Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 723: Tell

'Pandora' biochemical laboratory, underground.

The entire Blue Mountain Town was originally a United States National Defense Emergency Rescue Center in the 1950s, and was an underground bunker built in response to a nuclear war. As time went on, it was gradually abandoned and abandoned, until one day the NTZ project shocked the world.

In order to build a secret laboratory, Blue Mountain Town was renovated. With a solid bunker built decades ago, a modern R & D center soon appeared in front of scientific researchers-'Pandora'.

After entering Pandora, Professor Arenzo was actually not happy. Every day, a large number of people come to inquire about the details of the NTZ project. Everything that was originally in the laboratory of the University of Tokyo has been moved. A piece of paper and a sentence will be brought to him for confirmation.

In addition to various security personnel who do not understand biochemical medicine, the US government also quickly deployed a capable professional to set up the overall research framework of the laboratory. Professor Arenzo had to go to classes for those who did not understand the NTZ project every day.

Even if the class is over, the content of the class will soon fall into some difficulties.

The data on hand of Professor Arenzo was castrated by Zhou Qingfeng, and most of them are only related to the NTZ project, but the development of the NTZ project is actually accompanied by the overall progress of biochemical medicine for more than ten years in the future, so there are many missing things even the professor himself Do not know at all.

Professor Arenzo hopes to be able to make up for these missing parts with the promotion of national power. But he still underestimated the difficulty of the patching work, and couldn't explain why these defects appeared.

"This was all done with the mysterious organization that I cooperated with in Japan. I don't know the details." Professor Arenzo can only use this reason to fool him. The number of times makes him very frustrated, which seems to him very incompetent. . It is even more doubtful whether he made the NTZ project?

"Arenzo, I think we should talk about it well. If you don't tell the truth, we will not be able to conduct follow-up research." In the bright underground office, Professor Kelvin walked in front of Professor Arenzo.

As the top and most successful biochemical medicine leader in the United States, Professor Kelvin was appointed to lead the 'Pandora' laboratory. Originally this post was taught by Professor Arenzo, but the latter's personality temperament and personality charm obviously had major flaws.

"There is nothing to talk about. I have listed all the project plans. The rest is to allocate funds, organize manpower, and use time to prove me correct." Professor Arenzo stared at Professor Kelvin, always weird. .

Zhou Qingfeng said too much about his secrets. Professor Arenzo knew that Professor Kelvin had helped him complete the preparation of NTZ-49 tablets in one month. In fact, Mai Lang's process of preparing NTZ-49 followed the improvement of Professor Kelvin.

"Arenzo, are you worried that we will rob you of merit and reputation?" Professor Kelvin tried to unlock his companion. "I think you are too worried about it, ..."

"Of course you can't **** it. You don't need to do anything, and I can spend more than ten years to get this project done." Professor Arenzo always exhaled in a breath.

Only this time, he whispered with a little regret after finishing speaking, "Maybe I'm doing it wrong, I shouldn't release the chimpanzee, let alone disconnect with that kid."

"What? What kid?" Professor Kelvin realized that he might have got the point, and hurriedly asked, "Arenzo, I swear to God that you can trust me. There are only us two here, and I am absolutely confidential."

Steve Arenzo felt a sudden depression. He opened a safe next to his desk, took a small bottle out of it, and poured out a few pills from the bottle.

NTZ-49, a drug full of magic, is an exciting and technological crystal that will change the world. The 'Pandora' laboratory has secretly experimented with death row prisoners, and the results have been shocking.

After the experimental videos and reports were sent to Congress and the President's Office, a group of federal government executives rushed to the Pandora laboratory to see for themselves the effects of NTZ-49.

Strong, intelligent, energetic, and confident!

Like the Saudi royal family, all officials are fascinated by the magic of NTZ-49. This is indeed a gift of the devil, and no one can resist its temptation.

And now, Professor Arenzo has only the last few tablets in his hands. He fiddled with the pill and smiled bitterly, with an urge to confide in his heart, as if he would never have the opportunity to say it now.

"I ... I received an e-mail a few months ago and someone asked me a lot of questions about the NTZ project. I was surprised at the time, these questions were exactly what I thought.

I was confused, disturbed and anxious for this. Until one day I wanted to uncover the mystery in my happiness and decided to meet the person who asked me a question. So I went to Tokyo, Japan, and then I saw someone I absolutely never expected, ... "

With Professor Arenzo's words, Professor Kelvin's heart was beating to his throat. In the past month, no matter what other people ask or ask, Steve Arenzo has been so secretive about his experience in Japan that he didn't say anything.

However, as long as the professional researchers make some inferences, they will find that this experience is obviously important, extremely important, and very important. The NTZ project is an unbelievable development in Japan in two months, and directly gives a practical stage.

"Who?" Professor Kelvin asked carefully, fearing the **** Steve Arenzo not to speak again.

"Victor Hugo." Professor Arenzo smiled again and again.

"Victor Hugo?" Professor Kelvin immediately started his mind, searching desperately in memory. He first thought of American biochemists, but no one called it?

Is it European?

Does anyone call that name?

Not European or American?

Asia? India? South America? Africa?

I thought about it for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that only French writers who have been doing it for more than 100 years have called this name.

When Professor Kelvin shook his head slightly and said that he didn't know such a person, Professor Arenzo suddenly smiled inexplicably, "You can't think of who he is, you absolutely can't think of who he is. This guy is really amazing!"

"Is this just a pseudonym?"

"Yes, yes, it's a pseudonym! But he has always used this pseudonym to appear in front of the world. What is his true identity?"

"He's famous?"

"Yes, very famous. Countless people around the world know him, like him, and even adore him."

"Using Victor Hugo's pseudonym, and many people know it, and they know a lot about biochemical medicine." Professor Kelvin really racked his brains, and he couldn't think of anyone in the medical world who could meet the description of Professor Arenzo.

"Hahaha ... if you stand in front of you, you will be very surprised." Professor Arenzo is very satisfied with Professor Kelvin's expression at this moment, as if he saw Zhou Qingfeng at the beginning.

"I can't think of who he is? Tell me the answer." Professor Kelvin could only ask in a low posture.

"He's just ..." Professor Arenzo just wanted to say Zhou Qingfeng's identity, and the whole underground laboratory suddenly exploded.

The ceiling lamps were cracking loose, the hangings on the walls were falling, and the heavy desks were shaking. The two professors couldn't even hold their own chairs, and thumped.

The Green Blast bomb truck rushed into Blue Mountain and blew up!

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