Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 698: Hijack 1

Standing in front of the stewardess was an Arab with a large beard and a white shawl. When she heard the man shouting for 'hijacking', she immediately exclaimed: "This is a terrorist. He wants to hijack."

Miscalculated, ...

Zhou Qingfeng also thought that he stood up to call the hijacking machine, and by virtue of his tall body, he could deter most people on the plane. But he misestimated that since the tragic crash of '911', Americans have been extremely sensitive to hijackers.

When encountering hijackers in the past, the US government and police have often compromised to keep the passengers on board. But for terrorists who pull everyone on the plane to death at every turn, everyone will rise to resistance because of fear.

The beautiful stewardess flew up in desperation after the warning. The posture was similar to the hug, but it was much more vigorous.

Zhou Qingfeng was really caught off guard when a stewardess with a convex front and back slammed into it. And then the passengers who received the warning also bravely resisted one by one, as if the irrational zombies burst out suddenly, and they had to put Zhou Qingfeng down.

Suddenly, the hijacking of other people has been smooth for Mao, but I have encountered so many difficulties?

Plenty of passengers rushed in, and Zhou Qingfeng had to use all his strengths to deal with it. He split his palm on the flight attendant's neck, followed by elbows, shoulders and knees, and flew four or five brave passengers at once.

Many people have blue noses and swollen faces, and their noses and noses bleed. But this scene has stimulated more people to come forward. The more fierce Zhou Qingfeng was, the more he felt that he was too dangerous.

"Control him, or we will be dead."

"Dear, you hide behind, I'm going to help."

"Don't flinch, our family is on the plane. No one can escape, so this guy must not be allowed to succeed."

The originally calm cabin suddenly burst into a large-scale bucket. Due to the narrow aisle inside the machine, not many people could rush to Zhou Qingfeng. But even so, some people still rushed up, and the passengers were full of blood and tried their best to subdue Zhou Qingfeng.

Fighting, crashing, crying, broken sounds like glass plates filled the cabin. Zhou Qingfeng still put a little effort in the beginning and didn't want to carry out the massacre, but many injured people did not give up even after falling down, and tried everything to attack.

A few people are useless, then go to a dozen people; a dozen people can not be subdued, then go to dozens of people; crackling like a mess, to the end of the whole cabin was full of sorrow and blood. More than a hundred people continued to rush up, but failed to put this extremely horrible guy down.

Some were stunned, some were dislocated, some were vomiting blood, some were hit against the bulkhead, some were leaned against the seat, and the scene was a mess.

The fighting of more than a hundred people lasted less than ten minutes. In the end, as long as the awake people ran out of fear in their hearts-we have already worked so hard together, we have responded so quickly, we have been so desperate Now, why can't this guy be defeated?

Zhou Qingfeng himself was a little breathless. For the first time, so many people fought bare hands. Men and women, young and old, all rushed up with fear of death. The scene was a little scary when only he was still standing.

"Is there anyone else to fight?" Zhou Qingfeng's face was stained with blood from many people. He forced himself to calm down and looked around and said in a deep voice: "I just want to hijack a machine, I don't want to kill someone. Give it to me again Trouble, I'm really welcome. "

Stepping on the overlying injured man, Zhou Qingfeng passed through the first-class cabin to the outside of the cockpit. At this time, the captain and co-pilot in the cockpit knew that someone had hijacked the plane, locked the door early, and called for help.

"We are on United Airlines Flight UA632 and fly from Chicago to Washington. I am Captain Russell. We were hijacked by a terrorist. Passengers on the plane have taken rebellious actions, but now they have failed."

The alarm call for help spread on the radio and immediately alarmed several US security agencies, including the Federal Aviation Administration. More than a dozen airports along the route have received urgent notice to prepare to accept this Boeing 738 passenger aircraft that may land at any time.

The news also spread rapidly in the radio waves, immediately attracting the attention of the national media, most television and radio programs were immediately interrupted, and the current sudden event was rebroadcast. In particular, the captain stated in a follow-up contact that 'the terrorist is an Arab with a beard'.

Oh my God! This flight is flying to Washington. Is it about to hit the White House? Is the second '911' coming again?

The previous '911' was very traumatic to Americans. At one time, the American Airlines Administration immediately requested that all flights in the United States be grounded and immediately landed in the sky. It also requested the Air Force to launch fighter jets to intercept and immediately let this flight. Forced landing.

On the plane, Uncle Zhou was wondering how to open the cabin door.

When Zhou Qingfeng boarded the plane, he never thought of hijacking, but he felt that he always ran around with a Chinese face. So this time he took an airplane and stole an Arab passport, gave himself a thick beard, brought a turban, and put on makeup without even knowing the ghost.

And when you have to rush back to Chicago to save Helena, you ca n’t talk to the captain. People may really land immediately, but after landing, there is definitely a freshman ticket waiting on the ground. So simply hijack it!

Now there is no one on the plane who can fight, but Zhou Qingfeng is blocked by the hatch. He kicked a few feet and the door was strong. However, the knocking sound of the knock gate frightened the captain in the cockpit. "Terrorists are trying to break the door. We are lowering our altitude and preparing to land."

With the power of Zhou Qingfeng knocking on the door, the sound and vibration were extremely loud. This sound was also transmitted to the captain's shouting microphone, and spread in all directions with the radio.

Not only did the towers and air traffic controllers on the ground hear this thrilling sound, but also a large number of viewers heard the sound of clashes from **** through media reports on television and radio.

"We just got news that there were 135 passengers on flight ua632, including more than 60 women and children ~ www.readwn.com ~ This flight is descending from an altitude of 30,000 feet and the captain is now driving The plane flew to the nearest Cleveland airport. Where the police anti-hijacking team is heading, hoping that these efforts will save more than a hundred people on the plane. "

"We can all hear this huge crash. According to the captain's description on the radio, the passenger's self-resistance has failed. The terrible terrorist is trying to open the cockpit door."

"Now we can only pray to God, that the hatch is strong enough, and that the terrorists will be kept out of the cockpit. Otherwise, the situation is not optimistic."

With the attention of various media and the reports of family news hosts, a large number of listeners and viewers began to silently pray in their hearts. The huge impact sound from the captain's microphone seemed to hit every American's heart .

In addition to the captain's report, the huge crash suddenly stopped slightly, and people heard another low voice across the door instead. "Two people in the cockpit, you can stop this door if you feel this broken door. I?"

The captain sweated heavily, pursed his lips tightly, and stared at the pilot instrument. He was trying to control the plane's landing. The deputy captain also paid full attention to cooperate with the captain's work. They still had faith in the reinforced alloy hatch, and were waiting for the moment to subdue the terrorists after landing.

All Americans who listened to this sentence repeatedly thought in their hearts that terrorists cannot open the door? Definitely not open, this is just an intimidating threat, he does not have that ability.

Everyone was very nervous, hoping that things would go well, but what went wrong was a loud noise coming from the captain's microphone. Then the captain shouted in horror on the radio: "Damn, the door was broken, he broke in." 8

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