Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 677: Magic little pill

"Fuk seduces!" A crisp glass shattered with a woman's angry scream, and seeing 'greetings' written on the bathroom mirror of 14 ?, Helena's emotions suddenly lost control.

As the daughter of a national treasure scientist, Helena has received much attention since she was a child. This is not a good thing for the self-conscious and independent American society. In the process of growing up, her parents hoped that her daughter-in-law would also do research, but she chose a completely different path to do it!

Stay away from the quiet, leisurely and elegant high society, and face the dark side of various societies as a woman. Dealing with Helena every day is the dregs of various societies, criminals. Over time, she naturally becomes grumpy and gloomy.

She also regretted why she chose such a **** path, but pride and self-esteem made her even more hopeful to make some achievements and let her father know that he can succeed without him.

Helena has met scammers, rapists, murderers, and even horrible corpses. But she had never encountered a pervert who dared to invade her life.

Pretending to be a stripper * undercover gangster and living in a black area is a bad experience. This ghost place has to be cautious when going out for shopping. Whoever knows will find someone intruding into their residence and leaving disgusting words.

"Asshole, come out, I want to blast your eggs with a shot." Helena wore an extremely exposed camisole, but extremely hot, she found a small p7 pistol from Kun Bao and ran around in her house. .

"Natasha, what happened?" Peggy, who followed Helena out of the bar that night, also walked into the room. The two women have stayed together these days. Seeing her companion like a furious she-wolf, she was instantly alarmed.

"Someone broke into our room and used my lipstick to leave a message in the bathroom and said to me a gift." Helena scolded fiercely: "I also want to give him a gift now and give him a few bullets. "

According to the analysis and statistics of f-force, general perverts are often two-sided. For example, he looks timid and even blushes when talking to women, but maybe behind him is a demon who is happy to kill women.

But Helena was reminded by her boss, William Bob, that the person who followed him was particularly strong, and he was a veteran who did not blink, and was very anti-recon conscious. The situation is even worse.

Helena scolded and looked around. She was mentally prepared and might find something extremely disgusting at home. Such as blood stains, human waste, animal carcasses, and even human carcasses.

I went through the boxes and found them, but found nothing. Under the table, under the bed, inside the closet, there are not many places for Helena to hide. She didn't expect anyone to change her antidepressant now.

Finding no results for a long time, Helena even felt that her mood was bad, and her mind was difficult to resolve. She can only call the police and secretly report the situation to her superior William Bob, hoping for help.

But William Bob said that the critical period of action has now arrived. In order not to arouse the target 'Grey Tooth' Chris, it is not suitable to send a large number of people to Helena.

"Fuk! None of these men are useful." The grumpy detective yelled, but followed her again and downcast again and again, why was I so masochistic? What's the point of my work like this?

Breathing a few times in a row can't make you feel better. Helena knows she can only adjust her mood with the help of drugs. She went to the bathroom, took out her antidepressant and swallowed one.

But after taking the medicine for a long time, Helena became suspicious again: shouldn't that pervert have manipulated my medicine?

Difficult to say.

Helena repeatedly studied the medicine in her hand, but she didn't seem to notice any problems, and she really didn't remember what the medicine in the past looked like. Instead, it felt like the medicine worked after a few minutes.

Just now I felt powerless, hopeless, my mood down to the extreme, and even to the point of being unconscious of anything. But taking the medicine for a few minutes, I started to study whether the pervert hidden in the dark changed my medicine?

It feels that the effect of the medicine effect is very fast today, my brain has been a lot of dexterity, this effect is too obvious!

That **** really changed his medicine to drugs? Invigorating spirit is a major feature of taking drugs. However, while stimulating the spirit, drugs often have negative effects such as hallucinations and mental delusions, or they can cause people to have sexual impulses.

"Natasha, are you okay?" Peggy went to the bathroom door worriedly, but suddenly said strangely, "What medicine did you take? The complexion feels much better than before."

"Really?" Helena felt relieved, and her head went sober. She looked again at the antidepressant in her hand, and it was already quite certain that she had not taken it before. "Hell, that pervert really changed my medicine. I'm going to kill him."

But this medicine doesn't feel bad. ntz45 is forcing Helena to be happy and optimistic about everything, even if she is aware of the problem, but she is no longer nervous.

Even Peiqi noticed something strange, "I feel that you are completely two people before and after taking the medicine. I mean temperament. Now you have a special charm, like a glow. Can you give me one? ? "

Laomei didn't have any resistance to peony, Peggy asked for an ntz45 and threw it into her mouth. Soon she also had a lot of smiles on her face and shook her head and said, "This medicine is really good and makes people feel relaxed. This is different from any medicine I have taken in the past. This thing is very advanced ~ www.readwn.com ~ Helena understands that Peggy's 'drug' refers to drugs.

"I think this may have been sent by one of your admirers, not a pervert." With a pleasant feeling, Peggy started to excuse Zhou Qingfeng.

"I don't want this kind of admirer. If you want to pursue me, you should stand in front of me and be kicked away by me." Helena still hated, she threw her medicine bottle into the trash can "This should be a new type of drug, and that **** is waiting for me to become addicted."

"Wait, wait, give me this medicine, okay?" Peggy held out her hand.

"It must be some kind of drug."

"Regardless of it, I usually buy some big hemp or something, but the effect is not as good as this. And it doesn't cost money, does it?" Peggy shrugged indifferently.

"Okay." Helena threw the pill bottle to Peggy, then exhaled softly, and said, "Anyway, I still can't forgive the pervert who peeped at me behind his back. He must pray to God, don't fall on me Hand. "

Peggy accepted the small half-bottle of ntz45 with great satisfaction. It happened that there was a knock outside the door. Two Chicago patrol officers rushed over after receiving the report.

"Ladies, please, oh! My God, two beautiful women, are glad to meet you. Are you free tonight?" The two policemen who appeared after opening the door were stunned, showing a cold and charming woman in front of them. Charming, sexually enchanting, and all with a smile at first sight.

The lethality of this charm is unexpectedly strong. Helena glanced at Peggy, and was a little more surprised by the pills she had just taken.

This little pill is amazing too!

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