Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 681: improve

When Zhou Qingfeng returned from the waste soil, the entire underground parking lot was empty. All the corpses that had been covering the ground disappeared, leaving only a large amount of blood. However, there is a full set of car washing equipment. Use a high-pressure water gun with a cleaning agent and wash it toward the floor. The blood stains are quickly washed into the sewer.

Spray a lot of air freshener and everything is perfect.

There are also guns and ammunition, credit cards, mobile phones, a lot of cash and documents in the parking lot. Zhou Qingfeng brought some of his mobile phone, cash and weapons, and then drove away from the original ‘Dodge’, leaving only a sneaky murderous scene.

When more than thirty people were killed and the gangster bases were destroyed, it was tantamount to helping the local police and residents clear a lot of life obstacles. This time cleaned up half of the rogues in Kaywood.

When Zhou Qingfeng used violence to hold a ticket to the street mule to enter the gangster's stronghold, although many people saw it. But timid residents can hide if they encounter this kind of thing. Occasionally, they look a little far away and never get in trouble for themselves.

Then it soon became dark, and the entire Kaiwood neighborhood was dead. Residents follow an iron rule: don't go out when it's dark.

When Zhou Qingfeng came out of the underground parking lot, no one noticed what happened in the gangster's lair? As for the people who were closer, they heard the sound of gunfire, and the doors and windows were closed tightly, just as if they didn't hear it.

Zhou Qingfeng drove back to the apartment, and the old black lady who managed the apartment had fallen asleep. But when someone heard that she was driving back, she still got up and looked out the door.

"Hi ..., Mr. Hugo, are you okay?" Watching Zhou Qingfeng whistling through the run-down corridor of the apartment, the old black lady quickly opened the door of the room and asked.

"I'm fine, thank you." Zhou Qingfeng shrugged, really relaxed.

"How are those little sister-in-laws?" The old black lady was most concerned about this. She had wanted to ask 'how did Xiaozi treat you?' But think of the scene where Zhou Qingfeng took those villains away, no need to think Worried about Zhou Qingfeng.

Zhou Qingfeng waved his hands and organized a speech saying: "Oh ... these are all young people who have not been involved in the world. I educated them to let them know how important it is to care for the world and respect God. They are all Crying, expressing remorse, and then decided to reform .... "

After listening to it for a long time, the old black lady nodded her head first, then shook her head again, and pouted, "I don't think that the villains can be changed, and God will not forgive them. Mr. Hugo, sooner or later they will come to revenge Yes, you have to be careful. "

Well said that the West is a religious world. If young people make mistakes, God will forgive them. China ’s publicity is so propaganda, can you not speak according to routine?

Zhou Qingfeng scratched his head awkwardly. "Uh ... I think they are more determined to change this time and shouldn't be in trouble."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."

The old black lady nodded again, but she did not believe her expression.

"Oh, right! Is Natasha back?" Zhou Qingfeng continued to ask.

"Natasha usually rests in the morning, goes out for shopping activities in the afternoon, and works in the evening. If you want to find her, you have to wait for tomorrow."

"Thank you."

They said good night and went back to their rooms to rest. Zhou Qingfeng went to sleep, but the old black lady was still worried, for fear that the street **** would come back to do damage. Think about the horrible meal they suffered during the day. Anything that kills and sets fire during revenge can happen.

I didn't sleep all night, and the old black lady holding a shotgun sat in a rocking chair in her room for one night. So scared and ready to deal with anything, but in fact nothing happened. Until the sky was bright, she neatly pushed open the iron door of the apartment and looked on the street, but still found nothing.

How quiet this night is! When did the gangsters become so kind?

You must know that the black community is always noisy at night, and various energetic villains and hooliganes like to come out and make trouble at this time. They dare not go to the wealthy areas with abundant police force, and can only harm the same people in the black areas. This is why people are reluctant to go out in the middle of the night.

And over time, the sky brightened. Various office workers are busy setting off to work, and there are still many people in the block who need to go out early. The old black lady stood blankly at the door of the apartment and said hello to people who went out nearby.

"Hi, Pedro, did you sleep well last night?"

"Ah, good morning, Mrs. Joey. Last night was a rare and quiet night. I haven't enjoyed such a good sleep for a long time."

"That's also true, it was really quiet last night. Those little puppies did not come out to make trouble. Hey, Maria, did you see George's guy when you delivered in the morning?"

"I don't know. I didn't see it. What if I saw it? They stole a box of beer from my store yesterday and hurt my son. I cursed the **** to hell."

"The guys really deserve to go to hell. Hey ... Sergeant Martin, good morning! Everything was normal yesterday, a rare and peaceful night."

"Yeah, there wasn't a police call in your neighborhood last night, which is really amazing. I hope to do so every day in the future."

"Hahaha ... I hope no one will call the police in the future."

The old black lady greeted people of all colors, but her mood was getting more and more excited. No one else had noticed anything special in the neighborhood, but she had determined that a magical event had happened.

"Did those little **** who should go to **** die?" The old black lady absolutely did not believe what Zhou Qingfeng said, and she didn't realize that the gang members in the neighborhood would be rehabilitated.

But when she said this to herself, several street villains popped up from the corner.

"Damn, I'm too happy to be too early. I really shouldn't believe the Chinese kid." In order to feel the environment without street mules, the old black lady has already walked away from the apartment a little bit, and now she wants to run away Can't escape.

"Hi, Mrs. Joey, I have a question for you." A villain stopped the old black lady. "A Chinese in your apartment?"

"Ah ...? Yes."

"I heard that he would pack George's group by himself?"

"At least a hundred people on the street saw it. Why did you come to ask me?"

"Will he Kong-Fu?"

"Of course, very powerful."

Just a few words ~ www.readwn.com ~ The old black lady suddenly had a lot of courage and her voice was loud.

"Isn't he afraid of guns?" Another villain asked in amazement.

"Of course I'm not afraid. The Chinese can grab bullets with their hands."

"This is impossible."

"It's impossible, I saw it with my own eyes. Haven't you watched the Kung Fu Panda? He's as powerful as in the cartoon."

This joke is not funny at all!

Looking at the stern words of the old black lady, a few street villains wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. Since last night, they have found that half of their associates are unreachable-the world evaporates without a trace.

This feeling is scary, okay!

The old black lady almost shouted with excitement as the terrified street villains shuddered in fear. She flung back to the apartment she managed, her mouth still imitating the sound of Bruce Lee's fighting.

The Chinese kid looks amazing!

Just then, Helena drove back to the apartment with a tired face, and greeted the old lady when she saw: "Good morning, Mrs. Joey, you look very good today."

"Good morning, Natasha. Ah ... I happen to be looking for you."

"Thank you briefly, I worked all night and now I just want to sleep."

"Yes, in view of the recent significant improvement in public order in this neighborhood, and considering the convenience of transportation, complete facilities and elegant surroundings, it is very suitable for high-end business people. Although I like you very much, but ..."

"Oh my God! Mrs. Joey, I'm really sleepy now. If you have any questions, please be straightforward."

"..., I plan to increase rents next month."

"Oh ... hell!"

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