Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 671: FBI

The FBI in the United States is equivalent to a national-level police agency. Whether it is personnel quality, professionalism, or professionalism, it far exceeds the police agencies in each state and city. Basically, it can be said that all major and important cases belong to the FBI.

For Chicago, it is a city that the FBI focuses on. Because it has surpassed New York in the past few years to become the ‘National Murder Capital’. This name sounds really cool!

The gangsters in Chicago all have a deep historical background. The 'Chicago Typewriter' is known by the gangsters in Chicago. Although the early Italian gangsters have disappeared, now the gangs of blacks and Latin Americans are even better.

John Bob is the FBI's senior agent in charge of Chicago affairs. He is determined to make some achievements, to handle several major cases, and to clean up some powerful gangs. As long as he can put some particularly well-known gangsters in prison, he can accumulate more powerful promotion capital.

Helena Kelvin was sent undercover by Mr. Bob, and a half-year investigation has captured the criminal evidence of multiple gangs in Chicago's West End. But this is the key time to make it to the first battle, Helena suddenly said that she was caught by a pervert.

Perverts. There are too many pervert criminals in the United States. Especially sexual perverts, this type of criminals always like to target women, and women who are engaged in sexual and emotional affairs are relatively vulnerable, and they are the hardest hit areas that are being targeted by various perverts.

"Hell, don't let me grab this bastard, or I'll throw him into the felony prison to be cool!" Bob smashed the table in resentment, and he had a report handed to him by the police. A total of three corpses were found at the scene, one black and two white, either with their necks broken or their throat knots broken.

"The suspect should be very strong and have strong arms. He easily pinched a victim's neck. We initially judged that this is a personality disorder male who is over six feet or even seven feet tall and weighs 120 kilograms Left and right. "The personnel involved in criminal forensics were clearly frightened by the strength demonstrated by Zhou Qingfeng.

"Similar to 'Big Shark' O'Neal?" Agent Bob showed a fat NBA star in his mind.

"Yes, it's a bit like O'Neill. We didn't find too many clues at the scene, no witnesses, no fingerprints, no surveillance video, and even no shoe prints. The suspect has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance and is an old hand .

It doesn't look like a black man, it looks like a white man. This guy is by no means the first time to kill someone, his method is simple and straightforward, and his heart is ruthless. The most annoying thing is that he seems to be killing randomly, and he does it for no reason, only to cause the fear of his goal. This is indeed a super pervert.

I suggest first investigating the recently released heavy prisoners. The other party is likely to have a criminal record, or a retired veteran, or maybe he can find clues. "Assessors gave a series of judgments and suggestions.

Agent Bob nodded, feeling very upset. Almost a hundred people were killed in the worst case in Chicago last month, which is the headline news in the United States. Well now, three died at one time, and it looks like the criminal will not easily give up.

"This case is very tricky, but it is not without its good side. Generally, perverts often choose the weak as the target, but this time is different. The suspect must not have thought that he was a FBI female detective. Helena has enough quality and calmness. Fight against it. "

FBI agents headed by Bob are still confident in solving the case, and they even think they might catch a big fish. Think about it. After an intense and dangerous investigation, it is a glorious thing to crack a major sexual perversion case that may stir the United States.

Bob and others didn't even think about it, he might hang more than just a big fish, maybe a prehistoric giant crocodile.

For Zhou Qingfeng, he is not without trouble to get used to playing alone. Without the necessary information, he didn't know where Helena lived? Don't know what support she has? Don't know what case she's working on?

If it wasn't for an unlucky **** that hit Zhou Qingfeng's hands, he didn't even know where Helena worked? If he hadn't got a cell phone by killing the bar guard, he wouldn't even have found Helena's phone number. And then ... I need someone to help!

Who can I help? Suffering unfortunately, Guoan naturally lays his gun when he works for free.

Zhou Qingfeng sent an email to Xiao Jinlang, and soon a phone number was passed over. He found a roadside phone call and said, "Hey! I'm Lin Sen. I heard someone can come and fight for me?"

Opposite the phone was an old voice, which sounded hoarse and dry, "Yes, I have some limited services here. What do you want?"

"I need some radio and network equipment and personnel. I want to access the database of the local Chicago police. It would be better if I could access the FBI database."

Zhou Qingfeng had a great heart, and he did everything possible to collect information and data when he was wasteland. When I was in Florida, I got a supercomputer called "Volcano" and removed all the hardware facilities and maintenance staff of the state data center.

The 'Aurora Corps' relied on these people and facilities to establish its own government work platform, but Zhou Qingfeng still couldn't understand some people and things about Chicago more than a decade ago. He hoped to directly access the current official network to collect information. .

"This is impossible." The old voice rejected the request directly. "Do you think that the official American network wants to go ahead? If this can be done easily, why would intelligence personnel risk their lives to collect information?"

"I know this is a bit difficult for you. Now I only need you to get professional equipment and personnel for me, and I will take care of other things. You can copy the data obtained, of course, you will help me analyze some data. Zhou Qingfeng's words sounded outspoken.

The old voice on the other side of the phone was very skeptical ~ www.readwn.com ~ but considering that this is a task directly explained by the superior, he can only meet the requirements of the other party as much as possible.

After exchanging contact information, Zhou Qingfeng waited for a long time and received a call. Someone asked him to connect to the University of Chicago. The two met in the library of the University of Chicago.

"Hello, I'm Lin Sen." Zhou Qingfeng drew makeup, dressing himself like a non-mainstream punk youth, wearing a hood, sunglasses, and earrings, and jumping around.

The other was an old Chinese man who walked staggered and looked like the administrator of a university library. After confronting the secret code, the old man beckoned and said, "Come with me, the library is the data center and the US government network that we can find the easiest to break through.

There are equipment and personnel here, but I don't think you can hack into the database of the Chicago Police. As for the FBI database, don't think about it, it is highly confidential and even cut off the physical link with the outside world. "

The old man of Chinese descent was obviously not very optimistic about Zhou Qingfeng's whimsical. The two finally entered a separate reading room. In the reading room, there are two nervous and excited young men, a man and a woman. On the table are a lot of professional-level radio and network communication equipment.

"How can we help you?" The young man looked like a student at the University of Chicago, wearing thick glasses and a strong sense of books.

"Are there any satellite communication receivers here?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"Yes, we can directly use the satellite antenna in the University of Chicago to connect most of the world's communication satellites. Of course, although some encrypted communication satellites can receive signals, we do not have a communication protocol and the information cannot be cracked.

"Ah ... great! I happen to have what you are missing." Zhou Qingfeng nodded with satisfaction.

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