Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 657: Human shock

Gamma's curiosity and imitation are indeed similar to those of human children four or five years old, and their strong bodies give them great mobility and energy. Although its palm structure is completely different from that of humans, it is pulled by the cooperation of two hands.

The first shot of the bang made Gamma startled. But follow it to forget the anger that was just attacked and pull the trigger. When the banging gun sounded, it was as happy as the child who got the new toy.

But this gunshot scared all mankind. It was really all mankind. The cameraman at the scene took great risks and took a video of 'Gamma' playing with a pistol. As the video spreads around the world, no one will find it fun, because a stray bullet hit the crowd nearby.

"Oh my god, someone got hurt!"

"He's bleeding, doctor, a doctor is needed here."

"God, what's going on?"

The Virgins surrounding the Tokyo Tower have just shouted that the police should not shoot 'Gamma', but they will cry and curse why the police did not protect them. The scene was more chaotic because of injuries, and two or three thousand people fled.

Gamma's pistol shot short the bullets, and several special police officers shouted and rushed out. This time they were holding a short-barreled assault rifle and pointing at 'Gamma', but no one dared to fire in a chaotic environment.

After finding that the toy in his hand didn't ring, ‘Gamma’ also found the special police who was encircling it. With the animal's natural ability to recognize danger, it realized that these guys in black uniforms were enemies and dangerous.

‘Gamma’ decided ..., escape!

Human criminals always run along the street to escape, but this chimpanzee prefers to climb. It weighs two hundred kilograms and has super long strength and agility. It avoids people running around on the ground, jumps on the roof of several cars in a row, and then easily climbs up the outer wall of a building.

The police and the crowd at the scene were stunned again, and then watched the chimpanzee climb from the outer wall of one building to another, and disappeared.

Just disappeared like this?

The police on the ground were all dumbfounded and couldn't chase after trying to chase. Covered by buildings, they didn't even know where Gamma had gone. Not to mention that a strong chimpanzee can easily cross a street more than ten meters wide and can't trap it at all.

It feels like humans are in big trouble.

"Headquarters, we need support."

"Transfer helicopters immediately. One is not enough. The more the better."

"Notify all citizens that the chimpanzee is reported immediately. At the same time, people are cautioned not to approach it at random, it is extremely dangerous."

The police at the scene were so busy that no one expected that they would encounter such a difficult criminal someday. The media was dying with excitement, and there was no more explosive news in the world-a chimpanzee, a very smart chimpanzee injured a passerby with a gun.

"We are closely watching the follow-up development of this escaped chimpanzee."

"According to the video shot at the scene, this chimpanzee has intelligence and imitation ability beyond imagination."

"We consulted with experts in zoology, and the experts said that this chimpanzee is unusual."

"This chimpanzee is too strong. The normal adult male chimpanzee is about 50 to 80 kilograms. From the video, it definitely weighs more than 200 kilograms."

"The distance it jumped from the air was amazing, when the helicopter was at least fifty meters from the Tokyo Tower. This means that the chimpanzee has extremely developed hind limbs."

It's not just the Japanese media that is reporting like blood, the media around the world are paying attention to this. Originally people only thought it was a chimpanzee running out of a zoo, but the reporter quickly told the audience-no, this is not an ordinary chimpanzee, it is a chimpanzee running out of a biochemical laboratory.

Biochemical laboratory? What kind of chimpanzee would there be in a biochemical laboratory? At this time, it was difficult for Professor Arenzo not to be famous, and the unknown ntz project was immediately pulled under a magnifying glass for inspection.

Professor Arenzo has been working for more than ten years with the support of the DuPont Consortium in the United States. He has received hundreds of millions of dollars in funding, and his team has spent a billion dollars in the DuPont Consortium.

The most amazing thing is that Professor Arenzo's research in Japan over the past month has been extremely smooth. For a while, even the academic community began to express opinions to the media. Many experts and scholars have said that they have had close ties with professors recently, and confirmed that the professor's ntz project is extremely smooth.

These things are information that has been publicly circulated in the past month or so. People around the world immediately raised question marks in their hearts-what is the ntz project studying?

And the media answered this question-human superevolution. This is the direction of Professor Arenzo's research in the past ten years, a research project that looks very sci-fi and advanced. This is a research project to improve human intelligence and physical fitness.

Wow ... public opinion is uproaring, the world is uproaring, humans are uproaring!

From the escaped chimpanzee, we can see that this research project has achieved great success. Whether it is wisdom or strength, the chimpanzee can see a clear improvement. Governments around the world cannot sit still.

What the **** * is a miracle in the history of human evolution, and finally human beings can finally interfere in their own way in the future. In the face of this achievement, ten Nobel Prizes are not enough to reward Professor Arenzo's contribution ~ www.readwn.com ~ To figure this out, humans all over the world are hi!

The Americans shot directly and even mobilized the US troops stationed in Japan in order to seize the results. They first rushed to the hospital, placed Professor Arenzo, who was still in the hospital, under house arrest, cut off all his contact with the outside world, and immediately took him to a passenger plane and returned to the United States.

Before the Americans did anything, the Japanese government had responded, and the University of Tokyo's medical department was completely blocked by the police. The laboratory assigned to Professor Arenzo was immediately closed and inspected by a special person.

As for the remaining eleven chimpanzees, the professors from the Department of Medicine of the University of East China were so treasured that they wanted to take them away immediately.

Unfortunately, when it comes to dogs, it depends on the owner's face. The American soldiers came directly to block the University of Tokyo, and then the United States directly sent a working group composed of intelligence personnel and biological experts to pack away everything that was valuable in the laboratory. No piece of paper was left.

Even if it is a dog, you can't even catch a bit of cruelty, and the dog will get angry. But this is not the first time that American dad's arrogance is unreasonable. The Japanese government can only turn its attention to those Japanese assistants who have worked under Arenzo, hoping to get some valuable information.

Of course, the most valuable was the escaped chimpanzee. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department mobilized police from the entire metropolitan area and vowed to catch the chimpanzee. The Americans were also anxious to take this last subject away.

And it ’s not just Americans and Japanese who are worried. Who among the five hooligans is in no hurry? This kind of research results that can affect the evolution of humankind in the next hundred years is comparable to the atomic bomb. It is better than the atomic bomb.

Originally, Zhou Qingfeng thought that after the chimpanzee died, the incident could calm itself. But now it seems that he still has a pattern Tucson!

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