Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 70: Fighting

Combat boots stepped on the glass **** mixed with blood and made a rustling sound. This luxurious Tiffany jewellery store has become a flesh and blood market. Several surviving gangsters are standing against the wall, staring dullly at the two fierce gods.

A total of fourteen gangsters who entered the jewellery shop were cut by throats by Zhou Qingfeng and killed four. The remaining four were swept to death by the butcher, and the remaining five were obediently standing by the wall.

There are still two male shop assistants and six female shop assistants. Nancy Stephanie is the ninth person in the shop. When she was about to be killed, Zhou Qingfeng broke in and was saved her.

The maidservants were all insulted and covered. For the rest of the life, they picked up their clothes and wore them up, and then started crying. For those who work and live in the metropolis of New York, the scene ahead is beyond their limits.

Killing, death, violence, rape, it doesn't feel like in a free and democratic United States, but in a brutal and backward ghost place like Somalia.

精神 A woman with a mental breakdown saw Zhou Qingfeng walking in with a gun and immediately retorted: "Why don't you come to save us earlier? Why do we suffer this pain? Why do we let this happen?"

The collapsed woman even jumped out and pointed at Zhou Qingfeng's nose and scolded him, letting him out as a police officer to vent his pain, "Get out, get out, get out!"

"Backed out." Zhou Qingfeng pushed the woman up with a gun, "I'm not a policeman."

"But she treats you like a policeman." The butcher behind changed a bullet box, walked in with a smile and turned on the taunt mode. "I said that some people are not worth your help. Impulses only cause trouble."

"Shut up!" Zhou Qingfeng glanced back, he would hate hearing the butcher's voice.

The woman pushed away by the muzzle still screamed relentlessly. Nancy Stephanie watched Zhou Qingfeng's face become cold and quickly stopped in the middle to persuade him: "Mr. Hugo, many people have died now, please Do n’t kill people. Her spirits are broken, she does n’t really want to attack you. ”

"A lunatic is worthless." The butcher commented again in the back hair.

And among the five young people, a black man with a scar on his face suddenly ran out to sell himself to Zhou Qingfeng, and said with a smile: "Gentlemen, I am valuable. I am smart and smart. I am familiar with Manhattan and I know this Where is the best store nearby. "

Hearing that the black man was bragging again, Nancy couldn't help but said angrily, "He is a villain."

"But I think he is good." The butcher was satisfied with the nigger. "We just need a few running dogs, and leave him."

"You seem to like making a decision for me?" Zhou Qingfeng's heart was furious. He turned back and stared at the butcher coldly. "Lina only accepted you because she felt good at you. And you also like to point and draw when you feel good at yourself.

But I don't like you, I don't like your big mouth when you attack me. I don't like your pretentious look. Now shut up for me, or I will tear it up! "

The butcher's expression of amusement, "Rookie, do you threaten me?"

Hmm ..., he hit the butcher's chin with a blow. Zhou Qingfeng turned around and scolded the butcher: "Listen, if you are willing to teach me some combat skills, I can accept even if you have a bad attitude. But I don't need you to teach me how to do things and who deserves it! , Let me judge, not your neurosis! "

Zhou Qingfeng's body is long and tall, and he looks far less strong than the butcher, but his explosive power cannot be underestimated. The butcher bleeds after taking a note. This bear bear first had an incredible touch of his mouth, followed by a roar of fury, and rushed towards Zhou Qingfeng madly.

A fierce heavy punch was also severely smashed over, and the thick fist looked extremely powerful. Zhou Qingfeng's head and neck deflected, and the boxer rubbed his jaw. With just a slight blow on his face, he felt pain as if the blade was cutting his flesh.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" The angry butcher cursed loudly, his attack was fierce and direct, and often he replaced his wounds with fighting techniques in pursuit of short-term killing efficiency.

The butcher kept attacking with the hardest parts of the three bones of elbows, knees, elbows, knees, extremely fast movements and strong explosive power. "It's your luck to accept my training. How dare you be a rookie like this? This is unforgivable!"

Zhou Qingfeng has no training in fighting skills. His only advantage is speed, which is extremely amazing. The world's martial arts are unbreakable, but they are not broken!

He watched Zhou Qingfeng dodge a punch and elbow, and everyone felt that he was not as fierce as a butcher. But immediately following everyone's feelings of flowers, Zhou Qingfeng, whose height and weight were not dominant, reached out and grabbed the neckline of the butcher's neck directly. He struck it directly with his arms, and then smashed heavily on the ground.

An extremely quick move, like a sack in the living, smashed a big bear that was 1.9 meters tall and weighed more than 120 kilograms to the ground. The power of this note is extremely amazing. All kinds of debris on the ground were shaken. The marble slabs were even cracked and cracks appeared.

The whole process is just one second, and it is neat! Seeing people's hearts shaking.

Nancy and others became stunned, completely surprised how the two violent elements in control of the situation suddenly started fighting. They only saw the broken debris flying around again, and the crumbling decorations fell off. The scene became so chaotic that everyone could only escape in astonishment.

Zhou Qingfeng's heavy blow had a very good effect, but it also completely caused the butcher's ferocity. Taking advantage of the exhaustion of his strength, the bear-bear fought back with a swearing punch, hitting his eyes fiercely, the corners of his eyes burst, and blood and water flew out.

Zhou Qingfeng was hit with Venus in the eye and his head buzzed. He quickly stepped back to avoid the butcher's subsequent attacks. But he heard the mad butcher yelled and jumped from the ground, and suddenly pulled out a fighting blade, screaming and rushing over, "boy, I want to bleed you blood."

The butcher who rushed forward was extremely fast, but he retreated faster ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Qingfeng's ghostly kick was directly on his chest. This foot went straight forward, seemingly unsurprising, but that strength and speed were like a phantom.

The butcher weighs 120 kilograms and is equipped with all kinds of equipment in his body, 150 kilograms. But the weight was unscrewed without any hindrance, and the uncle's butcher was completely out of temper. And Zhou Qingfeng, who was kicking out, was unbearable, and then kicked his chest and then his face.

The butcher's rough, ugly head was clicked, making people wonder if his neck would break? It is astounding that these two violent heavy leg assaults failed to knock the butcher down.

狗 This dog bear is so fierce that it is incredible, with an angry look, his neck shakes and he resumes as usual. He shook his hand and threw out the fighting blade in his hand. This flying knife is a stunt of the butcher. It is absolutely necessary to hit the three or five meters. When fighting close-ups, they are often unexpected, killing people and killing them.

This knife flew straight and approached Zhou Qingfeng's face in an instant. The distance between the two was less than three meters, and it was impossible for the other to react. But this law failed on Zhou Qingfeng's body, and he tilted his head again, avoiding the fighting blade that came from flying, and the sharp blade even cut a blood mark on his face.

After the dodge, Zhou Qingfeng was also furious. He rushed to the butcher in one step, punching the butcher's rough face with a fist, and he cursed every punch.

"You attract hatred when you make fun of it, understand?"

"I don't like you pointing yourself, understand?

"I've wanted to 揍 you for a long time, understand?"

"I don't agree with you, do you understand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mobile users please read.

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