Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 729: The Black Eagle Falls!

Rotors vibrated, the air flow roared, and more than a dozen helicopters were flying fast at low altitude. There was a UH-60M 'Black Hawk' general helicopter in the fleet. The cabin door was wide open. A helmeted machine gunner sat next to the cabin door and operated a 50-point M2HB.

In the cockpit of the 'Black Eagle', Lieutenant Wallace has lifted the helicopter to an extreme speed of 350 kilometers, and various instructions and briefings continue to be heard in the headset. Just listening to the anxious and even angry tone in the briefing will tell you the severity of the situation.

The Third Brigade of the Second Infantry Division was specially arranged to protect 'Pandora'. Since the Blue Mountain Town could not station an army of thousands of people, the Third Brigade could only stay more than 20 kilometers away. Now more than twenty kilometers have become a deadly distance.

After a violent explosion in the direction of Blue Mountain Town and strong electromagnetic interference in communications, the US Army of the Third Brigade was immediately enraged. This is by no means an accident, but a sneak attack!

The United States suffered a mean and terrible sneak attack, which even happened near Washington. This is the worst provocation and cannot be forgiven!

The helicopter brigade of the Third Brigade immediately took off to launch rescue. Lieutenant Wallace felt as indignant at the moment as when '911' happened more than a decade ago. He hoped that he would immediately kill the attackers and shoot them at the bullet.

With a top speed of 350 kilometers and a distance of more than 20 kilometers in just five minutes, the entire fleet can already see the blue mountain town in a state of chaos. Everyone was shocked by the huge explosive crater in the town.

Because the radio was disrupted, the entire fleet could only fight on its own. Wallace's 'Black Hawk' was responsible for rescue. Their first task was to rescue important researchers in the 'Pandora' laboratory. Everyone knows that anyone in Blue Mountain can die, and two people can't die.

Closer, an AH-64D ‘Apache’ heavy gunship has stepped forward to open a landing site. The strong winds of the rotors dispersed the smoke and dust rising from the ground, and some areas where the fire was exchanging were exposed in front of the aircraft group.

"Lieutenant, look forward left," the machine gunner at the cabin door shouted.

Wallace turned to look at it, and three or five people in the front left were engaged in a crossfire across several smoking vehicles. He immediately responded: "Our mission is to rescue, and the battle is given to 'Apache'."

"No!" The machine gunner was anxious and shouted again, "Be careful of air defense missiles."

The words didn't fall, and the ground suddenly burst into the dense flames of more than a dozen individual air defense missiles. The booster rocket engine pushes the missile out of the cartridge and works with the main engine. The hot flames accelerate the projectile to a high speed of more than two Mach in one or two seconds.

The attackers had long expected to deal with the air assault forces of the Third Brigade, using the most advanced individual weapons as soon as they shot. However, the distance of four or five hundred meters is only two or three seconds for the two Mach missiles to accelerate.

The leading Apache was using his thirty millimeter cannon to sweep the ground. Under the attack of this powerful shell, any resistance was futile. Several identified attackers on the ground have been beaten into flesh, and an assault vehicle rushing into the town of Blue Mountains has also been beaten.

When the missile hit, ‘Apache’ ’s on-board alarm system immediately screamed, the infrared bait was automatically launched, and the sky was full of dazzling red light. But this had no effect. This time the attackers were not the waste of outdated weapons in the Middle East. Their individual missiles had infrared staring capabilities.

The leader 'Apache' was hit by three 'poison stings' in succession, and the three-kilogram detonation warhead blew up the sky. The driver of the Apache immediately felt a severe tremor in the fuselage.

The first "Stinger" hit the front of Apache and was blocked by heavy armor; the second shot hit the tail beam and the body immediately became difficult to control; the third shot hit the engine under the rotor, weighing ten tons The heavy artillery helicopter fell down immediately.

Dense ground anti-aircraft fire caused heavy damage to the helicopter group that came over. The first attack killed four, and the remaining helicopters had to be maneuvered or land quickly.

Wallace, who was responsible for saving the people, chose to land. He used to come to Blue Mountain and knew where there was an emergency escape route and where there was a special helicopter landing platform.

In the fierce crossfire, Wallace's companions also provided opportunities for his landing. A heavily armored ‘Apache’ stopped him in front of him, took a ‘poison sting’ for him, and launched a brave attack on the enemy ’s air defense position.

Seeing which smoking ‘Apache’ had no intention of landing at all, but regardless of the missiles that had been fired in unison, they continued to open fire in midair, and Wallace couldn't help crying in his eyes. When the two helicopters converged, the ‘Apache’ pilot on the other side gave him a strong fist, signalling that he would never give in.

There will never be a shortage of blood and bravery on the battlefield. Wallace knows that he must find a rescue target as soon as possible, so as not to expose his companions to the enemy's antiaircraft fire and suffer casualties.

