Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 708: Big scam

A few days ago, Zhou Qingfeng rescued Helena from William Bob's hands. Both of them had to go through a lot of hard work before they met again. The girl happily expressed that she would hurry to celebrate.

But this is obviously impossible ...

At the last moment of his escape, Helena was severely beaten by William Bob, her head hit the hard road several times, her forehead had several fleshy wounds, and her entire face was bloody. If it weren't for her glory, she could be described as miserable.

Moreover, when Zhou Qingfeng drove and landed, the engine and airframe made a huge explosion. Strong sound waves at close range shattered the glass of all vehicles on the road, and also caused Helena's internal organs to be seriously injured.

Helena escaped with a strong will to survive, but she drove a few kilometers in a cheerful drive, and almost hit Zhou Qingfeng with a tree. In order to save her, Zhou Qingfeng and Agent Guo'an spent a lot of effort, so let's not talk about anything.

Seeing Helena wearing pajamas and walking out of the room barefoot, Zhou Qingfeng said with concern: "You need to rest now and don't run around casually."

"I'm not as weak as you think. I'm almost boring in bed, ah ... let go of me!" Helena was still stubborn, but she was picked up by Zhou Qingfeng and put into the room. She screamed a few times, but couldn't tell if she was really unhappy or purposefully asked Zhou Qingfeng to accompany her.

After an all-night hunt, Helena's trauma was worse. As long as she didn't see Zhou Qingfeng, she would be restless, and it would be hard to sleep all night without Zhou Qingfeng. To put it simply, her worldview and values ​​were shattered ruthlessly, and depression was more severe.

If the persecutors of Helena were given the punishment they deserved, it might make her feel better. But Guo'an has given clear news that the black material evidence hidden in a bank safe in New York was taken away in advance, and she lost her important reliance on the Jedi counterattack.

Wanted by the FBI, his reputation has been wiped out, and his enemies are proud, but he can only escape. Coupled with his father's failure to contact, this can't help Helena. When she heard Zhou Qingfeng was going to find a venting target for the US government, she suddenly had an idea.

"It is very difficult to directly discredit the Clinton family. The two Clintons have a deep network in American political circles. From this election, we can see that the high society supports the old demon side by side. Let's find a smaller target first. "

Professor Kelvin is a top scholar in biochemical medicine in the United States. He has partnerships with many pharmaceutical companies in the United States. And pharmaceutical companies have always been the founders of American politics. In order to obtain policies that are beneficial to them, multinational pharmaceutical companies have always been willing to spend money to support spokespersons.

Because of this, Professor Kelvin's relationship with American politics is also very good. As his daughter, Helena Kelvin is definitely a top lady. Of course, it's something that Helena ran to the FBI herself.

Now Helena is lying on the bed in the basement, giving Zhou Qingfeng a map of American politics, the focus of which is on the Clinton family. In the end, she drew a figure-Chicago Mayor Iman.

"You still want to **** this guy?" Zhou Qingfeng asked with a smile.

Helena hugged her hands and said pitifully, "Please, Victor. I can't let this scum evade legal sanctions. Even if I don't have evidence to testify against him, I also want this person to draw him to him. The forces go to hell, otherwise I will not be able to sleep at all in the future.

I have always been a patriot, but now I can't tolerate politicians who can only deceive people to occupy high positions. If you can teach them a lesson, I'm happy to see it happen, and I can accept any request you have. "

Sitting on the bed, Zhou Qingfeng groaned for a long time and said, "What plans do you have?"

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng's intentions, Helena immediately laughed and leaned forward, "You know, as long as you have a valid identity, then you can contact senior US officials with money, and there are a lot of lobbying companies in Washington doing this.

For as little as $ 100,000, you can talk to officials at the Secretary of State level, and you can meet for $ 1 million. If you have more money, you can even arrange a five-minute meeting, sign some irrelevant, waste paper agreements, and the other party won't care what you say. "

"You asked me to go directly to the old demon Hillary?" Zhou Qingfeng was inexplicably faint. He had only wanted to plant something and frame it. He had almost become a leader of Eagle Sauce before he really wanted to see him.

Especially from Hillary's political career, this is a typical politician, shameless, unscrupulous, and has no principles at all. Zhou Qingfeng has never had experience with such people.

"In the past, to have a relationship with the Clinton family, we only needed to donate to the Clinton Foundation. But now the Clinton Foundation's reputation is stink like a dead fish, and we need another way."

As an FBI agent, Helena is quite good at designing a complex and sophisticated trap, which is her special training to become a qualified undercover. This time, she also involved Zhou Qingfeng with a complicated and dazzling plan.

Three days later, after a special make-up and training, Zhou Qingfeng returned to Chicago in a 'Rolls-Royce-Phantom' car ~ www.readwn.com ~ This time he is completely different from the usual single person, Twenty cars with five cars, servants, bodyguards, drivers, etc.

In order to support such a staggering pomp, Zhou Qingfeng smashed five million dollars into it. All the personnel are top-level, waiting for him from the airport. He himself has also been renamed 'Rashid Ben Mohammed Hardan Maktoum'.

It is said that His Excellency 'Maktoum' is a distant relative of the royal family of Qatar. Billionaires are super rich and wealthy. However, it ’s only God to know if the real person has this status. Anyway, this is Helena ’s passport, and the US Immigration Service has not expressed any objection.

‘Maktoum’ is 34 years old. He is young and handsome, has big, bright eyes, and beautiful muscles that he has worked out in the gym. With a smile, he swayed Chunxin, a female secretary who had just been recruited to support the scene, and was a **** at first glance.

The **** contacted Chicago City Hall two days in advance and asked to meet Mayor Iman. For this meeting, Zhou Qingfeng will pay 100,000 US dollars to the public relations consulting company.

In terms of money, Mayor Iman also gave face. The two met cordially in front of the City Hall building, and the Lord Mayor even warmly embraced His Excellency ‘Maxim’ and welcomed him to Chicago.

Just the moment he embraced, Zhou Qingfeng cursed in his heart: Who invented the etiquette that made two men hug? Hug is okay, what's going on with this **** gift? Super disgusting, almost anti-human * category!

Under the reporter's click and click, a shocking scam opened!

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