Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 607: There is pressure to be motivated

"Lin Sang, it's the most embarrassing job to collect the water. The matter will not even be done by garbage collectors. We are a regular Yakuza team. Please take back this order!"

"We can order regular food and beverages for you and guarantee that you are satisfied. Please don't torture us any more. This way, our life is really meaningless."

"Other Yakuza organizations now hate us for being boned in. They vowed to get rid of our embarrassed colleagues. We are afraid to go out at random, or even go home."

Yakuza of several Xintian formations wept and wept, even kneeling and begging in front of Zhou Qingfeng. If they can, they really want to hide their foundation in Tokyo abroad. But think about the site that you have struggled for more than ten or twenty years, and you really can't bear it.

But Zhou Qingfeng came out of the **** mountains and cried with him, "It ’s meaningless to pretend to be pitiful, and it is serious to work hard. You used to be tyrannical and do no evil, Yakuza, now it is just the pain of economic transformation Anyway, we have to bear a bit of humiliation.

By the way, the amount of swill water collected should be expanded two or three times, and the quality cannot be reduced. And one more thing, don't mix it up anymore, even if it's water. Selling this way is not good-looking, and it also affects appetite.

Although you lived in the Heisei era, do you want to show the showa man's spirit of building a great Japan? Collecting leftovers and leftovers can also be regarded as a sustainable exhibition, low-carbon and environmentally friendly. By the way, there are tens of thousands of dollars here. Take it, I'm very generous. "

You are a generous ghost!

If the laparotomy didn't hurt, several Yakuzas wanted to die.

Zhou Qingfeng talked nonsense, intimidating and enticing several members of the Xintian team to continue working. Watching a few unlucky Yakuzas coming home crying and leaving, he called a taxi on the side of the road to the University of Tokyo.

Professor Arenzo got his own laboratory at the university. With the help of the scientific information provided by Zhou Qingfeng, the research team he temporarily gathered has completed a number of small and exquisite experiments in the past week, which has continuously improved the morale and confidence of the entire team.

Zhou Qingfeng sneaked into the laboratory to find Professor Arenzo. The two knew each other in a safe house to watch the video he took from the wasteland. On the virtual projection of the laptop, there are a lot of scenes about the progress of the nTZ-49 project and wasteland life.

As the founder of the nTZ project, Professor Arenzo first has to answer various questions that Mai Lang encountered in reading materials and practical operations. Since the professor himself did not actually get nTZ-49, his answer took a long time and there was much speculation.

In addition to answering, the professor also drooled on various instruments and equipment in the cruise laboratory. Many things he has never seen before, but in terms of efficacy, it can greatly improve the experimental efficiency and expand the experimental depth.

And other zombies scholars sighed to the professor because the circle of high-end biochemical medicine is very small, and many of them live well in the real world, even knowing the professor himself. It is regrettable to watch them look abominable because of mutation.

After answering Mylan's various questions, time has passed, and Professor Arenzo is exhausted. He squeezed his forehead and said to Zhou Qingfeng, "Is the wasteland world really so scary?"

Zhou Qingfeng didn't speak, he just brought out the tragic picture of Baltimore being attacked by a nuclear bomb. These are taken with drones, and the scorched earth will make people shudder.

"So what is the mutation?" Professor Arenzo asked again.

Zhou Qingfeng shook his head. "The specific reasons are not clear. I have sent some mutant humans and creatures back to Havana under my control, and organized a professional to study them.

We initially judged that this was the release of biochemical warfare agents after the nuclear bomb attack, or the mutation caused by nuclear radiation, but the preliminary judgment after in-depth investigation was that there were human factors in it.

I was a little skeptical that ‘Inkray’ was behind the scenes, but I ’m also told that ‘Inkley’ was also badly damaged by a large number of mutants in the country. If given the opportunity, I want to investigate Colonel Piano, who controls Baltimore. There may be another mysterious organization hidden behind this person. "

"Can you give me a copy of these mutant species?" Professor Arenzo suddenly asked. "Maybe I can crack the secret of the mutation."

"No." Zhou Qingfeng sneered, "I will not take a huge risk to bring samples that may cause biological mutation. A waste soil is enough, I don't want to make the world a mess now."

"That's the same." Professor Arenzo nodded slightly, and he said again: "If all goes well, what are you going to do with the equipment in the cruise lab after nTZ-49 is manufactured?"

Looking at the professor's hope, Zhou Qingfeng still shook his head. "I will find a way to transport this batch of equipment to Havana or take it to the 'Radiation Biochemical Laboratory'."

The professor shrugged and asked, "So what about me? Wouldn't it be better for me to conduct follow-up research?"

"You can go to my 'Radiation Biochemistry Lab'."

"But I can't go, cIa's people are staring at me."

"Then I can only say I'm sorry."

Zhou Qingfeng's eyes were suddenly indifferent, and Professor Arenzo raised the volume again and shouted: "Hey, you can't do this, you are setting me aside. I am the true founder of the nTZ project."

But Zhou Qingfeng remained indifferent, just staring at each other coldly, even sneer. After a long silence, Professor Arenzo sighed, "You are resentful that I did not remind you that the equipment will not be able to start the production of nTZ-49 immediately, right?"

After being silent for a while, Zhou Qingfeng said, "I didn't expect a stubborn old man to work for me wholeheartedly by relying on only a few words, some information, and a story. But I hope you can make it clear, If I die, I won't give you any benefit.

I am the leader of the whole thing, and I hope you will consider it for me, and then for yourself. I know that Americans emphasize self and advocate freedom, and I do exactly the same. I hope you can think about how to better serve me ~ www.readwn.com ~ work for me. "

After saying this, Zhou Qingfeng left, leaving Professor Arenzo to stay in place. After staying there for almost half an hour, the professor wanted to understand that he did not have the ability to bargain with Zhou Qingfeng at all.

Myron is indeed a genius, and the 'zombie' scholars are not stupid. From the progress and depth of their reading and assimilation of the nTZ project materials, even without the guidance of Professor Arenzo, they should be able to remain The preparation of nTZ-49 is completed.

In fact, Professor Arenzo has not completed nTZ-49 by himself, and he is inferior to Myron in many aspects. However, Professor Arenzo is inseparable from Zhou Qingfeng at this moment. He has seen the future situation of his own research, and is really unwilling to spend a lot of time and energy, risking failure and returning to his old path. He needs Zhou Qingfeng's valuable future information.

This is like knowing that you can cross the ocean by plane and spend a dozen hours flying directly from China to the United States. Is it necessary to make a small slab to break into the sea full of wind and waves?

Professor Arenzo experienced insomnia all night, and finally got up and sat at his desk to write letters to his friends, colleagues, and students. He decided to increase his own chips. He decided to expand his team. He wanted to create a world-class biochemical medical research team, and by then, he would definitely blast the **** in the 'Radiation Biochemical Lab'.

What about nTZ-49, there is nTZ-5o to be broken at the back. Professor Arenzo determined that Zhou Qingfeng was very interested in nTZ at 5o stage. His first letter was written by Professor Kelvin who has won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and has also prepared nTZ-49.

A great god-level research portfolio is about to emerge. (To be continued.) 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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