Slow down, slow down, and land. Wallace perfectly stopped his 'Black Hawk' at the exit of the escape channel. As soon as this landed, an attacker attacked him immediately, and the bullet hit the body with a bang.

"Fuck this bunch of Japanese." Wallace saw the rescue passage blocked by fire, and several security service security officers were guarding a white-haired old man in an extremely bad situation. The attackers also shouted loudly, trying to surrender the secret service members, but the badly changed Japanese English exposed their identities.

The machine gunner at the side of the cabin immediately gave him a heavy blow with his heavy machine gun. Wallace continued to wave in the cockpit, yelling for the special service members in the escape channel to board the plane quickly.

When he saw white hair and a thin old man entered the cabin, crew members including Wallace couldn't help cheering loudly. "Black Hawk" immediately increased the engine power and lifted the airframe without hesitation.

The Apache, which blocked Wallace's missiles, has fallen, but its sacrifice is worth it.

In order to withstand the enemy's violent attacks, the armed guards throughout the town of Blue Mountain suffered great sacrifice, but their sacrifice was worth it.

In order to reject the shameless demands of almost all the countries in the world, the United States has endured tremendous pressure and even been attacked by people, but all this is destined to be worthwhile.

Because Professor Steve Arenzo is still alive, the genius scholar who founded the superhuman evolution of humans is still in the hands of the United States. He has boarded the 'Black Hawk' who came to the rescue, and he is leaving the dangerous Blue Mountain town. He will be placed under stricter protection from now on and will never be threatened.

The United States will pay the price for all shameless attackers.

The United States will sink all the black hands behind the scenes and become inferior.

The United States will continue to lead the world for a hundred years. No ... for a thousand years, ten thousand years, and forever!

Seeing that the target that was about to be handed over was rescued in this way, the attackers who launched the operation sent out the sorrow of sorrow, the helplessness, the madness, the despair, which can be seen from their distorted expressions.

"Hahaha ... these despicable monkeys, they will pay for everything today." Wallace was in a good mood. His body had been elevated to more than thirty meters, turned the direction, increased speed, and left quickly.

And just then ...

A tall figure in black chased out in the escape channel. He saw the professor at the moment he boarded the plane, saw the cabin door closed, saw the body lift, and saw that the 'Black Hawk' was about to turn away. Thinking that the M240B in his hand might not be able to penetrate the sturdy body, he immediately dropped the machine gun and ammunition box in his hand and accelerated to run forward.

Wallace saw this guy with a skull mask, and special agents in the cabin saw this guy. Numerous people on the battlefield saw this fast-moving guy.

The special agent shouted in horror: "Fly fast, leave here, this guy is extremely terrible!"

The attackers who were still alive on the ground were shocked. What did this guy wearing a skull mask want to do? Is he going to hit a helicopter more than thirty meters high?

Through the bulletproof glass of the cabin, Wallace stared coldly at the man in black running across from him. Although the shouting of the secret service personnel was anxious, it was not a particularly great threat in his eyes. The helicopter is pulling up. What can the other party do? Cry standing on the ground!

But Wallace saw the man in black drop the machine gun, unload the magazine, and lost all kinds of ammunition and equipment. The other party almost gave up everything on his body ~ www.readwn.com ~ so rushed all the way, about a distance of about fifty or sixty meters, actually two or three seconds closer.

Every step of the man in black stepped out of a pit on the ground, and the concrete ground even collapsed because he couldn't bear the huge stepping force. After getting closer, he jumped up onto a balcony on the second floor of a house that was 56 meters above the ground.

The balcony collapsed ...

With the help of a kick, the man in black quickly rose to eight or nine meters in height, and he bounced to the top of the five-story building in the other direction.

The roof cracked and jumped again ...

The height of this jump suddenly increased by more than ten meters, and quickly approached the height that the 'Black Hawk' was pulling up.

God, how did this man do it?

Wallace watched the man in the black combat suit and skull mask leap from the ground step by step, jumping up until he appeared in front of him.

Everything in the world seems to be in slow motion.

The shouts of the secret service members were still in the ears. The exclamation of the ground attacker had just been issued. The man in black was like an eagle with wings spread, and rushed up.

Zhou Qingfeng waved his fist and charged backwards, and the terrifying skull helmet seemed to make a terrifying roar. His combat suit could not withstand the huge force in the beating and broke into pieces of rags, exposing the black exoskeleton mechanical exoskeleton attached to his body.

Wallace was sitting in the cockpit, still controlling his ‘black hawk’ steadily. At this moment, the enemy ’s heavy punch with metal finger cuffs hit the bulletproof glass. The glass shattered, his fist rushed in, Wallace headshot, and flesh splashed.

All the sacrifices and efforts are in vain.


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