Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 674: Eagle sauce, you're ruthless!

Fort Meade, Maryland, USA.

The National Security Agency (NSA) is located in a forest in Fort Meade. As the most mysterious intelligence organization in the United States, nsa has always hired the world's best mathematicians, computer scientists and linguists to work for it.

ns has thousands of listening stations around the world. They monitor the entire earth from the ground, the ocean, the sky and the universe. And this information provides important references for US decisions to control the world.

Japanese-American Fukuyama is an excellent communications and computer expert. His job is to work with hundreds of colleagues to make the nsa's huge satellite monitoring network work properly. Today, he suddenly discovered that there was a problem with a national defense communications satellite, and a transponder on this satellite was not working.

"Hi ..., a dscs-3 satellite failed, and one of its transponders no longer responded to our instructions." Fukuyama told a white colleague around him. As a Japanese, he used to discuss it with his colleagues before reporting to his superiors.

A white colleague from Fukuyama frowned, and he confirmed the situation on his own monitor. "You're right, there is a problem with a transponder. But maybe we should first consult with nasa and ask them Views."

The transponder is a key component of the communication satellite, and the radio information is transmitted by it. Nasa is NASA, and those who have problems with satellites always have to find those experts.

So Fukuyama sent an inquiry to the ground control station of Nasa, and was informed that the DSSC-3 had been in use for more than ten years, and it was nearing the end of its life. It may indeed cause problems. But the specific situation needs some testing.

This test passed one day, but when Fushan came back to work the next day, I received a reply from the nasa ground control station: the satellite was normal, and the transponder was no problem.

how can that be? Obviously no longer working.

The Japanese's earnestness came up, and Fukuyama began to look deep into the source of the problem, only to find that the transponder was indeed working normally, and was still working at full capacity, and it rejected other instructions.

It's weird, a lot of data is being transmitted from the transponder of this geosynchronous satellite, which means it has been working for at least a whole day. This is not right, that user will monopolize a repeater for a whole day? And so far, the data transmission has not ended.

Fukuyama immediately reported the situation to his supervisor, so several employees of the National Security Bureau started to analyze the problem. They first discovered that the transponder was contacting the supercomputer host of the Ministry of Justice and had been reading from the host's database. enormous information.

"Hell, this is abnormal. Immediately turning off this transponder must have been hacked by us." The supervisor was anxious on the spot, but was hacked as a mechanism to monitor others. This is a major leak incident, which is enough for some An unlucky egg went to jail for the rest of his life.

"We can't turn it off." Fukuyama was already sweating. When he tried to control the satellite on the ground, he found that the satellite refused to accept instructions. "The hacker has more control than me."

This news is even more shocking than hacking. Generally, hackers can only take advantage of some vulnerabilities to occupy points, but now high-level control permissions are actually mastered, which is even more troublesome.

Fukuyama's authority is not enough, the supervisor is not enough; the supervisor's authority is not enough, and a more senior supervisor was called over. Finally, even the nasa engineer who controlled the satellite on the ground was dumbfounded. What controls the satellite is leaving the lowest control authority when manufacturing it , With exclusivity.

How to do?

This incident was reported layer by layer, and the director of the National Security Agency was called over, but everyone was helpless. A satellite that is tens of thousands of kilometers above the ground is not obedient, what can they do?

It seems to be aware that he has been found. The original DSSC-3 had only one transponder secretly stealing data. Now that all eight transponders are out of control, they are madly transmitting data.

"Notify the Ministry of Justice immediately and let them disconnect from the host." The Chief Secretary can only come up with a solution that is not a solution.

When the Justice Department heard the suggestion, it was going crazy. Since receiving the notification from the National Security Agency, their mainframe operation and maintenance personnel have found that their data has been turned upside down in the past two years, and no secrets have been found!

Such a catastrophic event, the Minister of Justice could not carry it!

Can I disconnect the host from external communication? This is even a joke. With this disconnection, the entire US government system must be shut down, because the official file transmission channel for high-level owners of the US government is the host of the Department of Justice.

If this is disconnected, all civil servants will be off work, and they will not be able to do their work anyway.

Just when this matter alarmed the President, the National Security Agency once again sent a warning to the Ministry of Finance to quickly disconnect the satellite communication interface, and now the hacker ran to invade your central host.

Well ... this is a big deal!

The Ministry of Finance is much happier than the Ministry of Justice. The Minister of Finance did not want to end up in the same embarrassing situation as the Ministry of Justice and disconnected the physical connection happily. This is fun, and the national financial system is paralyzed every minute.

This scene made Americans startled, especially when the Treasury host disconnected, and the IRS, which is part of the Treasury Department, also stopped. I, who claims to be able to run across the United States, finally found that she had been frightened by a broken network.

But the Treasury Department was not the first bad luck. Next, the US Department of Home Affairs, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Energy, one by one important US departments began to disconnect themselves from satellite communications. The network is usually very convenient.

In the end, Americans found that they bid farewell to the Internet era in the blink of an eye. Only wired telephones and faxes were the most reliable. Although the situation returned to normal after only a few hours, it was enough to cause extreme panic.

This **** 'is the second 911!

Hmm ... have we said this before?

Of course, the Americans feel that it is better for the IRS to continue to disconnect. They didn't want the agency to resume work at all.

And at the White House, President Hawk sauce was violently thundering, "This is a terrorist attack, who did it? Is that organization claiming to be related to this? We must seize this terrorist who dares to challenge the United States."

However, the director of the National Security Agency, who could initially report the incident, shook his head and said, "Because of a major loophole in the existing confidential communication mechanism, we are busy replacing all the satellite communications hardware of the entire government. We are still investigating. "

To put it plainly, the opponent's level is not ordinary, and I haven't caught it yet!

The president felt that he was fully aware of ~ www.readwn.com ~ and at the University of Chicago library, when Fukuyama wanted to regain control of the satellite transponder, a highly intelligent black box issued an alarm. Zhou Qingfeng and others were trying to reach out to their own black hands to the US Treasury, only to find that the Treasury had simply disconnected.

And once the Treasury Department broke off, there was no need for Zhou Qingfeng to do anything, and all other US government departments broke the network. Suddenly, Laomei has found it, and run away! He whispered ‘the wind is tight, whispering’, and the black box slips away.

And in the Americans' fast response, the extravagant shots are even more impressive. They directly called on the strategic reserves they used to deal with the nuclear war, launched dozens of backup communications satellites into the sky at one go, and completely modified the communication mechanism and protocols.

The strength of the great power behind it was astounding, and the US government soon returned to normal. The investigation was carried out in full swing, and the black box brought by Zhou Qingfeng was naturally unavailable for the time being.

Eagle sauce, you're ruthless!

Fortunately, the data and information that I want are already available. (To be continued.)

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