preparing warm-press rockets, I want to make these brainless The groceries know the cost to me. "

rpg-26 rocket launcher, Lao Maozi's military products, several good things rare in the Cuban arsenal. This bazooka is equipped with a warm-pressure bomb. Ordinary people are not suffocated and killed by a burst, but they are shocked to death by the detonation effect.

Within minutes, there was a quietness in the withered woods, and Frank's group, lacking electronics, became even more disturbed. The enemies in imagination did not rashly follow them, and they did not have dark vision like zombies while having a strong body.

"It's a little bad, we have to continue to retreat." Holding a m2hb heavy machine gun, 'Mutant' Frank whispered to his partner. It can only identify the target by moonlight, but it does not work well in the woods.

Several 'mutants' evacuated again and again, they still believe that with their strong physique and horrible firepower, no one can stop them. But at this moment, a wolf suddenly emerged from the woodland.

No, it's a dog!

How can there be dogs these days?

Under normal circumstances, even if a lion and a tiger saw a terrible 'mutant', they would be scared and turn around. But now the dog was attacking with a ‘wang’ sound. The speed was as fast as a thunderbolt. The dog ’s mouth was sharp, and its sharp steel teeth bit it up.

This is obviously not normal.

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