Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 575: No thanks!

Elder Joseph gasped, but calmed down, but even more puzzled. Analyzing from the situation seen by the men, this sudden emergence of armed convoys has quite mature and powerful logistics capabilities, which is very unusual.

The Brotherhood of Steel, which controls the northern United States, would not dare to say that the troops it sent would take a bath whenever they wanted to! Especially in this nuclear winter environment, still want to take a bath? It's good not to freeze to death.

"They have more than twenty vehicles, including a large-caliber howitzer, heavily equipped with heavy weapons. We better not conflict with them."

"The total number of them is more than a hundred. They are divided into two groups. The core personnel are equipped with high morale and a large number of handymen. I asked them and they seemed to be recruited from nearby settlements. "

"They occupy about five or six houses to the north of us, and then use these chains as the center to cut the surrounding trees with a chainsaw to build a camp. The work is completed in a few hours and it is very efficient."

The more information that was learned, the worse the expression of Elder Joseph. It seems that the other party has a long-term plan to accompany them, but the shelter has no way to deploy a large number of people outside for a long time.

The Granite Refuge originally could only house about 2,000 people to survive inside, but it was crowded with more than 5,000 people at most. With so many people crowding in the underground city, the living conditions are extremely bad. Drinking water in the shelters has become scarce, and even breathing is a problem.

In the closed environment of material deprivation, many inferior roots of human beings are constantly emerging. Various vicious incidents also continued to occur in the shelter, and eventually the population decreased to more than 4,000 before it stabilized. The disappearance of more than a thousand people was regarded as the tuition fees paid to build a refuge system.

If a defensive circle with a radius of two kilometers is to be deployed, more than a thousand people will be active on the surface. The shelter has to keep so many people from being frozen outside, and the extra food alone can't bear it.

"Don't worry, we are difficult, that team is more difficult. I don't believe how long they can stay outside." The next day, inside the shelter. Elder Joseph expressed his opinions at the Presbyterian Church. He was still confident in his own security.

Another elder asked, "Can we take the initiative to drive this group away?"

This is not easy. Elder Joseph shook his head. "The people in this convoy are very vigilant, and their mobility and firepower are very strong. The drones are always staring at us. If we rush, we will lose four or five hundred people.

Although the loss of four or five hundred people can also alleviate the pressure on the survival of the shelter, but the loss of so many backbones and soldiers is enough to seriously damage the shelter. In the end, the results of the discussions among the patriarchs were increased vigilance, let's look at the situation again.

"I believe that this team will not be able to stand for just a few days." Elder Joseph was very sure of this. "They are such a lonely team with so many people and they can't hold on for too long."

In order to confront the inexplicable armed convoy for a long time, Elder Joseph ordered the contraction of the defensive circle to reduce the ground alert population and reduce consumption. Then he waited for the other party to be unbearable and got out of his way.

But just wait until the next day, a shout came from the intercom, "Hey! The turtles in the shelter, I can make a deal for you."

"Go! I will never sell anything to you." When Elder Joseph scolded this sentence, he felt very relieved. He thought to himself, "Let you **** fight us, or obediently blow the cold wind outside."

But the intercom continued to shout: "I don't need your supplies. I just want to buy some people, for example, how about selling me a little population? I can use drugs or weapons for exchange."

Population changing medicine?

There is nothing in the sanctuary, that is, there is no shortage of people. In fact, the underground space on the fifth floor is overcrowded. In a crowded environment, more than half of the patients are severe, and medicines and medical equipment are scarce than food.

"We can exchange them one by one to ensure that you will not suffer losses and will not pose a threat to you." The walkie-talkie continued.

Elder Joseph had to seriously consider that there were a lot of dispensable people in the sanctuary. It didn't seem to be a loss-making business to trade these people for urgently needed medicines. After consulting with other elders, he decided to try.

A skinny woman was singled out, and with dull eyes she was pushed out of the shelter like a puppet. The soldiers in the sanctuary felt that this was just a tentative test. No one had thought that such a useless waste could be exchanged for valuable medicine. It would be good to know the exchange price of the population and medicine.

However, the Baltimore Action Team's way of doing things is always beyond the imagination of others. The person who comes to negotiate is a butcher. This ugly man did not get angry or yell after seeing a woman who was a trader. He was carefully examining the women After the physical condition, a detailed inquiry was made.

"What is your name?"


"Ms. Patty, what was your previous occupation?"

After a moment of silence, the woman's rigid brain thought for a long time before giving the answer, "I was an air controller at Baltimore Airport."

"Oh ... not many people in this profession. How many years have you been a controller?"

"fifteen years."

"Then you must have rich experience in airport aviation management. Your body is very weak, severe malnutrition, and a variety of chronic diseases. But it doesn't matter, a professional like you is actually very useful, and our airport just lack Professional management staff ~ www.readwn.com ~ After the butcher patiently asked, he stood upright and said to the **** staff: "This woman we want, we can pay for her medicines. What medicine do you need? Diarrhea should often be encountered in shelters. Norfloxacin or montmorillonite are good medicines. "

Really changing drugs? Shouldn't it be a joke!

Diarrhea is a seemingly insignificant disease, but it can easily kill people in the last days. In a closed environment like a sanctuary, once hygiene is not good, diarrhea can pull people to dehydration and die.

The butcher simply exchanged a box of norfloxacin for a sick woman who was about to hang out. When he left, all the soldiers from the shelter who had been escorted by the woman stayed, and no one thought that the transaction was so easily completed.

"Isn't this medicine fake? How could it be handed over to us so easily?" Several soldiers looked at each other, but they didn't know how to make a decision. They could only return to the shelter to hand in the medicine.

When returning to the shelter, several elders stared at the drugs being exchanged. Elder Joseph looked at the English label on the pill box and said in confusion, "A dying woman has changed the box of medicine that can save lives. Are there any problems in these guys' brains?"

Diarrhea is a common disease, and some people in the shelters have patients who have been pulled to the extremities. Norfloxacin is very effective in treating diarrhea and it works quickly. In order to seduce people in the sanctuary, the butcher specially gave away a box of montmorillonite powder. The two drugs were used in combination to restore several patients suffering from diarrhea within a few hours.

Seeing that several people in the sanctuary were saved because of this, the elders who deliberately came to see the effect were all greatly surprised-this exchange is really not a loss!

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