Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 583: defeat

'Zombie' Bill stood among a bunch of human variants and raised his telescope to look at the Baltimore Action Team more than a thousand meters away. It is located on the top of a building, behind a pile of wild grass.

In fact, Baltimore is located on the plains, and there are no tall buildings in the suburbs, and the 'zombie' Bill can't see much. At most, the running crowd was hiding away from some solid buildings, and it said hoarsely, "This team responded very quickly, just like last time."

"It's normal to have a drone monitor, and the response is normal." Behind Bill, there were several other horrible zombies.

In the cold wind of the killing, these 'zombies' gathered together to add a bit of coldness. Their temperament and appearance are relatively neat, and they all look like bosses. One of them pointed his skinny finger at the sky, and a conspicuous drone was flying a few hundred meters in the air.

"No, I think this team is a bit familiar. The group I met with Frank the other day should be a group. I remember they had a large-caliber heavy artillery on board, causing heavy losses to my men." 'Zombie 'There was no expression on Bill's face, but its tone revealed a lot of information.

"That mutant Frank? Didn't you team up to defeat this team?" The leader of the "zombie" looked grim. There are ‘zombies’ who are good at planning and ‘mutants’ who are good at charge. Unless there is strong fortifications and strict defenses, or strong firepower, no human arm can fight them.

But "Zombie" Bill said with certainty: "Yes, Frank lost two of his men and was seriously injured. He hasn't recovered yet."

"Really?" Another leader of the "zombie" chuckled, "No wonder this team dared to march towards the urban area. When they saw the radiant rats we controlled, they did not immediately run away, but instead stuck on the spot. It seems we encountered a strength Strong team. "

桀桀 Laughter seemed to be contagious, and several other 'zombie' leaders followed. The Brotherhood of Steel has been trying to regain the city and get more supplies and equipment from the ruins. But the human armed forces failed to find a bargain in the battle against mutants.

It was only in the optimistic sneer of a few "zombie" leaders that Bill, who had originally spoken to remind him, was silent and motionless. It even retreated a little later, without crowding among other 'zombie' commanders, apparently in spectator mode.

In fact, Zhou Qingfeng's convoy did not leave the shelter long before it was discovered by mutant organisms in Baltimore. A single 'zombie' did not attack the convoy, but only issued a warning to other 'zombie' groups-a convoy of more than 300 humans was near the city.

For mutants with only destructive power, humans are food. ‘Zombies’ are slow in action. In order to eat a human team of three hundred people, it took three days to gather people. This is why they always engage in ambushes and sneak attacks, and they really cannot keep up with the prey.

However, when it was discovered that the human convoy stayed instead of escaping, the gathered zombies were even more excited. However, in the reminder of ‘Zombie’ Bill, when he learned that his opponent may have heavy artillery, other ‘Zombies’ did not take the liberty to launch attacks.

"We surround this convoy first and make sure they don't escape."

"You can launch a tentative attack first. Now it is not easy to recruit radiation rats, and let the attack team evacuate."

"Send some snipers to keep up and shoot the opposing commander and heavy weapon shooter if necessary."

The cold zombie is always calm. In order to obtain the maximum benefit, they carefully formulated an attack plan for Zhou Qingfeng's team. Multi-directional, multi-batch attacks, and even adjusted their own relationship to shoot black guns.

The preset positions on Zhou Qingfeng's side have not yet been completed, and the more than two thousand radiating rats really made them a little messy. More than 300 laborers were summoned back into the closed building to evade, and only more than 50 elite armed soldiers were ready to fight immediately.

"I used to hit cockroaches, but now I hit mice. What was the next time?" The butcher who was on the battlefield complained a few times. Next to him is Minsk, a two-meter-tall man holding a telescope in one hand and a remote control in one hand.

When seeing a dozen large radiating rats entering the attack position, Minsk lightly pressed the remote control button in his hand, and a mine suddenly jumped out of a ruin about 300 meters away.

The remote control thunder jumped suddenly at a height of about one meter five, and hundreds of steel **** exploded from the air, spraying downward in a cone shape, covering an area of ​​more than ten square meters.

This mine has a low charge, and the explosion is not loud, but a few radiating rats that pass through its attack range cannot carry the dense steel ball rain. Their shiny fur was instantly blown out of blood, some died instantly, and some squeaked and twitched.

The same explosion occurred in multiple directions of the preset position, and the building ruins and vehicle wreckage inside the position would automatically divert and gather the rats that rushed in. For radiant rats with mental retardation, ‘going by’ has become their subconscious behavior, which often brings them disaster.

"Last time I didn't have enough time to make arrangements to let those cockroaches rush into the stronghold. This time I didn't believe that a group of rats could rush into my position." The dull Minsk yelled a few times, and he and he trained The combat engineers continuously caused the laying of mines and explosives, which flew the flesh of the Radiant Rat rushing in.

The charge of a mine is 100 grams, the killing radius is 3 or 5 meters, and it is a thunderbolt. The explosion smoke produced is quite limited, and even the sound is not loud. But these landmines that are constantly jumping, stiffly blocked the radiating rats that came in like a tide, and actually broke into the position less than one tenth.

The more radiant rats die, the more the fur and the broken bones fill the pavement between the building ruins ~ www.readwn.com ~ The rat corpses are stacked and even a low wall is stopped at the edge of the position, emitting strong blood. odor.

Seeing this in the telescope, 'Zombie' Bill sighed heavily in his heart. Since the last hit, it has thought that humans may have adapted to the play of these mutant creatures, and the human regular army, which is extremely rich in weapon types and killing methods, will eventually win one-sided victory in battle.

It took more than ten minutes from the time when the attack from the control of the rat group was launched to the frustration of the attack, but it was only for the scene in front, and the commander of the zombies was unwilling. Someone screamed sternly: "Let the rest of the rats hide behind the corpse wall and dig in. Our number still has the absolute advantage."

But just after this, a warm-pressed rocket flew from hundreds of meters away, hitting a pile of rat corpses, and the violent explosion of air explosives created a dazzling fireball.

The scorching air waves will blow away all the corpses of rats, and after the impact comes, the rats will squeak and squeak with high temperature, and the bunkers that finally formed will disappear. Thousands of radiating rats' death shocks were resolved in the invisible, and the efforts of the zombies were wasted.

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