Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 662: Hurt others

The results proved that Zhou Qingfeng was really capable. After obtaining the verbal commitment, Zhou Qingfeng directly passed the test report of NTR-49 by Professor Myron and Alenzo to Xiao Jinlang.

"You don't have to worry too much. The current Americans are still not sure about the NTZ project." Zhou Qingfeng said in a silent sentence when he said this: and I have to get to Professor Arenzo.

"You got it so fast?" The two met in a sedan on the roadside in Adachi, Tokyo. Xiao Jinlang flipped through a stack of test reports, and they couldn't believe Zhou Qingfeng's speed.

Huaxia Guoan spent nine cattle and two tigers, and even lost several intelligence personnel who had been hidden for many years, but they could not get a little bit of information about the NTZ project, but it was easy for Zhou Qingfeng to get it.

This matter is of course easy to grasp. Zhou Qingfeng has more information than Professor Arenzo has. After looking at hundreds of pages of test reports, Xiao Jinlang found that he could not understand it at all, but the contents inside looked very high-end and showed a taste of black technology.

"I first handed this thing over, and you asked the central leadership to personally agree to it. In the future, no one in China will contact you except me. Of course, you can contact us." Xiao Jinlang took the information urgently go.

Zhou Qingfeng got out of the car and left alone. When the car started to run, Xiao Jinlang put the test report in the sealed document bag he brought with him, and looked at the back of Zhou Qingfeng through the rear-view mirror and sighed: This boy really has a lot of magical power. What matters to him? There is no embarrassment in your hand.

No embarrassment? Zhou Qingfeng was in dilemma. Where was Steve Arenzo? He felt that he needed to show his prestige, so that his old-fashioned beauty would be a little clearer, as if he had packed the 'Lasen' off the coast of Singapore.

Calm down, this matter can't be rushed.

Professor Arenzo didn't get out NTZ-49 so quickly, his original technical progress couldn't even determine NTZ-45. The current biochemical science is still two generations away from 2030. Without the progress of the entire biochemical medical system, the NTZ project could not be determined.

Zhou Qingfeng thought about it. He now has two things left, one is to continuously provide Ishii with ‘Jite’ to make money, and the other is to get 50,000 tons of food to feed the Baltimore search team. It also takes time to find out where Professor Arenzo is hiding, so he will stay in Japan for a few days.

After clearing up his thoughts, Zhou Qingfeng felt much better. As long as the country keeps its promises, he will no longer investigate him, and his activity space will be much larger.

Riding a car back to the grass city, Zhou Qingfeng suddenly found that the road was blocked halfway. The driver looked at the probe and smiled, "It was Mr. Hashimoto Jiro speaking on the street, and many people were supporting him."

"Is Mr. Hashimoto very popular?" Zhou Qingfeng also looked up from the window and asked.

"Of course, Mr. Hashimoto Jiro is a sincere person. He was the owner of a sushi restaurant and speaks more credibly than the politicians who lie." The driver's evaluation of Hashimoto Jiro was quite high.

But if there is a traffic jam on this road, you can only get around. But without waiting for the driver to turn around, the crowd suddenly gave an exclamation and commotion. A large group of people cried and ran forward, and the driver quickly probed and asked what happened?

"The chimpanzee appeared, and he was holding a gun."

"Run away, otherwise you won't be able to escape."

"Oh my god, that chimpanzee is covered with blood, it must have killed many people."

The crowd cried as they ran. The driver was frightened at this time. After publicity, the chimpanzee 'Gamma' has been demonized. Everyone feels that this is a terrible monster.

"Sir, we have to leave here immediately." The driver turned back to Zhou Qingfeng, opened the door and ran away. Zhou Qingfeng watched the crowds crowding on both sides of the taxi, and thought to himself: Are you afraid of this?

The crowd quickly ran out of light, Zhou Qingfeng also pushed the door and got out of the car, but walked in the direction of finding 'Gamma'. It was found that the place where "Gamma" appeared was a convenience store, and the place where Jiro Hashimoto gave a lecture was at the intersection opposite the grocery store.

"Hashimoto, it's your turn."

"Pull out the samurai sword, show the true face of your samurai, and get rid of that evil monster."

"Hashimoto-kun, come on! Come out of your Bushido spirit, we are all supporting you."

The crowd at the lecture site mostly fled, but there were still one or two hundred people hiding behind the podium. These people are Hashimoto Jiro's support group, which is regarded as his most basic campaign team. Some of these **** supporters were grilling Hashimoto Jiro on the fire, and he kept urging him to eradicate the monster.

