Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 643: What about my nuclear submarine?

In terms of the ability to attack, no one in the world can match Zhou Qingfeng. Δ The ability to be “excellent” allowed him to gain a huge advantage. A one-second freeze would completely make the opponent lose its resistance and could only become a prey for his slaughter.

In order to kill the opponent as low-key as possible, and in order to break the mutant's strong muscles and hard bones, Zhou Qingfeng attacked from the back and stabbed the m9 dagger into the back of the last mutant soldier.

The mutant's brain is more than double the size of an ordinary person, and the bald head is full of sarcoma. Their skin is so tough that they can't even make a small opening in it without resorting to extreme violence.

Zhou Qingfeng has extremely violent means, and twice his strength is strengthened four or five times by the 'mechanical exoskeleton'. He can feel the strong power burst from the high-power micro-motor. If he hadn't had enough tough bones and muscles, his own hands would have been broken by reaction forces.

Under the action of the explosive force, the sharp blade penetrated the brain of the mutant, and stung in. It wasn't too much to enter, Zhou Qingfeng was still turning around, trying to expand the wound and become more lethal.

But a jingle sounded, the dagger made of high-strength alloy steel actually broke under huge torque. The attacked mutant's brain was too thick and he couldn't open it. However, this is already fatigued, and the opponent can only fall down with a roar.

After a second of stagnation, Zhou Qingfeng killed a mutant, and he jumped at another target. The 'dog meat' behind him was even more fierce. He bit the back of a mutant warrior with one mouth, and the alloy steel's fangs and teeth quickly snapped together. The huge force directly bit the other's spine, causing the opponent to hum. They fell without a hum.

Six to the second, the front side Marcos is also violently attacking his opponents, and his two subordinates are also entangled in one person for hand-to-hand combat. The middle mutant, however, reacted. Zhou Qingfeng failed to suppress it for a while, and only watched it shake his hand and grabbed his heavy machine gun before firing.

With a faint drink, he flew across Zhou Qingfeng's side like a thunder, and struck the mutant's head with a kick. The guy's head was bent ninety degrees to the side of his shoulders immediately, and there was more blood on his temples, and he spewed the bleeding foam outward.

Caterina came after her, kicked her feet and bounced into the air before turning lightly. Blood was also dripping from her heavy boots, and a steel spike with a thick finger was slowly retracting from the tip of the shoe. The fierce girl was soaring, but few people could stop it.

With an iron finger cuff, Marco shattered his opponent's head with heavy punches. But look at Zhou Qingfeng's killing people faster and harder than himself, he said unconvinced: "Head, if you don't look at the appearance, you are simply a mutant among the mutants."

"Not cruel enough, how can I calm you?" Zhou Qingfeng waved his hand, and the remaining two mutant warriors with resistance and stubbornness also fell quickly.

"It's true. People who can't win me, I always disagree." Marco Shiji nodded his head, "Head, what you say always makes sense."

Zhou Qingfeng looked at the time again, and Shen Sheng said, "Come and go wiring. Which colonel can't get a reply from his staff will soon be suspicious again. There will not be only six enemies next time."

In fact, the strange situation in the city made Colonel Piano's mind very confused, but the 'zombies' around it remained calm. A 'Zombie' deputy reminded: "Colonel, maybe we should send another team to see the situation at the nuclear submarine pier."

The dock where the nuclear submarine is docked has not been moving for a long time. It should be said that even if the people over there do not report the situation, they should ask on the radio exactly how the battlefield is playing? But in fact, no news has been heard since the start.

Colonel Piano finally realized that there was a problem. The recent battle might just be a cover-up. It was possible that its nuclear submarine was out of order. "

The Colonel's m6oa1 tank has only a few remaining. Although the clumsy 'zombie' tanker is a little bit worse, it can still be done as a shield top.

Just two or three kilometers away, dozens of tons of tanks crunched open, and the ground was shaking with the sound of rumbling motive. Looking at those thick pipes of more than one hundred millimeters, Zhou Qingfeng did not dare to have any luck.

More than 3,000 mutants dealt with Zhou Qingfeng's mechanized company, and they all suffered heavy injuries. Now that the form has been changed, he is a good place to fight the tank. "Which colonel is not slow. Everyone evacuates and exits the dock. We have to leave."

"But we haven't finished the line yet," Marcos said apologetically.

Looking at the tank approaching a distance of one thousand meters, where can Zhou Qingfeng care about wiring and wiring? He jumped directly from the observation post and hurriedly commanded: "Just throw the cable out, don't set up a grid."

In response to this order, the mutant mercenaries threw away the long cable, and then ran away. This caused a large number of high-voltage cables to be dropped in several streets near the nuclear submarine dock.

Colonel Piano was standing on an m6oa1 tank. It had seen several mutant human bodies lying on the ground, and could confirm that his most valuable nuclear submarine had landed in the hands of the enemy.

"Damn asshole!" Think about the importance of which nuclear submarine, the Colonel's exasperated thunder, "Jia ~ www.readwn.com ~ Canada, those **** can't go far, we still have the opportunity to take back the nuclear submarine."

In the Colonel's imagination, the enemy should revolve around his nuclear submarine like a messy ant, but the high-precision equipment of the nuclear submarine has its special characteristics, and it is not for professionals to try to start it.

"Assholes, don't let me catch you. If you catch me, you will be bombarded ..., boom ..., boom ..." Colonel Piano did not bang for a long time, it held power. The huge m197 single-barrel gun stood behind a leading tank turret and turned around a corner to see the nuclear submarine pier.


"Where is my nuclear submarine? Where did the 8,000-ton nuclear submarine go?" Colonel Piano looked left and right, but there was no ghost in the air over the dock. It was full of anger, nowhere, like a full-strike attack on cotton, so it didn't spit out a spit of blood.

"Did we come to the wrong place?" Colonel Piano saw the transmission grid set up next to the dock. "Yeah, I set up this transmission grid next to the nuclear submarine dock to supply the city's electricity. But now ... "

His Excellency Colonel's eyes looked down a thick cable, and saw that this cable, which should have been sent by a nuclear submarine, was submerged in the water. And in the water ...

The colonel hurriedly looked into the distance, and two or three kilometers away saw the 'Georgia', which was running out like a snail. The hull and bridge above the water were too obvious. "My nuclear submarine was actually driven away. Anymore ?! "

This is really a ghost!

And Zhou Qingfeng was hiding not far from the pier at this moment. As soon as the enemies were in place, he immediately shouted on the radio: "Power up Lao Tzu, the nuclear submarine has nearly 30 megawatts of electricity. I don't believe in electricity. Helping the iron bastards! "(To be continued.) 8 More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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