Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 648: Who can surrender?

"This is the Jett made by Myron?" In a lab at the University of Tokyo's medical department, Professor Arenzo in a white coat twisted a small pill and looked at the light in an interesting way.

"To be exact, the second version of Jeter, I have roughly read the experiment records of McLean, and he integrated multiple technologies in the project into Jeter's manufacturing process.

This thing should be an enhanced version of 45, which brings a stronger psychological pleasure. The huge difference between it and drugs is that the user is awake after eating, the brain activity is increased by 2%, and the thinking ability is improved to a certain extent, but it is extremely addictive. "

Zhou Qingfeng travels back and forth between the two worlds each time, often bringing a small large-capacity card, which is light in weight but can store a lot of information. He has begun to selectively copy a part of the technical information more than ten years later into the real world. But he didn't think about how to use this information, because the rash use will only cause him great trouble.

Among the electronic information brought this time, there are the technical details of McLean's manufacture of Jet, which were selected for inspection by Professor Arenzo. For any information coming from the future, Professor Arenzo attaches great importance to it. Instead of looking at it roughly like Zhou Qingfeng, he spent a few hours carefully browsing it.

"In just ten years, many technologies have been innovated, and I can't understand some of them." After reading the professor, he sighed, and then looked at Zhou Qingfeng poorly. And biology papers? "

Again! The last time Zhou Qingfeng showed his identity, he once showed some scientific papers to the professor for more than ten years. Since then, professors have been obsessed with those papers.

But regarding this request, Zhou Qingfeng said with a pout, "Professor, unless you go to China to join the radiation biochemical laboratory, these things need not be mentioned."

Not to mention, speaking of the radiation biochemical laboratory, Professor Arenzo was angry. He yelled, "Just the guy named Guoqiang Xu? He doesn't deserve the advanced equipment and resources. He doesn't deserve hundreds of millions of dollars.

Someone recently submitted a paper on telomere repair to the magazine, and the magazine forwarded his paper to me for review.

Do you know what he did? He has so many resources and wrote a super bad thesis, and it is better than him to randomly draw an undergraduate from Hopkins Medical College. Some of his advanced ideas forced me to allow the magazine to publish that paper.

Victor, why do you trust such a trifle? Which guy obviously can do better, but his ability is unable to dig out those really valuable things. "

The vent vented Zhou Qingfeng's nose and touched his nose. He said quietly, "Isn't the laboratory I set up so bad? I know that the scientific community is actually looking at talents. My researchers may not be as good as teaching you Level, but better than your undergraduates! "

"That's because the resources you gave them are too good." Professor Arenzo was still upset, and he also knew that if he did not turn to Zhou Qingfeng completely, it would be impossible to gain complete trust. However, it was too difficult for him to leave China from the mainstream western scientific system.

"I am currently in contact with Professor Kelvin. He is very interested in some of my proposals. In addition, I have also contacted six or seven other top biological experts in the world. I am confident that I will convince them to come to Japan to cooperate with me and form a time beyond Biochemical laboratory. The premise is that you can help. "

"Hahaha." Zhou Qingfeng couldn't help laughing as he looked at Professor Arenzo's vice-committee Qiuquan begging. But he shook his head without hesitation. "Sorry, unless you can join the radiation, I will not let things out of my control.

Professor, let's talk about something meaningful. Myron 49 will be ready for the first batch in about five days, but this time there are actually three versions, and I need five to ten chimpanzees for clinical testing. "

Professor Kelvin in Wasteland did not conduct a real clinical test when preparing 49. The medicine that Zhou Qingfeng took was actually a certain risk. Now that he has the conditions, he hopes to do a test according to the regular drug verification process. Anyway, we need to get some chimpanzees to test a medicine, and choose the version with the best effect and the least side effects.

"This is not a problem, I will arrange it." The professor is obviously a bit frustrated. His research has obviously made great progress. Everyone thinks that when he arrived in Japan, a new peak broke out in his career, and many auras began to fall towards his head.

Professor Arenzo emailed some of the top academics in the industry to elaborate some information from Zhou Qingfeng. As a result, those scholars burst out with a god-like enthusiasm for Professor Arenzo. Many universities and research institutions have sent invitation letters in the hope that he can go to exchange lectures.

In internal exchanges in the academic world, Professor Arenzo has been promoted to the position of navigational rudder finger light, and he believes that he can see the development of biology in the next ten years. This was something that was happy and brought great glory, but the professor himself was not happy.

"Victor, are you short of funds?" Professor Arenzo asked tentatively. "If you want to push the project to the harmless 50 stage, I'm afraid it will take a long time and huge amount of funds. Scientific research projects There will always be a shortage of funds, maybe the US government. "

"I think the drug addicts in Japan should be able to provide me with a stable income." Zhou Qingfeng shrugged slightly. "Myron said that as long as the raw material supply is sufficient, he can provide about 30 to 50 kilograms of new-type products every month. special.

By then, I should be able to get about $ 100 million in stable funding from Japan every month. The only limitation of production capacity is some cutting-edge equipment and raw materials, which really annoys me, but it is not impossible to solve. "

One hundred million dollars a month, one year is 1.2 billion dollars. This is a luxury supply that can no longer be luxurious. Only the world's top well-known laboratories can get so much funding, and now these funds will fall into a group of mediocre radiation biochemical laboratories.

It's irritating to think about it!

Professor Arenzo himself worked for the DuPont Consortium. In the past ten years, he has only received similar funds, but the DuPont Consortium's money is not easy to obtain. Think about the hardships and pressures you have suffered in order to get funding. The professor suddenly hated Japanese addicts. Your money is too good ~ www.readwn.com ~ What about talents? There are a lot of talents in the United States, and the accumulation of scientific research is very rich. Victor, you should think about it for yourself, I hope you don't have ideological discrimination and prejudice. Professor Arenzo still wanted to express his opinion politely.

"I haven't discriminated against anyone! Don't you just work for me?" Zhou Qingfeng shrugged again, "I admit that the people in the radiation are not the top researchers in the industry, otherwise they will not stay in some The third-rate laboratory and university are mixed.

However, China is not short of first-class scholars. The quality of its personnel is a bit poor, but I can recruit when necessary. In addition, I have a list of outstanding scholars in the next ten years. I can get them targeted. In contrast, recruiting foreign scholars is more troublesome. "

Depressed, China ’s demographic dividend has shifted from low to high in recent years, and the absolute number of talents is naturally greater with a large population. The key is the lack of money and technical guidance. The boy in front of him has no shortage of both.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng smile so calmly, Professor Arenzo really felt internal injuries. This guy wants money, money, and someone, and it's very difficult to deal with now. And waiting for the curse to escape, who in the world can surrender to him? To be continued.

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