Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 738: Never seen such a brazen person

Departing from the Magic City and transiting through Los Angeles, more than 20 people from ‘Lin Sen’ and diplomats from the four countries flew to Dulles International Airport in Washington, DC.

After coming out of the cabin, the scene was extremely bleak, and there was nothing to welcome the crowd. There was not even a demonstration crowd. It was completely ignored. The U.S. government treats it properly or indifferently, or puts up a shelf, and wants to give it away.

Only Dr. Kissinger, who was full of white hair, was waiting in the VIP channel. The old secretary, who had long been out of the US political circle, was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to shake hands and said, "Welcome you, guests from afar.

"I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Kissinger." Zhou Qingfeng also quickly reached out and gave an active response. Ashamed to say, just about half a month, he also pretended to be 'Maxim' and ran to Laoji's house to join the salon. At that time, the two also chatted casually.

'Pandora' was destroyed afterwards, and the mad dog-like US Congress also investigated the real politician. If Mr. Kissinger knew the beginning and end of the matter, even if he was almost a hundred years old, his blood pressure would rise with excitement, and he would jump up and scold.

Boy, you pitted me for the last time, and this time used me to make a splash again. The tension in this world is not all scourged by you? This is indeed a species of the black-bellied rabbit family. Turning around and having a face to be a messenger of peace, your shameless look is very charming!

But now, when Zhou Qingfeng and Kissinger reached out to clasp their hands, they were snapped by the accompanying reporters and became historical photos that will be recorded in the annals of the future. Many people interpret this as the stark contrast between the revival of the rising sun in China and the decaying beauty of the aging aging couple.

After a brief greeting, the two sides made a brief speech to a small number of media who came to interview, and both expressed confidence in easing the current situation. But after leaving the airport, formal diplomatic mediation really began.

Zhou Qingfeng transferred to Dr. Kissinger the handwritten letters from the leaders of the four nations to the Great Commander of Eagle Sauce, all of which are reaffirmations of friendly cooperation between the nations. Introduced by Kissinger in the next few days, Zhou Qingfeng started to visit the dignitaries of American politics one by one.

However, Uncle Zhou is just a vase character. The real details are handled by the four foreign diplomats who came with him in secret consultations with the US Department of Foreign Affairs.

However, when he got off the plane, Zhou Qingfeng made his own request to the media-if this mediation is fruitful, he hopes to see Dr. Kelvin as a sign of success.

No one paid too much attention to this request. After all, if it was successful, it would not be a big deal to meet. But this requirement is different for Dr. Kelvin.

You must know that Zhou Qingfeng flew back to Huaxia five days after destroying 'Pandora', and then held a press conference as soon as he landed and flew back to the United States with a vote of diplomats.

At this time, the preliminary investigation into the attack on 'Pandora' had just completed. The US President and members of his cabinet were listening to reports from the intelligence services. What about Professor Kelvin? He is watching TV at North American Air Defense Command in Cheyenne.

Due to the momentum of the icebreaking trip, US media still reported on 'Lin Sen'. Dr. Kelvin's "Wasteland" TV series is actually a video clip from a news program.

When he saw Zhou Qingfeng's face and heard the name "Victor. Hugo", and then contacted the voice of Professor Arenzo before he was killed, Professor Kelvin suddenly realized ...

Victor Hugo, it's not just this kid, it's him.

Steve Arenzo has given enough hints that after excluding all the interference factors, no matter how incredible the result, this is the final answer-this man named Victor Hugo manipulated behind the scenes all.

Professor Kelvin was excited, happy, and happy. The long-awaited problem has finally been solved, and this kind of fun is beyond description. He kept saying "I understand, I understand" in his mouth and rushed out of the room.

Trying to do everything possible to catch this bastard, he is the black hand behind the scenes, he is the source of the disaster, he is hiding the BOSS, as long as you catch him can solve all problems.

Steve Arenzo cannot die in vain, ‘Pandora’ cannot be destroyed in vain, and the great America cannot afford the humiliation of the attack. You have to find this person and make him pay.

Patriotic enthusiasm is full of Professor Kelvin's mind, and he is so happy that he can see the truth through the mist. But when he rejoiced, he found a Defense Department officer in charge of his own security, and wanted to tell the other party what he found, but he was informed of a series of major news events.

"Professor, do you know a movie star named Victor Hugo? Chinese, real name is Lin Sen."

"Know, I was just watching the TV show he made. I tell you, I found a big secret from the TV show, this guy is hiding deeply."

"Uh ... we all know that Victor. Hugo is hidden deeply, but the TV drama thing first puts it down. This Victor. Hugo has been regarded as an unofficial peace envoy by China, Russia, Britain, and France. The global political crisis triggered by Pandora's attack. "

"What?" The tone of the Defense Department officer's tone was flat, but Professor Kelvin's original mood suddenly became cold, even a bit inexplicable, "What did you say? Victor Hugo became a peace envoy?"

"Yes, as a non-political film and television star, he does have a relatively detached attitude to perform this rare mediation work. He held a press conference when the magic capital of Huaxia set off and his speech was very touching. . "

Seeing the respectful expressions of the officers of the Ministry of Defence, Professor Kelvin was stunned-Victor Hugo became a peace envoy? Where is this shameless kid? He killed us so hard ~ www.readwn.com ~ dare to run to the United States to carry out a scam?

This **** is not in front of my eyes, otherwise I shot him!

However, an officer of the Department of Defense saw Dr. Kelvin's hair straight and continued: "Victor Hugo has arrived in Washington, and he told the media at the airport that he hopes to see you after the good offices have been achieved to show you Reverence. "

Ah ..., how dare he come here?

"I don't see, I will never see this bastard. He should be thrown into prison." Professor Kelvin said firmly. The old man is also decades old, and he is extremely angry at Zhou Shaofeng's shameless expression.

However ... just as Professor Kelvin was furious, a voice forced him out, "Dad, I think you still want to see this Victor Hugo?"

Professor Kelvin turned abruptly, and immediately opened his arms in great joy, "My Helena, my child, you certainly don't know how much I miss you."

After a series of twists and turns, the father and daughter finally embraced again. And just as the two hugged each other, Helena whispered in her father's ear: "Dad, remember that I told you about the Chinese person who was giving me a headache, but did you appreciate the Chinese people who wanted to meet? ? "

Ah ..., Professor Kelvin froze again, and looked at his daughter after releasing his hug. He had called Helena before he was sent to Pandora, and at that time he was screaming to see a boy who had an ambiguous relationship with his daughter.

"Is he?" Professor Kelvin couldn't believe it.

But Helena nodded. "Yes, that's him."

Gosh! Scourge America, not to mention that she even hooked up with my baby girl, I have never seen such a brazen person!

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