Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 625: Fighting Mutants

"That ..., Lin Sen. Ω I will call you Lin Sen." In an ordinary bar in Tokyo, Xiao Jinlang led Zhou Qingfeng to a mysterious guest. "This is the National Defense Department. Comrades of the Working Committee came here specifically for what you promised. "

Except for Xiao Jinlang, neither Zhou Qingfeng nor any mysterious visitor disclosed his true face. He could see that the other side was covered with gelatin, and his voice even changed when he opened his throat.

After the person from the National Science and Technology Commission and Zhou Qingfeng shook their hands gently, Shen said, "We have been told that you can get the confidential information of the US F35 fighter and the 'Ford' aircraft carrier. I have come to understand the situation and conduct Explained. "

For this meeting, Zhou Qingfeng was somewhat inexplicable. He asked in return: "What's so good about this? I'll send you the information in a few days, or I won't have to."

I'll deliver it in a few days. When you go to the city to buy a cabbage!

Comrades from the National Science and Technology Commission were very upset, but said with patience: "For such confidential information, even if it can be obtained quickly within a few months, or even within a few years, we can wait for it. Up.

I mainly explain that those aspects are what we urgently need now, such as the F35 combat power radar and communication system. This information will help us understand the performance of this US imperial fighter, ... "

"Wait, you guys can help me a lot this time, I'm grateful. But I don't know much about technology. But since you are interested in radar, how about I send you a F35c radar in a few days? Here? Even if it is my return to you. "

After Zhou Qingfeng finished speaking, he turned around without leaving a crap. It's not that he doesn't respect the other person, but that he can't communicate with the other person. He doesn't understand a lot of things that the other person says.


Such words appeared in the heart of the National Science and Technology Commission. He glanced at Xiao Jinlang as a middleman, and his eyes were full of doubt. Because Zhou Qingfeng has a very high level of confidentiality, the people who know his deeds are extremely limited, let alone know others.

Xiao Jinlang also smiled bitterly and could only comfort himself: "After a few days, this person has always been like this, but his feasibility of speaking is still very high."

"I don't believe he can actually get me the F35c's radar. The Americans have done a great job protecting their own defense secrets. If they can get it casually, the US Secretary of Defense can resign. To Zhou Qingfeng, the people from the National Science and Technology Commission are totally disbelieving.

However, Xiao Jinlang himself thought that Zhou Qingfeng seemed to just get the American's secret communication machine casually, and stuffed it into his helicopter.

And Zhou Qingfeng came out of the meeting place, and it was nothing. He shook off his intelligence personnel who followed him to the freighter safe house in the port, and took the leftovers from the Xintian team to the wasteland.

Zhou Qingfeng appeared in the warehouse of the cruise laboratory. The space here is huge, and a large number of corpses feeding the mutants were originally piled up. Now the corpses have been cleared out, and they are full of more than a hundred vats brought by him.

At the door of the warehouse was Katerina, the gatekeeper. In Huanniu's opinion, Zhou Qingfeng was just a momentary back and forth, and the empty warehouse had more than ten tons of food. She walked to a vat and frowned and asked, "What about my lunch?"

"The blue vat has the most quantity, but the lowest quality. The yellow is the middle level, and the red is the best. I specifically ordered to pack the food that has not been touched at all." Zhou Qingfeng walked to a red vat and opened it. The lid took out a box of chicken drumsticks. "Let's eat while it's not freezing hard."

The nuclear winter temperature of the waste soil is slowly rising, but the temperature in the cargo hold is still below zero, and the food will be frozen in minutes. Katrina stunned half of the roast chicken, and the remaining half was hard enough to kill.

"Well, I have to get a stove to heat it up. I don't have the tough teeth and strong occlusal muscles of mutants." Katrina sighed and dropped half a chicken. Only those mutants who can deal with frozen food can deal with frozen food directly.

Zhou Qingfeng got a trailer and pushed out two buckets of blue low-grade food. It was his task to feed the mutant every day. When asked about the source of food, he always said that he came from a shelter outside the city.

In addition to Marcos, the mutants on the cruise have been held separately in a row of crew quarters. These gigantic guys ate and slept every day, feeling like they were living a good life with dung-making machines.

As long as you have a full stomach, mutants will not make trouble. They have been detained for three or four days, and they have been very quiet. Only when Zhou Qingfeng delivers food will he squeeze to the cabin door.

"Thank you, Lord Corps." The mutants grabbed large chunks of frozen food directly from the plastic vats. They would eat a dozen kilograms of food at one meal, and the digestive system was powerful.

"Captain Hugo, can I make a request?" A mutant asked.

"You say." Wearing Qinghua Exoskeleton, Zhou Qingfeng was not afraid to face these powerful fighters face to face.

"We asked Marcos that it won your trust. It was nothing against Colonel Piano. Www.readwn.com ~ We can see that you can feed us. And we are not afraid of death, we are not afraid of fighting , And we want to earn your trust. "

After eating for several days in a row, the most immoral mutants also felt that Zhou Qingfeng was really interesting. In order to keep eating, they didn't want to go back to Colonel Piano at all. They wanted to work with Zhou Qingfeng.

"We can also go to the trouble of Colonel Piano, kill a few people, destroy its important facilities, and disrupt its plans. These things can be done. My name is Pach, and I hope to follow your Majesty. "Said the mutant.

Zhou Qingfeng nodded slightly, but he didn't promise anything immediately, "I will consider your request, I think you all have the opportunity to fight for me like Marcos. But you bear with me now and let me finish my current work . "

"Thank you, and thank you for listening to me. Life is good for us now, and we are happy to be patient." The mutant Pach retreated back to his cabin, very honest.

After equalizing the food, Zhou Qingfeng found Mark Shi as the caretaker and asked: "I said silly big man, do you think we should do something?"

In recent days, the Baltimore Operation Team has been harassing the city. Zhang Hong drove his T-62a to make troubles and destroyed Colonel Piano's assembly operations several times. But there are various indications that the mutants in the city have already launched a large-scale attack on the shelter in Granite.

Regarding Zhou Qingfeng's problem, Mark Shi, two meters and three heads, said without hesitation: "Go and stab them and pick up the bitches. I can lead the team to join in. The mutants on the boat are willing to do it with me. We can teach the pianian, who is a bitch, hard. "

"I would like to arrange a task for you, but by no means do hard work." Zhou Qingfeng had a plan in mind. 8

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