Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 731: Beware of the total army

Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to hear what Professor Arenzo said. Regardless of what was wrong with this talented scholar who founded the human superevolutionary project, no one could deny his talent.

It is a miracle to pass through the numerous obstacles of the wasteland, to complete the impossible missions, and to defeat powerful enemies. Zhou Qingfeng was able to break through the siege, create a foundation, and eventually become a man. All of this was inseparable from the original NTZ-49 stock solution of Professor Arenzo.

Morally speaking, Zhou Qingfeng owes each other a kindness. But now ... it's time to start, just kill it. Take a heart, this world is always the history of the victors.

After Professor Arenzo was shot, Commander Valena, who had been holding him, froze. She stared blankly at the body of the professor who fell to the ground and shouted, "Why did you kill him? Do you know how important he is?"

"I understand his importance more than anyone else in the world." The muzzle in Zhou Qingfeng's hand pointed to Valena again.

Is this how I ended? Facing this guy with a skull mask in front of her, Valina really felt like she was going to die, maybe the next shot ....

But Zhou Qingfeng hesitated for a while and then said, "Your mission has been completed. Hurry up, you can't escape if you don't leave."

Valena and her two special soldiers were very surprised. It was easy to kill them with Zhou Qingfeng's skills. Anyway, so many people have died, and it is not uncommon to die a few of them. The fierceness shown by Zhou Qingfeng is by no means a kind-hearted person.

"You let us go?"

"I have two friends, one Russian and one Ukrainian. They both asked me not to kill their compatriots unless necessary. That was the companion who accompanied me to kill from the **** sea of ​​corpses, I promised Their request. "

When Zhou Qingfeng finished speaking, he lowered his gun and jumped up to the top of a collapsed building. Several jumps disappeared in the sight of Valena.

"Ah ..." Valena wanted to stop and couldn't stop. But she didn't hesitate too much, and immediately searched Professor Arenzo's body, and found only a USB flash drive stored close by. With this USB flash drive, she whispered ‘Let ’s Go’ to the last two men and quickly disappeared into Blue Mountain Town.

The journey to escape is fraught with danger. It was confirmed that 'Pandora' was attacked, Professor Arenzo was killed, and the Americans went crazy. The President of the United States, the United States Congress, the American media, all exploded!

A nuclear submarine enters the water, a strategic bomber takes off, and an intercontinental ballistic missile is ready to be launched. All available retaliation methods are already on the line. From the president to the Congress, no one dares to order the craziest revenge.

It wasn't that he was forced to death, no one wants to drag the world to hell.

The reason why Russia has desperately dispatched special forces is that it is not sure about the progress of the NTZ project, and it cannot bear the consequences of the success of the NTZ project. If the Americans were really made superhuman, the Slavic nation, which was already in recession, would really be in a state of utter danger.

But for Americans-I'm doing well, who wants to enter the world of nuclear war with your group of poor ghosts?

Sanctions, blockades, suppressions are the second-hand laws that the United States used to bully other countries, but this time it will not work. There are too many countries participating in these operations. On the surface, the coalition forces of the eight nations are acting together, and no fewer than twenty or thirty countries are behind it.

What the United States can do now is to do its best to capture those involved in the operation and retrieve the lost technology and materials. But for today's advanced information technology, using a satellite to transmit data is not difficult.

After escaping from Blue Mountain Town, Valina immediately passed the information from the USB drive back to the country, and she herself escaped many pursuits and returned to Russia.

As soon as Valina returned home, she discovered that the people of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs' most concern were not the NTZ project, but the super soldiers who appeared during the attack. To put it plainly, is Zhou Qingfeng wearing a 'mechanical exoskeleton'.

"Major Valena, please describe in detail what you saw on the battlefield at that time." The director of the Russian President's Office personally came to ask for relevant information.

The Russian government was ecstatic to get Professor Arenzo's USB stick. However, after a careful study of the incomplete information in this USB flash drive, Mao Xiong found that the contents were too advanced and far from Russia's current biochemical technology.

Mao Xiong's technological level is really behind the world. It's like a 486 computer user, and you give him an Intel I7 CPU for nothing. Everything is a good thing, but the supporting facilities are too bad, no matter how good it is, it is not necessary!

The fur bear is really stunned by internal injuries, but through the description of Valena and the video shot on the helmet camera, another high-tech that makes fur bears excited or even horrified has appeared. After more than thirty years, a big killer actually came out!

The "mechanical exoskeleton" shocked the bear more than the human evolution project, because the mechanical design and processing level of the bear is pretty good. This is the oldest version inherited from the Soviets at that time. The ‘mechanical skeleton’ is still in the category of fur bears.

"The Chinese special soldier covered his equipment with a large coat. Although he had revealed something special, we didn't pay much attention at the beginning.

But after the battle ~ www.readwn.com ~, this Chinese man has extremely amazing performance in various aspects such as moving speed, explosive power, jumping ability, and even crit. In particular, his practice of bouncing on several buildings after the run-up, and finally jumping down to shoot down the 'Black Hawk' was really shocking. "

As the only few who acted with Zhou Qingfeng and escaped Blue Mountain after completing the mission, Valena's description of Zhou Qingfeng became a top-secret material. These things will eventually be sent to Pu's boss as a reference for future diplomacy.

As the Tsar of Russia, Boss Pu only saw a long sigh after seeing these descriptions, "In the future, our relationship with China will be closer."

It was not only Valena who escaped the town of Blue Mountains, but also a Japanese intelligence officer who escaped by chance. After hiding in Tibet for a long time, he returned to the Japanese Embassy in the United States with his severely wounded body.

It was already dying when he returned, and the Japanese embassy immediately asked him, "Did the mission be completed?"

"Professor Steve Arenzo, the founder of the NTZ project, has been confirmed dead and the 'Pandora' laboratory has been severely damaged."

"Professor Arenzo is dead!" The Japanese are really lamented by this. If they had known that this scholar who changed the world had such a great achievement, they would try to leave it behind when the professor was in Japan.

But now the emotion is useless, the embassy staff continued to ask, "Any other circumstances? Have you got any useful information about the NTZ project?"

The Japanese who fled did not know anything about Valena's taking the USB drive, and he could only shake his head to show that he had not obtained anything useful. But when he was dying, he suddenly turned back and chanted a poem.

"The rice beasts are panicking in the world, and they are not afraid of hibiscus in danger. However, there are many black hands behind the scenes, be careful that the Communist Party has a high army."

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