Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 733: untitled

'Pandora' was destroyed and Professor Arenzo was killed. The severity of this incident has exceeded the '911' incident. After all, it was civilians who lost the '911', and the death of tens of thousands of people did not hurt the United States at all, but the death of Professor Arenzo was heartbreaking.

The dream of the rich and senior officials returning to old age is broken. This is the dream that has appeared countless times in various myths and legends since human beings have wisdom. Now it seems to be realized but was interrupted. The senior officials of the US government hate all the black hands behind it.

For other big powers, Americans also have to avoid the nuclear weapons in the other's hands. But for those who facilitate the attack in China, whether you intentionally or not, all die!

Our Ms. Secretary of State fell into a bad mold this time and had to retire from the political arena. Even the political strength of the entire Clinton family also shrank.

Mayor Iman, who led Zhou Qingfeng into the Pentagon, became an authentic scapegoat. He was arrested on the day of the attack and turned over with his own shit.

And William Bob, who was the minion of Iman, suddenly felt like a bird frightened and panicked. He only recently got in touch with Iman, and to say that the relationship between the two is not very deep. But now the high-level of the government has gone crazy, and everyone must bite.

Now the "hunting hunt" investigation team has been strengthened again, and William Bob's power has even increased. But he just wanted to escape, and it was absolutely doomed not to escape.

Now that Professor Kelvin has become the only and last hope for the NTZ project, then once he broke through Helena, the high-level officials tried to please and appease Professor Kelvin, and it was as easy as killing an ant to kill him.

However, as an old FBI agent, he must pay attention to methods to escape. William Bob left without panic. He judged that after Iman's arrest, he should have twelve hours to arrange a rear path.

Continue to work smoothly in the spacious office, smile to each colleague in the bright hallway, and secretly purchase tickets with fake IDs and credit cards. William Bob left the FBI's headquarters in Washington only half an hour before the arrest warrant arrived.

It was dark to drive from the underground parking lot, but the streets were full of traffic, and everything was still noisy. Usually here is deserted after work, but the FBI has been busy in recent days.

William Bob had to sigh, he was only a few streets away from the White House, but this would be the last time in his life that he is now close to the heart of the United States.

Sighing was useless, as William Bob left the FBI headquarters and immediately headed to his safe house on the outskirts of Washington. Where will he complete his final identity change and then leave the United States for Mexico by flight.

At night, the safe house is a very ordinary small house with ordinary furnishings, and important things are hidden in the basement. But when William Bob walked into the living room, he saw the lazy Helena lying on the sofa, bored and watching a TV with a glass of wine.

This is really the last person William Bob wants to see. He stood stiffly, staring eagle-eyed at the woman on the sofa, and said in a deep voice, "Helena, how did you find this place?"

"Because I am your best student, you still taught me how to choose a safe house." Helena raised her glass and pointed to the chair across the sofa. "Sit down and talk."

"You've won it completely, and I'm leaving the United States, do you still want to let me go?" William Bob knew that Helena dared to appear so carelessly, and must have relied on him, and he had to speak with pleading. Tone.

But Helena drank her glass and smiled with a shrug: "I'm not looking for you, but who is behind you."

Behind him?

William Bob turned around and saw that there was a tall figure behind him. The key is that this person wears a skull mask. This mask has now become a symbol, a shadow that weighs on the hearts of senior officials of the US Department of Defense.

Almost one person picked the entire ‘Pandora’ and broke the new human dream of the far-reaching United States. How can such a person not be frightening?

Not only was the attack on 'Pandora', one person on flight UA611 dealt with hundreds of people, and kicked the cockpit of a high-strength aluminum alloy passenger plane out of the pit. There are also various attacks in the United States before, these must have been done by this terrible and horrible guy.

Huh ..., William Bob couldn't help but sigh, and instantly felt that he was more than ten years old, decadent and weak. He felt that he was full of preparations but completely useless. When he met such a godlike figure in front of him, he had no resistance at all.

"You're looking for me like this, surely you're not trying to kill me, right?" William Bob struck a start, went to the chair in front of Helena and sat down, grabbed a bottle of red wine on the table and poured it into his mouth.

Zhou Qingfeng was also not overseas Chinese and asked directly: "Where is Professor Kelvin?"

"At Cheyenne Mountain, North American Air Defense Command." William Bob also did not hide, he knew that if he wanted to live, he would better show his value. And the answer he said was obviously a little unexpected for Zhou Qingfeng.

Cheyenne Mountain ... This is more troublesome!

North American Air Defense Command is in the hollowed-out Cheyenne Mountain nuclear shelter. That place is even more guarded than the White House. It is the last fort built by the United States in response to the World War. It is too difficult to break into.

"Who can see Dr. Kelvin now?" Zhou Qingfeng asked again.

"It should be visible at the Secretary of Defense level." William Bob shook his head. "Helena may be able to see the video link when she submits the application, but others will definitely not."

After William Bob said, look at Zhou Qingfeng and look at Helena, I wonder if this woman should join forces with foreign enemies to kill her father?

However, Zhou Qingfeng said, "Mr. Bob ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huaxia National Security Department has always wanted a veteran who is familiar with the internal affairs of the US FBI. Would you like to take this job?"

William Bob smiled bitterly, shaking his head first, then nodding, "Do I have a choice?"

"I also feel that you have no choice." Zhou Qingfeng let the door open. "There is a RV outside and you can go up. Other things will be arranged for you."

William Bob stood up again, shaking himself out of the safe room's living room. He got into a RV by the light outside the door. The RV left quickly after starting, without any delay.

Helena got up from the sofa to Zhou Qingfeng and watched as William Bob left. He said unpleasantly, "That **** almost killed me. It's too cheap for him."

Zhou Qingfeng took off the skull helmet covering his face and shook his hair. "Let's think about how to meet your father."

But Helena asked with a little caution this time: "You didn't say you would kill Professor Arenzo before, but now you still want to kill my father?" (To be continued.)

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