Hashimoto Jiro of medium stature is dressed in a samurai suit, carrying a samurai sword in his hand, and every time he comes out to lecture, he draws the ballot. Well now, a bunch of people are pushing him to become a warrior, especially the head of the support group, Mr. Ju Di, is the one who is most inspiring.

Sweat dripped from Hashimoto Jiro's forehead, and his katana's hand trembled constantly, speechless. If he could, he really wanted to run away like everyone else, but this run was afraid that the support group would immediately dissolve, and the prestige that had been easily established would collapse.

"Otherwise, the police should be here soon. Professional matters should be left to professional people."

"How can you give up such a good opportunity? Hashimoto-kun, you have to gather courage! If the police solve the problem, how can you show your might and determination?"

Mighty you a ghost! Decisively you a ghost! I'm the owner of a sushi restaurant, okay? I'm here to run for the mayor, not to die. Haven't you watched the report on TV? That terrible chimpanzee has injured more than a dozen special policemen, and can slap a person with a slap. It is extremely cruel!

Your conscience is bad. Can I handle that chimpanzee?

Hashimoto Jiro felt his legs were weak and almost collapsed to the ground. But he was full of people on the left and back, and there was no way he could escape.

At this moment, Zhou Qingfeng went into the convenience store while everyone was not paying attention. There is not much space in the store, the rows of shelves have collapsed, and there is obvious blood on the ground. He walked down the blood to the corner of the shop and saw the chimpanzee covered with injuries.

Compared to the majestic activity when he just escaped from the laboratory, the "gamma" at this moment is already down to the end. The fur on his body was covered with blood and scars, bones were visible in some places, and there was a large wound on his chest, which seemed to be hit by a sniper rifle.

When he saw someone approaching, ‘Gamma’ suddenly got up and screamed, but it could n’t stand up because it wanted to stand. It turned out that it had a broken leg. The chimpanzee just dragged on such a corpse to persist until now, and it finally couldn't persist.

The effects of NTZ-49 are receding, and the physiological functions of 'Gamma' are declining. Seeing the current tragic situation, Zhou Qingfeng couldn't help feeling the same sadness. He also took NTZ-49, and he was also hit by a spell.

"Gamma." Zhou Qingfeng called softly.

The chimpanzee who fell to the ground immediately recognized Zhou Qingfeng. One person and one beast had met across the cage. Deeply spiritual, it immediately converged on the fierce aspect of self-defense, the expression on his face was instantly soft, and his mouth was filled with sad wailing, "Woohoo ..., hoohoo ..."

This is asking for help from Zhou Qingfeng, ‘Gamma’ stretched out its long arm, hoping for help. Zhou Qingfeng also stretched out his hand and gently held the palm of ‘Gamma’. This once powerful palm was already very weak, and there was no power beyond imagination.

"Sorry, I can't save you." Zhou Qingfeng was full of tears for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ He could feel the despair of ‘Gamma’ at the moment, which may be the situation he will face in the future.

Gamma treats everything as a play, but human beings want its life.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha after having a lot of blood that he ca n’t move. Without the support of NTZ-49, its life is about to end.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Zhou Qingfeng watched 'Gamma''s hand fall weakly from his palm, and his chest was inexplicably painful. This chimpanzee, which was used to verify the efficacy of NTZ-49, also caused a sensation in the world and slowly took a final breath.

Zhou Qingfeng came out of the convenience store with a grimace, and Hashimoto Jiro on the opposite side was still shaking and trembling, and his support group was still inspiring his courage. Zhou Qingfeng felt that the scene was really ironic, so he simply used the ability of ‘exquisiteness’ to end this farce.

Mr. Hashimoto, who was still immobile, suddenly rushed out, using a samurai sword, yelled and ran into the convenience store. Crackled a lot of money.

The members of the support group immediately stopped, especially Mr. Ju Di, who encouraged the most vigorously, said with a stunned expression: "This guy really rushed in to challenge the monster?"

The scene was quiet, but it didn't take long before Hashimoto Jiro, who rushed into the convenience store, covered his buttocks, came out in pain, and called out, "The chimpanzee is dead!"

Oh oh ..., the support group immediately cheered. Hundreds of people yelled unbelievably, "Onboard, onboard, onboard, Hashimoto-kun, you really defeated the terrible monster? Really amazing ! "

But Hashimoto Jiro's voice in the second sentence was a little weaker, and he yelled in pain, covering his buttocks, "Baga, who kicked me out just now?"

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