Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 651: Marx is not bullying me

Ando before taking the medicine and Ando after taking the medicine are completely two people. Before taking the medicine, he always described his difficulties, and after taking the medicine, he was thinking of various ways to cope with the difficulties. The former is negative, the latter is positive, and the mental state is completely different.

After Ando left, Ono looked at the "Happy Pill" in his hand, but there was only a burst of buns. He suddenly felt that if he could really discover the information behind such a small pill, it would be more explosive news than the "Extreme" instant noodles.

Just do it, Ono immediately returned to the Yomiuri head office in Tokyo. Just returned to his office floor, and suddenly someone came to him and laughed: "Ono, I am getting married, please come to my wedding."

"Ah ... Watanabe, are you going to get married?" It was his colleague who appeared to Ono, and what really surprised him was not the other person's marriage, but the image of the other person at the moment.

Watanabe is a regular editor of the head office and is in the same newsgroup as Ono. Watanabe is obscure compared to Ono, which has always attracted much attention, and nobody cares. This guy has always been taciturn, not even marginal, and often appears unkempt in the office. This person is good at communicating with people on the Internet, but in reality it is awkward, a typical social obstacle.

But Watanabe now has a new look. His hair has been carefully taken care of, and his face looks very good. Although he is not a designer, his clothes are well matched. The most important thing is that the two have known each other for many years. Today is Watanabe's first time to say hello to Ono.

"In the past I was taken care of by Ono, but I was so rude. I'm so sorry." Watanabe bowed deeply and sincerely. From his smile and eyes, he can see that in addition to the invitation and apology , And still very confident inside.

"It's great. You have been with Sachiko for many years. Finally, you want to become a husband and wife, congratulations!" It is a happy thing to see the perk and change of my colleagues. Ono is also a blessing from the heart.

"I always let Sachiko support me silently, I'm so sorry for her. I have always been afraid of marriage, but this time I decided to face it bravely. Thanks to senior Takeda, he gave me a 'confidence pill' that allowed me to Recognize your mistake and correct it bravely. "

As Watanabe said, he drew a small exquisite pouch from his pocket and smiled. "It's hard to imagine. Now that Americans are so advanced in technology, it's great to have developed a drug that really changes a person. Right, right, Ono, I also recommend this 'confidence pill' to you, it really works. "

Ah ... isn't this **** '' happy pill ', how can it become a' confidence pill '? Ono was still thinking about coming back to report this terrible medicine, but Watanabe's condition made him a little aggressive, "Is this medicine really good?"

"Of course it's good. My fundamental trouble is some psychological depression. But taking this medicine, I feel that what I was worried about in the past is not worth mentioning at all. It makes me bravely face difficulties, so its name is' confidence. Pill '. "Watanabe praised the pill in his hand.

"Is this drug certified by the fda? How do I feel it is more like a drug. Maybe we should find a medical testing agency to test it." Ono was still not assured. The more people say that this thing is good, the more he will Is upset.

"How could this be a drug? After I ate it, there was no sign of hallucinations, but the brain was extremely active and awake. It makes my life full of energy, which is definitely a good drug. If it says anything, The downside is that it is too expensive and too bad to buy. "

Watanabe was not angry about Ono's question either. Instead, he used his actual feelings to prove the effect of Confidence Pill. In the end Ono was given another Confidence Pill.

It feels like the situation is getting worse.

With a ‘Happy Pill’ and a ‘Confidence Pill’, Ono thoughtfully returned to his desk. The current situation made him want to investigate the sudden emergence of this drug, and its background is absolutely unusual.

Searching the Internet, many people have posted their feelings after taking this pill. Without exception, all praised that this was a major breakthrough in the development of human biomedicine. No one could tell clearly which company developed this medicine. Everyone said that they got it from some entertainment venues.

What makes Ono even stranger is that if this drug is really amazing and sold worldwide, then there will be news about it soon. But only Japan and even Tokyo, Japan have news about it, and there is no response elsewhere.

This is terrible, there must be something hidden behind it.

"Hey, Ono, how is Nissin Food's project? What did the other class leader talk to you about?" A casual greeting suddenly appeared outside Ono's office grid.

Ono quickly stood up and said, "Senior Takeda, I just met with Ando, ​​the head of Nissin Foods, ..."

"Ah ..., you've got the" Confidence Pill ". I want to recommend this to you too." Senior Takeda who suddenly appeared interrupted Ono's words and smiled and pointed at the two delicates on the table. pouch.

Takeda also lowered his voice and said, "This thing has a lot of wonderful things. I used it last night to conquer two girls who needed assistance. It's great! Ono, I see that you are busy with work every day and you need to relax. , I will go to the bar after work today, let's try the effect of "Confidence Pill". "

In Japanese companies, their predecessors were reprimanded during their work, but they often left their waves and played with their hands after work. Takeda issued such an invitation, Ono could not refuse at will, otherwise he would not have to confuse.

But today Ono had to ask his own question. He whispered, "Senior Takeda, don't you think the origin of this pill is suspicious? I think it is necessary to conduct an in-depth investigation into it."

"Are you worried that it is a drug?" Senior Takeda still smiles ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you know how many people in Japanese society are smoking marijuana? Even **** and ice * poison. "

"A lot." The specific data is unclear, but Ono has to admit that this is a serious social problem. It is conceivable that the benefits of allowing Mexican drug dealers to cross the ocean to seize the Japanese market!

"I used to smoke marijuana for hard work. The anesthetized brain told me that I was extremely powerful. But that was all an illusion. I was not really powerful, but a mess. But this 'confidence pill' is different. It really does Improve your ability to work, its effect is different.

You have also seen the situation of Watanabe. If it was not Confidence Pill, he would never propose to Sachiko in his life. Instead of letting that stupid go down, let him take some risks. From the current situation, the effect is very good.

I don't deny that Confidence Pill may have some terrible effect, but if it can replace more terrible drugs, then it is a good thing. "

"Trust me, it's not just you who is clear-headed. I know you might want to report this thing, but recently people from the Yakuza Shinda group came to visit me and they said they killed anyone who dared to report in the media. I bet on them You can really do it, you better think about it. "

Takeda still patted Ono's shoulder before he left, and Ono sat down with his butt, his heart was cold. The situation is far more complicated than expected, and many people see the problem. But huge interests have been formed, and some people want to protect their interests from being destroyed.

"If there is a 20% profit, the capital will be tempted; if there is a 50% profit, the capital will take risks; if there is a 100% profit, the capital will dare to risk entanglement; if there is a 300% profit, the capital will Dare to trample on all laws on earth "

Marx does not bully me.

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