Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 63: convince

[Latest News] Tomorrow is 515, the anniversary of the starting point, and the day with the most benefits. In addition to gift bags and schoolbags, this "515 Red Envelope Frenzy" must be seen. There is no reason why red envelopes can't be grabbed. Set an alarm clock.

"Well, Zogel, don't be stupid! Take your people to the hospital to find a few ambulances, and load all the medicines and equipment in the emergency room. If necessary, ask these nurses. They are Professional. Ask them to follow us by the way! "

Zhou Qingfeng carried the nurse Nancy, who could not be scolded, and walked out. The big man Zogel immediately woke up and shouted, "Mr. Hugo, you are so smart. You are a symbol of wisdom. Chaos In the world, medicine is always scarce. It ’s more practical to grab a hospital than a bank. This is a really good idea! "

Zogel's horse fart is still so unskilled, Zhou Qingfeng heard his eyes roll straight. But this big man's excited opponent shouted, "Everyone, have you heard Mr. Hugo's order? Go and find an ambulance. How dangerous the outside world is, I think you all see it, if anyone does If you don't work hard, I will definitely fire him. "

Mr. Zogel's ability to fake tigers and tigers was perfect, and he quickly found six hospital ambulances under his command. A large number of medicines and medical equipment began to be loaded on vehicles, along with those nurses.

Zhou Qingfeng found a large truck from the hospital's underground garage and loaded a total of seven police motorcycles. He also grabbed several strong nurses from the hospital and forced them to evacuate the hospital kitchen.

It took more than an hour for the party to return to the club building of the Sacred Heart Church again. During this period, the nurse Nancy caught by Zhou Qingfeng has been trying to escape and desperately kicked and cursed him.

So when Lena Fox, who was staying in the clubhouse, saw Nancy **** with her hands and feet and her mouth shut, she couldn't help laughing and asked, "Victor, what are you doing?"

"This is Ms. Nancy. She is a good nurse." Zhou Qingfeng threw the purring angel in white on the sofa in the lobby of the club. I got a few ambulances, a lot of medicines and a few nurses. "

"Okay, I'll register these people and supplies." Lena Fox is very satisfied with the efficiency of her companions. The so-called 'food in your hand, don't panic in your heart', as long as there are sufficient personnel and materials, there is nothing terrible in the last days. As for Nancy's resistance and dissatisfaction, it was all clouds. "By the way, you better meet Dr. Rezzo and Professor Kelvin."

"Who?" Zhou Qingfeng asked strangely.

"Dr. Rezo is the director of the Babylon Intelligence Lab. Professor Kelvin and his staff are top medical research teams at Columbia University Medical Center. They were all caught by you." Lena Fox shrugged, "I work hard Reassure them, but they insist on seeing you. "

I went to the police headquarters to investigate the situation, and it took nearly four hours to go back and forth. Zhou Qingfeng was also a bit tired. Although it's almost dawn now, he went to talk to two researchers, hoping that they can settle down.

First is Lei Zuo, a doctor in computer and life sciences who is a stubborn man in his forties. The moment he saw Zhou Qingfeng, he yelled, "You are a crime, you are a crime! You are stealing the property of the US military, which is absolutely intolerable."

Dr. Lei Zuo's laboratory was originally full of talents, but now his laboratory has been moved by Zhou Qingfeng in addition to two equally unlucky assistants. Zhou Qingfeng deeply understood his anger, but did not want to get used to his temper.

"Doctor, do you remember how you were fainted?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

Upon hearing this question, Dr. Lei Zuo felt a headache in his head. At that time, Katerina forced him to ask for the serial number of the ‘dog meat’ biochemical brain, but he refused to say it. So he was concussed by the impolite girl.

"Doctor, I hope you can be quiet. Now that the Internet, TV, and various media are still available, you need to know what the outside world has become? I hope you accept my protection and work for me. If you Obstinate to fight, I can only say that I do not raise useless people. "

Zhou Qingfeng left this sentence, and Shi Shiran left. The angry Dr. Lei Zuo was full of words, but was stunned by him, and he was not angry.

The relatively grumpy Dr. Lei Zuo, Professor Kelvin was much calmer. This professor has won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and is a world-class in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

When the two met, Professor Kelvin was kind and asked Zhou Qingfeng to sit down. "Young man, I don't understand why you kidnapped an old man like me. I'm not a doctor, I'm doing research and can't help you."

Zhou Qingfeng didn't talk too much nonsense. He directly turned on the armband computer, called up the NTZ-49 data, and said, "Do you know this thing?"

The chemical composition of NTZ-49 is displayed on the virtual projection, and there are a large number of biological experiment reports. Professor Kelvin frowned immediately after simply reading the information, "Ah ... it turned out to be Arenzo's research. He is a genius and I have been looking forward to his success. But as far as I know, he has been died."

Zhou Qingfeng highlighted part of the NTZ-49 mouse experiment report, saying, "When I confronted the police at the Xiacheng Hospital, I accidentally broke into the Arenzo Super Energy Pharmaceutical Laboratory and drank the NTZ-49. Of stock solution.

As you see, I am strengthened. According to the results of the mouse experiment, if I do not continue to take the drug, I will probably not live for a month. Now I need someone to reconfigure the new NTZ-49 stock solution and perfect the formulation of this medicine to achieve harmless results. "

原来 "You originally wanted me to do this." Professor Kelvin said with a smile: "I can reconfigure the NTZ-49 stock solution for you, but it is impossible to develop a harmless NTZ-50."

"But Mr. Arenzo seems to have found a way before he died ..." Zhou Qingfeng wanted to talk about what he had learned. However, Professor Kelvin shook his head and said, "Young people, the strengthening of the human body can not be achieved at no cost. If NTZ such a powerful drug can really be realized ~ www.readwn.com ~ the foundation of the entire medical research will be overturned . "

"Well, at least help me make NTZ-49 stock solution first." Zhou Qingfeng knew nothing about medicine and pharmaceuticals. He had no intention of arguing, only to ensure the supply of medicines. "I brought all the equipment and materials of the Arenzo laboratory, just in the building's underground parking lot. If you have any needs, I will definitely satisfy them."

Professor Kelvin nodded very cooperatively as a promise, and Zhou Qingfeng rose to leave. But when he was about to leave the room, the professor suddenly asked, "Mr. Hugo, I want to ask you a question. Is the confusion outside the real thing? I'm a little too unbelievable to believe my eyes."

"it is true."

"A lot of people will die, right?"


"Now New York's external traffic is interrupted, right?"

"Can't say it's completely interrupted, but it's definitely not as convenient as it used to be."

"May I ask you to do me a favor if necessary?" Professor Kelvin seemed a little embarrassed and hesitant, but he still asked.

"Of course you can." Zhou Qingfeng asked the professor in front of him, "What do you need me to do?"

Professor Wu Ke didn't make his own request directly, but shook his head, and said doubtfully: "I haven't thought about it yet, let's talk about it later."

PS.5.15 It ’s raining red envelopes at the "starting point"! Starting at 12 noon to grab a round every hour, a big wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You all grab it, and grab the starting currency to continue to subscribe to my chapter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mobile users please read.

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