Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 754: War never changed

Nearly 15,000 tons of food, arms, and medicines were loaded on large freighters, and they departed from the port of Moto to pretend to go to Nagasaki. Xiao Jinlang watched Zhou Qingfeng boarding and leaving the port by the dock, waiting for the boat to go away. He got into his special car and hurried to Modu Optoelectronics Institute.

Xia Mo is an important R & D and manufacturing base of Huaxia's machinery and electronics industry. There are the best experts, scholars and military personnel in the country. The large-capacity encrypted hard disk surrendered by Zhou Qingfeng was sent to the Institute of Optoelectronics as soon as possible, and a large number of scientific researchers have been gathered here for analysis and research.

第一 The first generation of US military t-51b power armor is a project set up to solve the problem of individual soldiers' defense, mobility and firepower on the battlefield. It is not a mecha that can fly into the ground in anime, but an authentic ground weapon platform.

The U.S. military hopes to use this platform to greatly enhance the combat capabilities of soldiers, and mechanize and informationize each soldier so that they can maintain a high degree of combat effectiveness on the battlefield with harsh environments and gain crushing tactical advantages for ordinary soldiers.

It's like adults hitting children.

In order to make power armor successful, the United States has invested heavily in small power packs, high-performance sensors, intelligent control hubs, and miniature high-power motors. This was a result that could only be reached after ten years. Now it is in front of Huaxia researchers, and the result is ...


半 After half a month of preliminary study of the materials, all the people involved in the project planning are crying out-the gap is too big!

The gap is not small, this is a mature technology of the US emperor ten years later. The comparison is now almost one to two, or even three generations of technology gap. Not to mention Huaxia, even Americans now are scared to death when they see it.

The situation was reported to the central government, and the chief academician responsible for coordinating the project put forward his own point of view: "After decades of development, the technological gap between us and Americans has not been reduced, but has been increasing.

If you don't increase your investment, a catastrophic event like the ntz project will happen again soon. Then the Russians will not be desperate, we will be forced to desperate.

And what we are getting now is definitely not the most advanced technology in the United States, t-51b should only be the technology reserve of the other party.

We have no other choice but to catch up. Fortunately, the information we have now is quite complete and can greatly reduce the gap with our opponents. The key is to get strong support. "

According to the academician's chief engineer's explanation, it was simplified to two words-asking for money.

At the same time, the central government has always been willing to invest in major issues related to the life and death of the country, and immediately decided to develop its own combat platform for individual soldiers. The original version of t-51b will not be produced at one-half, but in order to make a breakthrough in accordance with the current technical level of China, it is still necessary to build a low-profile version for testing.

减轻 If the power is not enough, you can reduce the armor, if the fire control is not enough, you have less functions, and if the sensors are not, it is not necessary to be so flexible. Anyway, we read it as m1a2, and we are not unfamiliar with writing Type 59. In short, we will solve the problem first, and then we will solve the problem.

The code of t-51b must not be used directly. The central leadership looked at the date and decided its own power armor code ‘45’. First develop a prototype and look at it, and then step by step to improve the abcd and other models.

After being so frustrated by Zhou Qingfeng, the power armor that should have been developed by the United States first, was stimulated by the mad Chinese Huaxia to take the lead in research. With his detailed design plan and a large number of related component research details, it won't be long before the "monkey version" of the power armor will be available.

After jumping over the flying chickens of the Chinese military, Zhou Qingfeng used the cover of a large freighter to transfer 15,000 tons of various materials to the transfer freighter in the wasteland Havana port.

Out of the heavily guarded, trans-shipment freighter known as the Army ’s top secret, Zhou Qingfeng looked up at the sky. The nuclear dust covering the earth for half a year is slowly sinking from the stratosphere, and the sky finally reveals the long-lost sunlight.

The bitter cold is biting, the nuclear winter that killed countless earth creatures has finally passed! The strongest, toughest and most precious survivors will survive this catastrophe, and they will shoulder the responsibility of restoring human civilization.

However, the situation is not as optimistic as expected.

I returned to the Havana Capitol, and Zhou Qingfeng, the commander of the legion, gained the highest respect along the way. Wherever his car went, passers-by stopped, the guards paid tribute, and countless people who survived because of him maintained the highest loyalty.

In the 'Aurora Corps', Zhou Qingfeng is the undisputed leader.

After entering the Legion's Interior Department, after submitting the list of transfer materials, Lena Fox was relieved. Miss Fox looked at Zhou Qingfeng who was standing by the window and said, "Victor, if you haven't been able to bring us extra supplies, the legion will not be able to sustain it."

"If we can't survive, no one in this world can survive." Through the glass window of the Capitol, Zhou Qingfeng can see the Havana city outside the window. Compared to the majesty and depression of the nuclear bomb annihilation half a year ago, people have now restored peace and confidence.

The urban area that had been exposed to a nuclear bomb was completely cleaned up, all the rubble was excavated, and thousands of people lived in the large number of temporary containment buildings.

Thousands of people under the cloud of nuclear winter have not been completely defeated. Now that the sun is reappearing in the sky, people's faces are even showing their long-lost smiles.

"We need to restore social production, but the situation facing the Legion is still extremely bad. Havana's population has exceeded 500,000 ~ www.readwn.com ~ but our food reserves are basically zero. If not you can always bring Food, here is a long way to starve people.

In addition to this, we have an enclave in Mexico. There are 500,000 people in Merida, but the situation is worse than Havana. We desperately need coal and oil from Mexico, but we cannot supply food where we can.

What ’s worse, because of the nuclear winter that lasted half a year, the entire planet ’s ecological environment was destroyed. Without sunlight, there is no air flow, there is no water vapor cycle, there is no ocean current, and there is no rainfall. According to meteorologist estimates, a worldwide drought is spreading across the globe.

气温 Now the temperature has risen to zero, but the flora and fauna ecological environment in the entire tropical region has completely died. The land and the sea are empty, and there are frozen plants everywhere outside the city.

No matter whether it is tropical or cold, the underground tree roots and grass seeds are frozen to death, and the natural environment cannot be restored if you want to recover. You must bring all kinds of animals and plants later, otherwise the world will be extremely lonely for human beings.

What is even more frightening is that after the temperature rises, human activities have greatly increased. But with more organizations and groups unable to sustain it, some people will be forced to expand. I think a large-scale war is brewing. "

Zhou Qingfeng, who was standing by the window, looked distantly from the distance. He recalled the version of the "Wasteland" movie by David Lawrence, and the man who was struggling in the cruel last days. If he is not careful, he will follow in the footsteps of the opponent.

War, war never changes! (To be continued.)

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