Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 596: Marcos

Although the short and fierce battle of life and death is over, the mutants who can be attacked obviously feel that Zhou Qingfeng is invincible. It looked at Zhou Qingfeng in front of it, and then looked at Katerina beside her, exhaling in her nostrils, and thought of playing again.

But Zhou Qingfeng held an electromagnetic rifle in his hand and pointed at the opponent's head, and said coldly, "For a monster like you, why should I give you another chance?"

"I'm not a monster!" The mutant roared and roared, his voice shaking back and forth in the building lobby. Only half of what it said, Caterina leaped and kicked her head again.

The strength of the biochemical thigh is not the same as that of the ordinary flesh and blood body. This mutant had originally suffered a severe blow from Zhou Qingfeng, and the jawbone had broken marks, and his mouth was covered with blood. Now being taught by the fierce girl again, the teeth that were almost bitten by the tongue were cut.

The mutant who fell to the ground again was still fierce, and when he roared, he jumped at Catalina. The fierce girl is just extremely powerful in her lower limbs, but her upper body is normal. As soon as the other party approached her, she immediately avoided it, but Zhou Qingfeng ushered up again and went straight for a punch.

With a bang, the two were equally divided, and no one could help. But Caterina already had an m24oB machine gun in her hand, and said coldly, "This guy is untamed and not a good target for captives. Forget it."

Look at the machine gun, and then look at the electromagnetic rifle. The mutant now fights and cannot win by himself, and escapes, but cannot escape. The only thing he scolds is: "Why do you kill me?"

"Just because you are an ugly monster that eats corpses and living people, God has not destroyed you, I will destroy you." Katrina did not have the slightest affection for the ugly mutants. Well, women always have special requirements for appearance.

But this mutant continued to growl: "I have eaten a corpse, but I have never eaten a living person. And that's because I can't find other food. I know you look down on monsters like me, but it's not my fault. .

I don't know what happened? And you guys are just luckier than me without mutation. If you are mutated, you will not be better than me. You have no right to judge me. "

After the unwilling roar, the mutant stared at Zhou Qingfeng. But after a while it calmed down and even lost momentum.

"Actually you're right, I'm an annoying monster." The mutant drew his head down and said in a deep voice, "Kill if you want to kill, I don't know why I still live? I hate myself now, hate myself Everything that has been done makes people feel sick. "

"God won't forgive me, I'm destined to go to hell. I have only one request. I want to stand dead to retain my last dignity." After that, the mutant stood upright and straightened. Back, even raised his head proudly.

"What's your name?" Zhou Qingfeng raised his rifle and aimed at the opponent's head.

"My name is Marco," said the mutant Aung.

With a flutter, the electromagnetic rifle hit a shuttle and went out. But the opposite mutant, Marco Shi, felt a hot air flowing through his ears. He looked back and saw bullets hitting the wall behind it, piercing a few small holes, "boy, what do you mean?"

"Since you want to die, don't mind answering a few questions, right?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

Mark Shi, who was generous to death, nodded and said, "Okay, you ask."

"Who is the leader of mutant humans in the city?"

"Captain Piano controls here."

"This colonel is also a mutant?"

"Yes, it can find us food, and we all listen to it. It is the nuclear submarine in the port that brought it."

"What does it do for you in the city?"

"Gather the supplies in the city and then transport them away. I don't know where the supplies are going?"

"How many subordinates does this colonel have?"

"More than 10,000 mutants, more than 20,000 'zombies', and many mutant humans also want to work with it. But the food it brings can only support so many people."

"Can you recruit as long as you have food?"

"Of course, we eat too much, and those who do n’t eat will become uncontrolled. Now whoever gives food is the boss."

"What about me? How about I give you food?"

As soon as this said, not only was the opposite mutant Marco still stunned, but even Catalina was stunned. The fierce girl said very unpleasantly: "Victor, shouldn't you want to recruit these evil-like guys? They are no longer human, they have committed countless crimes, and they cannot integrate into us."

Zhou Qingfeng didn't speak, he just took a chocolate bar out of his pocket and threw it to Marco Shi. The latter is stupid to take it. Each finger is the size of a carrot, and it is not good at tearing the wrapping paper of chocolate bars.

After a long time without success, Marco Shi simply stuffed the chocolate bar with the wrapping paper in his mouth, sighed after a few bites and said, "It's chocolate, this tastes so good!"

It said to Zhou Qingfeng again, "Even if you kill me, I will say" thank you. "This chocolate reminds me of how I felt when I was a human. The time was so good!"

After speaking, Marco Shi straightened up again, looking like death. But Zhou Qingfeng continued to ask, "You haven't answered me yet, would you like to accept me as the boss?"

Marco Shi nodded and shook his head. He looked at Caterina and said, "This lady is right, mutants are no longer humans. We have too many gaps and hatred between us ~ www. readwn.com ~ There is no way to recognize each other. "

"If we don't pursue mutual integration? I just want to hire some people to help me work. Just hire a soldier at the time, this is not an unacceptable thing." Zhou Qingfeng continued, there was sincerity between words.

"Victor, if you hire these people, don't expect me to cooperate with them. I believe not many people in the entire army can accept the mutation of humans." Katerina was tough, but she no longer opposed Zhou. Qingfeng hires mutants.

"Rest assured that I didn't expect any miracles, I just wanted to find someone to work with." Zhou Qingfeng explained to Caterina first, and then looked at the mutant Ma Keshi again.

Marco Shi was silent for a while and said, "Who are you? As a human being, you want to recruit mutants. Do you think we can trust each other?"

"I also feel a lack of trust between us, but you need food, and I need someone to help, that's enough. By the way, my name is Victor Hugo."

"Captain of the Aurora Corps?"

Before Zhou Qingfeng explained his identity, the opposite Marco shouted his name.

"How do I feel that people in North America are familiar with me? People often show great enthusiasm when they hear my name." Zhou Qingfeng poked his lips, he didn't like to be talked about by people.

"Of course, people in North America are familiar with you. You are a topic we often talk about. We are very clear about what you are doing in New York. You are often told in the Eschatology. Some people say that you are a hero, some people say that you are a villain, But no one dares to look down on you. "

Marco Shi said that he twisted a few times, "If you are really Victor Hugo, I think ... I can accept your recruitment." (To be continued.) 8 More exciting novels, welcome to visit Everyone Reading House

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