Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 696: Event broke out

For a national treasure scientist such as Professor Kelvin, the angle of looking at people and things is completely different. In his eyes, many people on Wall Street and Washington can go to prison for a lifetime, so when he learned that Zhou Qingfeng might be a super spy, he did not imagine exclusion.

But for Helena, it was too difficult to accept Zhou Qingfeng. She spent the whole day in the FBI's Chicago office reception room, but as a result she couldn't see her boss, William Bob.

At night, Helena had to leave the government building. She felt ridiculous. When the whole world was guessing and questioning what happened in the shooting, she, the most important insider, was ignored. Even when she wanted to contact other senior staff, everyone said she was busy.

Standing outside the lonely federal government building, Helena had no idea what to do next. Back to that broken apartment in Kaywood? Or find another hotel? She was a little dazed when she couldn't make a decision.

Jingle Bell's cell phone rang again, a strange number. Helena frowned and connected, and heard an anxious and irritable voice came out, "Natasha, you stinky * sister *, I didn't expect you to be an undercover FBI."

"Who are you?" Natasha asked coldly.

"I'm Beaver. I recruited you into the bar at the beginning. But your sister-in-law has brought us a huge disaster." The person on the phone looked extremely angry and kept scolding.

"Oh ... I think of you. You're not dead? It's a shame!" Helena flashed a lascivious, timid, and greedy black man in his head. This guy is a Friend of Chris Grey.

"Yes, I wasn't dead, but I couldn't escape. Last night's rally was deliberately manipulated. Something in my hand was enough to destroy the black hands behind the scenes. I don't trust the police and the media. I plan to Give it to you. "Beaver on the phone cursed fiercely, yelling that everyone should pay.

"Then you actually believe me?" Natasha sneered, and she felt that this was just a desperate black villain trying to bite a bit and pull more people into the water.

"I believe in an FBI agent willing to be a stripper * dancer in order to collect clues undercover. Although I hate you, you are more reliable than those politicians and journalists. People like you can't complete the task without a firm conviction." Beaver's words were full of ridicule.

"I never thought you could give me such a high opinion." Helena sneered.

"I'll send you some pictures, and you'll believe what I'm saying." Beaver asked Helena's e-mail and actually sent some pictures.

At first Helena was still careless, but when she opened the pictures on the Internet, she immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

* Sexual assault, * killing, there are several protagonists in the picture, all of them are government executives, and one of them is even Chicago Mayor Iman. The last picture is the broken bodies of several teenage boys, who were buried in hastily.

"Do you believe me now?" Beaver said.

Helena felt her hands and feet cold, her body shaking, her head buzzing. She has experienced many dark things, but if she is the one that makes her most angry today, "Hell, where are you? You must be a stain witness and send these scum to court."

But Bufo said sadly, "I'm trapped in a building, and Iman's people are looking for me. They will kill me right away, and then grab me and torture me until I can't threaten them. "

"Where are you exactly? I'll rescue you right away, and I can ask the police near you to rescue you." Helena shouted anxiously.

"It's useless, the man who came to arrest me is the police." Beaver smiled a bitterly, "Chris boss has been worried that Iman will kill him, so there are a lot of things left. We worry that it is not safe to put on the Internet, so we put Stored in a bank safe in New York. "

Beaver uttered an address and account password to access the safe. At this time a banging sound and the sound of a pistol firing had been heard from the phone. He finally said in despair: "Goodbye, Natasha, trouble is now in your hands. Don't trust the government too much, good luck!"

Boom ..., a gunshot ended the call.

Helena chatted for a long time until she heard another male voice, "Hey! Anyone?"

Helena didn't speak, but she breathed a little. Her mind was very chaotic. She wanted to report the incident as soon as possible, to expose the incident, and to let those who occupy the high position go to hell.

The person on the other side of the phone couldn't hear her and said, "I'm Sergeant Horton of the Chicago Police Department. I was just talking to you as a very dangerous criminal. If he has ..."

Toot ... Helena cut off the phone eventually. Taking a deep breath, she made up her mind and turned to go back. She will immediately tell the FBI colleague the photos on the phone and the news she just got. Such a case can't be trusted by the police in Chicago and can only find the FBI.

Just this turn, Helena stood behind her. William Bob, who couldn't find it all day, laughed and came towards her with a smile, "Hey ..., Helena, I'm so glad to see you! I'm sorry, I had a whole day's meeting, the **** He also said he would investigate me.

However, Mayor Iman used his network to help me a lot, this matter will be properly resolved ~ www.readwn.com ~ Your credit will also be mentioned. Oh, right. I heard you wanted to find me, but I just couldn't reach you after I called you. "

It was clear that Agent Bob was relieved. But when Helena was eager to report what she had just learned, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Oh, it's Mayor Iman's phone." Agent Bob raised a finger and signaled Helena not to speak, and he himself connected the phone in a warm voice. "Hi, Mayor, hello ! "

Agent Bob wanted to say a few words, but Mayor Iman on the phone looked anxious. "Bob, we just dealt with Chris's last man. But that guy committed suicide, and those dumb policemen failed to find the key. thing.

What's more important is that the **** made a phone call before he died. We are now tracing through technical means to whom this call was made? Trouble you too, and you must not let things go out of control. "

"Okay, Mr. Mayor, I'll deal with it as soon as possible." Agent Bob was humble and almost flattered. He reached for a pen from his pocket and wrote down a phone number on his palm. When he hung up, he deliberately made a long breath and joked to Helena: "The people in the government just hate it so much, they always give us trouble."

Helena stared at Bob's face, taking a subconscious step back.

Agent Bob started calling again, looking at the phone number on the palm of his hand. He just wanted to speak to other men to check the specific situation of the number, but he suddenly felt that the number was familiar.

The scene was quiet for a few seconds, Agent Agent turned to Helena in doubt, and looked at Helena's mobile phone still in her hand, "Who were you just calling?"

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