Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 746: Site economics

蔫 Liu Laojiu has been standing in the village recently watching the lively. Their village is at the junction of urban and rural areas in Tianyang City, and there is no barren land on the opposite side, which cannot grow food. As a result, the Northeast economy has been bad in recent years, and the underpants that developers have lost are gone.

I was just rumored to have been taken over by that rotten villa area last month. The person who took over also recently became famous in Tianyang City, and was known as the general manager of female fortune **** Yuan. It's inspirational to get started.

蔫 Liu Laoqi didn't know what inspiration was not inspirational. He only knew that since the villa on the opposite side changed to the main house, the original bad project started again. There is money to be made this time!

In recent years, young people haven't returned to look for work. With a net loss of population in the village, there are only a few older people left, and the family income naturally deteriorates. Now that there is a project, some simple things can make some idle labor nearby earn some extra money.

For example ..., Liu Laojiu sells his tea eggs. At first he just boiled the eggs laid by his old hens and sold them on the construction site. Later, it was discovered that there were more and more people on that site, and his tea eggs were in short supply.

On the opposite side of the construction site, there were more than 2,000 migrant workers gathered in a short period of time, and people from around Shili and Baxiang came to work as part-time workers. With one egg a day for each person, Liu Laojiu could not be too busy.

However, is this tea egg easy to sell, and competitors immediately appear. Liu Laojiu found that the daughter-in-law of Lao Zhao who was on the opposite side also started selling tea eggs, and immediately robbed him of half of his business.

I hate it!

Originally, Liu Laoyu was full of hope that he could rely on monopoly business and sell tea eggs to make a lot of money. Eggs for one dollar are too cheap. They should sell for five or ten. But now the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family comes out, and the dream is shattered!

I was thinking about whether Liu Laojiong would discuss with Zhao's wife, and the two joined forces to raise the price. Not to mention one for five, so good for one for five! But he found that the market economy was too annoying-less than a week, there were several emergences of tea eggs.

Alas, tea eggs are also earned for one dollar. For such a construction site with more than 2,000 people, the demand is not small, and earning a little is also a little.

The daughter of Zhao Jia, who is opposite to Ke Ke, is not as impatient as Liu Laojiu. People find that there are too many competitors selling tea eggs, and the profit is too small. People on the construction site can have a problem eating.

Box lunch is made with vegetarian ingredients, and it is up to you to save money. Zhao's daughter-in-law also specially built a cooking car and took the initiative to send the food to the construction site to buy. The enthusiasm for service, the customer is supreme, and the business has grown immediately.

Now Liu Laojiu is quitting. He used to sell two or three hundred tea eggs a day, but now he can sell twenty or thirty. Not everyone who sells tea eggs can make a box lunch, some people are immediately eliminated by the market.

蔫 Liu Laoyu also wanted to follow the industrial upgrade, but he was not very good at cooking, and he couldn't fight Zhao's daughter-in-law. Moreover, not only did the other woman do it alone, the other party also pulled over her seven aunts and eight aunts. The output of this box of lunches has been rising, the price has not changed, but the profit has increased.

Seeing Zhao's daughter-in-law earning thousands of yuan a day in selling boxed lunches, Liu Laojiu was so anxious and anxious that such a good opportunity to make money was in her own hands.

I hate it!

The tea egg business of Liu Laoyu ended up in a bleak business until one day when the villa area lived in a foreigner, it was said that it was from India.

Moreover, the foreigner was also very interesting. He was standing by the construction site for a whole day when he was okay, and took a family of ten to the stall of Liu Laoyu to buy a whole pot of tea eggs. Shake his head.

Although the language communication was completely chicken-to-duck, Liu Laoyun quickly realized that shaking the head of the other party meant that his tea eggs were delicious.

This is the way!

蔫 Liu Laojiu also decided to upgrade the industry. He set up a hot stall and specialized in supper business. Now, Zhao's daughter-in-law won't make box lunch to grab business in the middle of the night, right?

In the end, this hot business became a hit!

The laboratory's construction site is shifted day and night, and they are constantly rushing to make progress. Some people have to work and eat in the middle of the night. Liu Laojiu's stall was defended by hundreds of people the first night, because the business was so good that it almost exhausted him.

In the following week, Liu Laojiu also learned to increase the production of Zhao's daughter-in-law and called for a few relatives to help her. Finally, she also felt the cramp of counting the money-all a few pieces of zero tickets, watching a lot In fact, it is only a few thousand yuan.

Since the main building of the laboratory was under construction, the construction site was busy and various construction vehicles continued to flow. It is said that several large construction teams in the province have come to grab this building with four floors above ground, two underground floors, a construction area of ​​20,000 square meters, and a total cost of nearly one billion from construction to renovation.

On the construction site, there are many more foreigners. From the beginning, only that Indian has quickly become a dozen or dozens. Everyone pointed at the construction site.

What's so nice about the construction site? Building houses all over the world these last few years is the construction site. Liu Laojiu is most concerned about his hot and spicy business, because this business is too good, and strong competitors soon appear in the market.

Zhang Mazi in the next village, after inspecting the market, thought that there would be a large number of people working and living in this laboratory. He decided to make a strategic investment in this catering industry, and introduced a more advanced business model and management in one fell swoop-people opened a restaurant in the village!

As soon as the firecrackers opened at the restaurant, this level of management was immediately higher than the spicy hotness of Liu Laoyu by one level. The profit margins of hundreds or even thousands on a single table, and the increase in profitability by ten or even a hundred times, are enough to be proud of the heroes-a bunch of villagers who set up stalls are dumbfounded.

There was no competition in the past. Whether it was migrant workers or foremen, they ate lunch from Zhao's daughter-in-law during the day ~ www.readwn.com ~ and they eat Liu Lao's hot and spicy food at night. But now on the construction site, everyone who has a higher level of pursuit of identity, feels that the spicy hot is not high enough, it is better to go to the restaurant.

This is really the productive forces and production relations to keep up with the people's needs for material and spiritual civilization!

I hate it!

I can't do it ... We can't let Zhang Mazi seize the top of the industry chain like this, we must also take the initiative to develop to the upper levels. Liu Laojiu was pained, and decided to go up the grade. After all, setting up a small stall will not be able to support the cause!

怎么 What if I do n’t have funds? Partner with daughter-in-law Zhao Jia who feels the same threat.

怎么 What to do if there is no talent? Go to the city to invite a chef who can make a good meal.

怎么 What if I can't manage it? Send your son to steal a teacher to learn arts, and in any case have to continue the cause.

When the main laboratory building completed in three months was quickly completed, Liu Laojiu's food city also lit the firecrackers. The foreigners who have always liked to watch the liveliness on the construction site are curious and come to eat.

Laman, the management director of the laboratory, sat in the food city, and looked at the main laboratory building that was completed in three months outside the window with sorrow, and sighed in the Chinese just learned: "You Chinese are really amazing!"

"Hey ..." Liu Laojiu thought the foreigner was bragging about himself, and immediately laughed: "Aren't our people come here for thousands of years, can anything stump us? Anything we can understand as long as we understand it Simple. Come on, Chinese or Western, I have both. "(To be continued.)

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