Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 679: Have a psychological shadow?

According to Zhou Qingfeng's idea, it is to have a good relationship with Helena, and then to have a relationship with her father Professor Kelvin. As Helena, any stranger who suddenly emerges will be suspected by her, so he decides to find another way to intervene in the other's life.

But now the plan is unable to keep up with the changes. Suddenly, even if the two meet, the withdrawal will only be counterproductive, and it is better to actively close the relationship. It's just that Peggy, who is willing to speak to Zhou Qingfeng, is really proud of Jiao Jia and Leng Yan.

"Victor, are you Chinese or Japanese?"

"Victor, will you work hard?"

"Victor, are the Chinese all super rich?"

Pei Qi is about the same size as Zhou Qingfeng. She is tall, talks, and is very active. While answering her boring questions, Zhou Qingfeng was thinking about how to approach Helena. And Helena suddenly asked, "Victor, why do you, a Chinese, appear in the black community?"

Ah ... am I looking for you?

Communities in large cities in the United States are often divided, and black communities are strictly distinguished from white communities. When you walk into the white community, you will feel that America is a paradise. Where do you walk into the black community? Hell!

"Uh ..., I was looking for a cheap place to live. I heard that the Kaywood neighborhood seems to be pretty good." Zhou Qingfeng's mind turned around several times before he came up with such a reasonable explanation. Don't forget to boast at the end "It's great to see pretty girls like you."

With just the right compliment, Helena nodded with a smile, and accepted it. And Peggy shouted, "Kaywood is really not too bad. There are only about 70% blacks, and there are police patrols, which is much better than other all-black communities."

This is a bit of racist suspicion. After speaking, Peggy looked at Zhou Qingfeng and then Helena. Weakly added the sentence: "I'm not actually targeting black people, and some of them are more friendly, and I've also been black boyfriend."

Peggy's words seemed to correct her attitude, but Helena was full of ridicule and sneered, "Black people are all garbage."

Please, is it true that your FBI agent is racist like this?

Zhou Qingfeng glanced at Helena, wondering if the other party was only discriminating against black people? Or discriminate against all non-white races. Helena also glanced at Zhou Qingfeng and looked at it with contempt, as if confirming his guess.

This look annoyed Zhou Qingfeng, and he asked, "Natasha, what do you think of the Chinese?"

If this girl totally discriminates against the Chinese without any reason, and Zhou Qingfeng has no intention of 'hot face and cold ass', he will definitely change the current plan. And Helena is just like death, she really said with a grin: "I don't like Chinese."


"Because you always engage in small circles, you have taken away many job opportunities, you have not integrated into American society at all, and the most important thing is that you do not believe in God." Helena looked at Zhou Qingfeng with a provocative gesture, which was completely intentional Find fault.

Each sentence made Zhou Qingfeng's face more and more ugly. He was wondering if he had chosen the wrong strategy. There was no need to be so polite with this girl.

At this moment, Peggy in the back seat suddenly chuckled, "Natasha leaked a little, she mainly has a huge psychological shadow to the Chinese, which is different from her hate of others."

"What psychological shadow?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"Peggy!" Helen was anxious as her companion was breaking news. She yelled, "Shut up for me, don't talk nonsense, or I'll kick you out. Don't even want to live in my house."

It sounded like Helena was really angry, Peggy spit out her tongue, grimaced at Zhou Qingfeng looking back, and shrugged, "Sorry, I can't say any more, I'm homeless now. Nata If Sha drives me out, I'll be finished. "

Zhou Qingfeng could only frown at Helena again, and the girl hummed and raised her eyebrows and squinted, "What do you want to see? I just don't like Chinese, what's wrong? I hate you the most."

"Have you been bullied by the Chinese?"


"Are you hated China by the media?"


"You have made a Chinese boyfriend, but it was abandoned ruthlessly. So leaving a serious psychological shadow, can you not get rid of it?"

"Hell, how could I make a Chinese boyfriend? I didn't feel any charm of Chinese men at all. I said I hated Chinese."

Zhou Qingfeng asked several questions in succession, but the more he asked Helena, the more anxious, and Peggy, who knew the inside story, kept laughing. This situation seems to be that although he may not have mentioned the list, Helena's losses in the hands of the Chinese are not small, and the psychological shadow is large enough.

This situation made Zhou Qingfeng feel better.

After leaving Kaiwood community, Zhou Qingfeng got off halfway. Peggy, who had a sweet smile, also left him a phone number, and it seemed that she might find a chance to make a shot, but Helena was cold-shouldered at Zhou Qingfeng and had no good attitude.

The car continued to drive, and now it was near evening, and the two women had to work in the 'Happy Monkey' bar. After waving goodbye to Zhou Qingfeng, Pei Qi shouted excitedly: "Hi, this Chinese boy feels good to me."

"Hehehe ~ www.readwn.com ~ Helena sneered and said nothing.

"I'm serious. Do you pay attention to which guy's arm? He's still strong, isn't it? It's completely different from the Chinese people who usually see. And the Chinese have good financial capabilities, and I think he will be a good man. "

"Hehehe ..."

"He speaks politely, is an educated man. And he treats people with sincerity, his eyes are particularly clear and charming."

"Hehehe ..."

"I feel that I urgently need the nourishment of love, and I need a caring partner to accompany me." Peggy's expression made an idiot. "If he is willing to call me tonight, I will accept him."

Helena couldn't bear it and couldn't help but whisper: "Peggy, you are such a stupid woman with no brains. I don't see where he is sincere. Don't you think this Chinese kid is strange?"

"Strange? He's normal."

"A Chinese does not live in the Chinese community, which is too strange for a Chinese who likes to hold a group. And do you notice that he is wearing it? You can't afford a pair of shoes for your monthly income.

And such a rich Chinese man actually said that he wanted to find a cheap place to live, and he chose Kaiwood neighborhood, where law and order is not so good. Believe me, he's obviously lying, but he can't fool me. "

Helena said eloquently. Undercover for a long time, she had to hide her ability. But showing her keen observation in front of the stupid Peggy, which gave her a sense of superiority.

But for Peggy, she didn't care about the doubts in Helena's words at all. This woman only heard the key point of "can't afford a pair of shoes in one month of income" and suddenly exclaimed: "Oh my God, this must be the opportunity given by God, maybe I should take the initiative to call him"

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