Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 617: Full of incense

Zhou Qingfeng left Ishii's main dojo with ten laptops. Halfway he changed his samurai clothes to normal casual clothes, put on sunglasses and a baseball cap again, and took a taxi back to Hashimoto's sushi restaurant.

The sushi restaurant still had the door closed, and it hadn't opened for the past two days. The opposite Judi Flower Shop seemed to be thriving and people coming and going. When Zhou Qingfeng appeared next to his computer, he saw that Mr. Ju Di was greeting customers in the small yard of his flower shop.

"Ju Di Sang, bother. How is Hashimoto's situation now? We all care as neighbors?"

"Ju Di Sang, I haven't seen Hashimoto in the past two days. Shouldn't something terrible happen to their family?"

"It's a tragedy. It is said to have offended even more terrible forces. I'm afraid the Hashimoto family is in danger of escape."

Mr. Ju Di and the customers whispered in a whisper, and when Leng Buding saw Zhou Qingfeng popping up, it was a stun. He seemed to want to say hello, but in the end he pretended not to see it, and even turned his back and refused to answer it.

"Seeing that, the Chinese is here again. He was driven away by Hashimoto Jiro two days ago."

"Ah ... he's the one who caused everything? How can such a guy come back?"

"Let's go now, so as not to cause any trouble."

Listening to the rumblings in the flower shop, Zhou Qingfeng only buzzed when the flies were buzzing. He reached out and patted the sushi restaurant's store door. The store door was locked and didn't mean to open halfway. In the flower shop opposite, a group of people stretched their necks and looked.

Regarding the situation outside the door, Mr. Ju Di just wanted to make a comment, but when he heard the sound of a bang, the shop door across was kicked and fell down.

Ah ... how could that guy be so violent?

Zhou Qingfeng stepped on the fallen facade and saw that the shop had no lights, the light was dim, and the air was quite dull. Nanako and Kyoko didn't seem to be there, and Mr. Hashimoto Jiro sat down in front of the stage, drinking and sulking.

Pop ... The power switch in the store was pressed and the lights turned on. Zhou Qingfeng went to Hashimoto Jiro, reached out and swept the pile of wineware to the side, and then found a mobile phone and called a news announcement in front of the other party.

As if Hashimoto Jiro was ten years old, he looked up slightly as if he only saw Zhou Qingfeng, and said with a numb expression: "I'm finished, not only is it going to be financially bankrupt, but my reputation has become a laughingstock. Yesterday all my neighbors ran Come to comfort me, but I don't need their comfort, I know they are laughing at me! "

The Japanese seem to be courteous, but their tempers are too aggrieved. No matter what is good or bad, they all have a smiley face, and if there is anything they can't stop, they will completely collapse or even commit suicide.

"Look at the news." Zhou Qingfeng brought the mobile phone screen to Hashimoto Jiro. Just an hour or two after he returned, the Ishii Association had released information to inform everyone that the third generation of Ishii Katsuo had a stroke and the fourth generation of Mejima Tianguo had already taken office.

"I don't want to see it." Hashimoto Jiro's eyes fluttered, and he usually only wailed with the savage dog. He didn't even have the energy to scold Zhou Qingfeng, although he was extremely reluctant to see the young man in front of him.

"I advise you to have a look."

"But I don't want to see it."


To be honest, such waste people are really rare. Forget about it a little bit, and suffered a blow immediately. Zhou Qingfeng had to read the news out, "..., Chairman Ishii Katsuo couldn't be a director due to a stroke, and Shimada Kokumitsu succeeded as chairman ..."

no response…….

"Hey! Could you please cheer up?" Zhou Qingfeng was also suffocated, and finally managed to smooth things out. The guy in front of him looked like this frosting eggplant. If it weren't for his own life and death, he really didn't want to care about such people.

"Who is Masao Ishii? Who is Kumida Shimada? What do they have to do with me?" Xu was yelled by Zhou Qingfeng's big voice, and Hashimoto's eyes finally turned one or two, but he said But then he could kill Zhou Qingfeng.

Feelings Your finger was cut by someone, but you do n’t even know who forced you to break it? Zhou Qingfeng also wanted to make a few more yells to wake up Hashimoto Jiro completely, but two people were fought down from the second floor of the sushi restaurant. Hashimoto Nana and her mother Kyoko hugged each other in front of him.

Seeing it was Zhou Qingfeng, Hashimoto Nana rushed over and rushed into the man's arms. Followed by even Kyoko came to tears, a look of comfort, so he also came over to hand.

It was just this encounter that meant that both the mother and daughter were choked by Zhou Qingfeng. Hashimoto's crying didn't feel so loud, but Kyoko was instantly blushing and reached out to block Zhou Qingfeng's chest. But just then, for a second, the mature woman was silently crying against the man's shoulder.

Aha ... I seem to have done something terrible? !!

This jade was full of surprises, but Zhou Qingfeng was a little dazed. His first thought was-what is Hashimoto Sang doing? He seems to be less than three meters behind me, shouldn't he already have a kitchen knife?

Looking back, Mr. Hashimoto Jiro was staring blankly at the ceiling. Ignorance of things close at hand.

Huh ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Qingfeng Dasong sighed and whispered quickly: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, I've got someone from the Ishii Association."

Ah ... Kyoko was secretly sad at first, realizing that the current troubles couldn't be solved immediately, she just wanted to rely on, to be comforted. How could she know that Zhou Qingfeng said ‘get it’ lightly, she could n’t believe it and asked again, “Is there any problem with the Ishii Club?”

"Yes, no one will come to oppress you, and no one will bully you. The original three generations of Ishii will be abolished by me, and the new four generations have promised not to embarrass you again." Zhou Qingfeng said affirmatively.

Even Hashimoto Nana slowly raised her head. The sudden good news made the girl speechless. She could only make a sound of "嗬 嗬 嗬" in her mouth, but the excited expression on her face was about to swell and bulge. His **** are constantly undulating because of intense breathing.

"Union sauce, you are really the best." Hashimoto, who was still frightened, finally managed to breathe and immediately recovered his vitality. He was holding on to Zhou Qingfeng's neck and desperately kissed him.

It was only then that Kyoko realized how embarrassing it was for a man to be on his waist, and he took a step back and wanted to get rid of it. Just when the two were separated, Zhou Qingfeng was being blinded by the girl's crazy kiss, feeling that Kyoko was leaving, thinking that the other party would fall down and hurry up.

This arrest made Kyoko who wanted to leave unable to get rid of her, and even pulled it hard, and fell again in Zhou Qingfeng's arms. When Uncle Zhou discovered that something was wrong and wanted to make an apology, he saw that the woman was staring at him in shame.

A mature and passionate woman really speaks with every look, and she has a beautiful appearance with a thin and charming appearance, which makes people's heart beat more often. It's called Mei!

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