Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 602: Gather people's hearts

Compared to mutants who will be grateful as long as they have a full stomach, Mai Lang is a little harder to make. Δ This kid is addicted to drugs, spit and diarrhea to make himself dirty, and Zhou Qingfeng has to find someone to clean him by boiling hot water.

The boy managed to wake up from the drug addiction, looked up at Zhou Qingfeng weakly, and still shouted unconvinced: "The great Mai Langning would rather die, and he would not cooperate with low-level reptiles."

If the boy was a mutant, Zhou Qingfeng could stab him. He had too many drugs, and it was a weak chicken with poor quality. Not to mention hitting him, he had a high fever on the floor of the cabin, if it had been saved, it would have been hung up.

"In fact, your research is very good, and it is indeed very talented." Zhou Qingfeng held a stack of manuscripts, all collected in the cruise laboratory, and most of them were ideas from Mai Lang's brain.

"My greatness doesn't need you to admit it." Mai Lang leaned a little on the table, he turned his head, and saw dozens of zombies sitting beside him. Look at the surrounding environment. This is the restaurant of the cruise ship. It is very large and has been used as a conference room.

"Why don't you kill this guy?" Mai Lang asked the zombies around him. "Don't you long for flesh and blood?"

'Zombies' are not the same as 'Zombies'. These 'Zombies' are all high-end scholars before the mutation. Although physically desperate for flesh and blood, reason tells them to choose the right target even if they attack.

Defenseless against a class-level warrior wearing a ‘mechanical exoskeleton’, is it greasy?

Behind Zhou Qingfeng is a large screen on which is projecting the identity of all zombies before mutation. He now appears that although there is no academician-level bull, he is better known as the director of a large laboratory and the pioneer of the subject.

Zhou Qingfeng ignored the weak Myron and said to other 'zombie' scholars: "I hope you can cooperate with me and cooperate frankly. I respect your current living conditions, provide necessary living items and facilities, and protect Your life is safe and I hope you can work for me. How? "

"We have enjoyed the conditions you offered now. Why should we do it with you?" A 'zombie' scholar said politely.

All 'zombies' look awful in Zhou Qingfeng's eyes. He can't know who the other party is at a glance? However, these guys were wearing identification cards with their names on their bodies, talking to a more than eighty biology professors and subject leaders.

In general, it is rarely possible to directly conduct experiments and research, but the mutations become 'zombies'. Instead, these old scholars have lost the various old diseases that plagued them, and their brains are clearer. Anyway, they are old and ugly, but now they are just uglier. These guys don't care about it.

Compared with mutants who can be happy as long as they are full, these older guys with severely degraded bodies can work harder on their eyes. To put it plainly, none of them is a fuel-saving lamp. In order to deal with these people, Zhou Qingfeng can only talk to older people.

Academician Karen staying at the Granite Refuge is higher in status, fame, age, and so on than these zombies. The high-power radio and video equipment on the cruise ship can be connected after being powered on.

When the old Karen appeared on the projection screen, the right of speech was transferred from Zhou Qingfeng. For scholars, the name of the academician of the National Academy of Sciences is still very useful. Although the research fields of the two sides are different, they both agree with each other's status.

The restaurant venue was lively immediately, and various bargains continued. Zhou Qingfeng is sure now, it is really important to find the right person to communicate with. The “zombie” scholars in front of them are not unwilling to change their owners, they are just extremely distrustful of Zhou Qingfeng.

When Old Cullen was chatting with a group of "zombie" scholars, Mai Lang smiled and said, "Hey, Asian boy, do you think that this will make me yield? I don't care about the ostentatious old man, I won't recognize it. His authority, I still prefer the big breasted chick. "

Watching Mai Lang keep dying in front of himself, Zhou Qingfeng sneered and raised the manuscript and said: "You are very talented in biopharmaceuticals, which is better than any scholar on board. You can have this at your age Level is rare. But it's just rare, not a genius. "

For the arrogant genius, it is the most severe rebuke to say that he is a fool. But Mai Lang obviously didn't take Zhou Qingfeng's words in his mind, and just said lightly, "I don't count on you as being rude, because you don't understand my greatness at all."

"There is a really smart person who wants to give you a pointer or two." Zhou Qingfeng put down the manuscript, moved out a laptop, plugged in a USB flash drive to play a video after booting.

"There is no smarter person in this world than me." Seeing Zhou Qingfeng busy, Mai Lang is not dismissive. But when a picture of an old man appeared on the computer screen, the little one was a stun, and said in surprise: "Professor Arenzo? Isn't he dead?"

"The news is wrong, Professor Arenzo is not dead." Zhou Qingfeng lied. He went back to the real world, not only to get the mutants back a hundred tons of edible ladle water ~ www.readwn.com ~ he also took the current situation and troubles, Mai Lang's thesis and manufacturing 'Jite 'The details, as well as the next idea, told Professor Arenzo.

After Professor Arenzo spent three days carefully studying the current situation of Zhou Qingfeng, he first affirmed Zhou Qingfeng's concerns. It was indeed a wrong idea to bring the equipment to the real world. The remaining two months depended on him and Zhou Qingfeng has absolutely no way to get a large laboratory. Finding someone else to build a laboratory will definitely leak.

To make nTZ-49 in waste land, the key is to make Mailang, a biopharmaceutical genius, obedient. It is important to know that there are many types of refinement in biomedicine. Compared to Mai Lang, who is thinking about drugs and drugs, other zombies are not experts in this area.

And the best way to get Melange is to hit him in the area he is most proud of. This young man used his intelligence and wisdom to make drugs, but Professor Arenzo was also an expert in biopharmaceuticals. After absorbing a large amount of future knowledge, Professor Arenzo proposed an antidote to 'Jette'.

"No, it's impossible! There is no antidote for the" Jette "that I developed. As long as I take" Jette ", other drugs will not be able to replace it. My" Jette "is a universal stimulant, no one can Crack it. "

Myron was finally in a hurry. He always thought that 'Jette' was the greatest Ming. He just watched the recorded video. Professor Arenzao put forward his own ideas from the aspects of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, biochemistry and so on.

A well-organized idea worthless of the most proud achievements of the small. Experts are different. Mai Lang, who has not been Zhou Qingfeng, has been so stupid.

"Do you still think you are a genius?" Zhou Qingfeng shouted aside.

Myron wilted on the spot. (To be continued.) 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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