Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 59: First appearance of chaos

[Broadcast] Follow the "Starting School" and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who haven't snatched red envelopes after the Chinese New Year, this time they can show their skills.

"I need a vehicle now, manpower, and a base." Zhou Qingfeng called up a virtual projection of his armband computer and asked Lina Fox: "Do you think our base is better?"

"Do you have any alternatives?" Lena Fox asked. Because the killing caused by 'dog meat' is too bloody, the young lady is still in a state of expression, she feels her mind has been dizzy and cannot think.

"There are two places to choose from. One is the New York Police Headquarters on Crowe Avenue in Manhattan, where the building structure is sturdy, the space is large, and a lot of weapons and equipment are stored. The most important thing is that no one will rob us.

But the shortcomings of the police headquarters are also obvious, where food, water and fuel are lacking. And the space is too big, we can't defend just by the two of us.

Another place is the prison or island near New York. The prison and island are relatively independent areas. The internal facilities are relatively complete, so you don't need to worry about living supplies for the time being. But the disadvantage is that these places have owners. For example, thousands of prisoners are held in Rick Island prison. We can't handle it alone. "

Elina Fox is also thinking hard, "Maybe we can build a large cruise ship, the one with tens of thousands of tons. Large cruise ships have perfect living facilities, which can provide hundreds of people to live for a long time."

Zhou Qingfeng negates: "Maybe a long-term goal can find a cruise ship, but now we cannot rely on us to manipulate a cruise ship. You have lost all the relationships, and I am not familiar with this world at all. Now the most The important thing is to recruit a number of people. "

"Then choose the police headquarters. I don't want to go to the prison. At least there is no one at the police headquarters." Lina Fox hated the prison instinct.

Zhou Qingfeng sighed in his heart, he did not like prison too. But someone will definitely go to the prison to integrate the prisoners there and set up a large gang. It's scary to think about a mob gang of thousands or more who runs rampant to New York.

"Well, go to the police headquarters." Zhou Qingfeng nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, while the two were discussing their next whereabouts, the college students forced by Zhou Qingfeng to work as coolies began to make trouble. The task of these people is to move the various equipment and accessories in the Babylon Smart Lab to the mobile command vehicle, but after a few trips, the number is significantly reduced.

"What about the others?" Zhou Qingfeng asked angrily, he had eight coolies, but now there are only three left.

他们 "They fled ..., fled, and hid in the building. I advised them not to leave, but they said they did not want to be enslaved," said a fat man carrying equipment. Seeing his sweaty appearance, he was obviously not tired.

Zhou Qingfeng pouted her lips, and Lena Fox on the side sighed: "It seems we can't count on these college students, they are too selfish."

The Babylonian Intelligent Lab originally had more than sixty people, of which more than a dozen police and military personnel disappeared directly, and the remaining security personnel also fled. Zhou Qingfeng came out to recapture the gap in the command vehicle, and most of the remaining laboratory researchers fled.

Only Leizo, the lab director who was stunned by Caterina, and his two assistants were caught by Zhou Qingfeng. But the good news is that under the guidance of two assistants, the spare parts for 'dog meat' are basically collected.

"Okay, fat man, don't be afraid. Tell me your name."

"My name is Rom, Ernst Rom."

"Okay, Mr. Roma, you are now my appointed supervisor. You have the right to direct the rest to work." Zhou Qingfeng also handed a Glock 17 pistol to Roma, "if there is any People dare to flee and shoot him. "

Fatty Roma looked at the gun shoved into his own hand, tears falling from his crying face. He didn't run away because he was too scared, but now he has become the supervisor of the demons. When he turned around and looked at the other two companions who had not fled, he saw a little fear on his face.

"Well, Mr. Rom, get up and we have a bright future. Now we go to medical school, and the team needs some experienced biopharmaceutical researchers." Zhou Qingfeng took these men and went to Columbia University again. Medical Center.

Lina Fox, as the owner of the Fox Consortium, is familiar with New York's biopharmaceutical staff. With her guidance, Zhou Qingfeng directly arrested the most famous biopharmaceutical team at Columbia Medical Center.

Because there are so many people and supplies, Lina Fox has to drive a stolen truck to load supplies.

And where next? Zhou Qingfeng did not go directly to the headquarters of the police station. He led the team and drove back to the building of the Sacred Heart Church. With Lina Fox in, he still wanted to persuade the club's people to accept his command.

There are one or two hundred professionally trained personnel in the Church Friendship Association. There are cooks, waiters, security guards, and management staff. They are a team that can be used after taking over. Much stronger than Zhou Qingfeng's coolie from the campus of Columbia University.

On the way back to the Church building, Fat Roma looked dullly at Manhattan, which was already in chaos. The catastrophe began at 6 pm. It took a lot of time to move supplies and arrest people. It is now more than 10 o'clock after nightfall.

Because of losing the traffic police command, the signal light system is also messed up. Now several streets in Manhattan are almost blocked by various vehicles. A lot of overwhelmed people walk around the street and try to find a way home.

And this is just the sight you can see. Many people are trapped in the subway, and many people hide in various high-rise buildings when they feel that the form is not right. But over time, the situation will only get worse and worse ~ www.readwn.com ~ many people will be so stuck and die slowly.

The New York Police Department logo was on the mobile command vehicle, so many people ran to Zhou Qingfeng's car for help. These people rushed to beat the body, and the squealing sound scared everyone in the car.

"Damn cop, what the **** is going on? Why is no one in charge of traffic? I want to go home now, my wife and children are waiting for me to have dinner."

"I want to complain to you, you are wasting taxpayers' money. Report your sirens, and I want to see your boss."

下来 "Come down, I order you to come down immediately to deal with the problem. I must rush to the airport, but I have been trapped here for three hours."

In the turbulent crowd, the mobile command vehicle is almost like a flat boat, and it may capsize at any time. Zhou Qingfeng, who was unable to move forward, became very hot. He opened the window and opened fire with a rifle.

Suddenly, suddenly ..., after a burst of gunfire. Zhou Qingfeng shouted at the fleeing crowd with a big loudspeaker: "Idiots, I'm not a policeman. Whoever dares to block the road, I will kill anyone. Now follow my advice, and immediately leave Manhattan on foot and leave New York. This Is your only way out! "

Watching the fierce Zhou Qingfeng driving on the road again, and even directly driving away or crushing the vehicles that were blocking the road, Roma in the car with a grin on his face said to more than twenty people who were arrested: "I want us Not the worst person, it's better than staying on the street. "

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