Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 768: Rectification exercise 1

Today, the 'Aurora Corps' is also an overwhelming leader, controlling 500,000 people and controlling millions of square kilometers. Although Lina Fox is limited by a shortage of professionals and the government has been small, there are hundreds of managers inside and out.

Now these people are crowding one by one in the conference hall of the Capitol. This kind of western-style hall does not have a spacious podium.

The hall is divided into two floors, and hundreds of people sit down with their priorities. Many people saw His Excellency Fidero sitting in the front row with a thoughtful smile, but the weird scene was that everyone flowed in and out through a small door in the hall.

People who enter often have a heartfelt feeling, while those who come out are relaxed and happy. Everyone laughs, laughs, laughs, and laughs.

Laugh at you ghost!

His Excellency Feldro was comfortable with these smiles at first, only as a sign of closer relations. But everyone just stared at him and laughed, but no one came forward to say hello to him. In the end, his hair was straight and he was extremely unhappy.

At this time, the head of Victor Hugo Corps appeared, handsome, strong, confident, full of vitality, everyone saw him step out calmly, and the last trace of anxiety disappeared quickly.

Everyone even paid attention to Mrs. Lawrence who joined hands with the head of the army. This woman's elegant temperament and generosity are really glamorous, but it is the generous gift of God to the strongest man. No wonder the legionnaires have given them preferential treatment.

When the first eldest appeared, everyone stood up and the audience was quiet. Rachel was arranged to sit at the head of the podium. She also asked the people next to him, "Who is Fedro?", And was told that the beard was only a few seats away from her.

Rachel glanced obliquely, and immediately determined that this guy was nothing more than a problematic martial artist. She had to lament again: This kind of bale really should go to the Brotherhood of Steel to receive onlookers, and David Lawrence would definitely like all of his opponents to be this type.

And Qiu Zhou ’s extraordinary Zhou Qingfeng stepped onto the podium, pressed with one hand, and smiled loudly: "Dear everyone, sit down. Although this meeting is hasty, it should be a relaxed and pleasant meeting. The purpose of my meeting It's to unpack everyone.

Our 'Aurora Corps' was established just over six months ago, and many people say that it was Victor Hugo who founded this organization. I also want to pat my **** to preach to future generations: Yeah, it was I who built this great group by myself.

But I know this is not true. I cannot accomplish the cause of human rejuvenation by myself. The Legion can have today without the hard work and sacrifice of everyone in its establishment.

My relationship with you was not very harmonious at the beginning, even contradictory and hostile. But over time, we have all found that only by cooperating with each other can we survive, and only by relying on each other can we be stronger.

For example, Katrina Raven, when I first met her, she was despised for a long time. Later, she was half-dead with a kick, too late to escape. "

There were a lot of laughter in the conference hall, tall and fit, and the vigorous and fierce girl was embarrassed and glared at Zhou Qingfeng.

Zhou Qingfeng continued: "And Lina Fox, who was chased and killed by me at the time, dragged me into the vortex. I was shot with the New York City police, and the whole world knew my name. "

The laughter sounded again ... and Miss Fox herself couldn't help it.

"Butcher, Minsk, oh ... by the way! And Mr. David Lawrence, at that time, as a group of us, we barely stripped holes in the New York subway for more than ten days to get enough escape materials. .

We also need to remember Mr. Alan Derek. Without him, we would not have the Aurora. It is also impossible for our army to escape from chaotic New York, avoid the devastated nuclear bombs, and come to the Caribbean Sea.

And Mr. Fino East, with a stingy mood, took a boat from Nassau to Grand Abaco Island, picked tomatoes for half a month on the farm, and then told me there was a large aircraft carrier waiting I go to occupy.

There was also the unlucky Mr. Clooney, who represented ‘Incred 'at the time and wanted to make a deal with me in exchange for the aircraft carrier‘ Kennedy ’that I controlled. In the end I was vomiting blood, and I could n’t even go home.

And Mr. Marshall, in the process of capturing Havana, the "Inkley" military advisory team he led can cause me a lot of trouble. I remembered this account, so I left him the most offending errand. "

Zhou Qingfeng ordered a lot of people's names, and all of them were honored, proud and excited. Many people laughed a lot, and many of the people present today were indeed enemies opposing Zhou Qingfeng.

"We have endured suffering, fighting, sacrifice, and some of our companions have fallen forever, and we will remember them. Some of our companions are still struggling, and we will treat them well. I will first issue a medal in recognition of us today Those brave, fearless and determined.

First, please invite His Excellency Ernst Roma. "

In full view, Rom stood up from the lobby for a few moments, came to the podium where Zhou Qingfeng was located, raised his head proudly and shouted, "His Excellency, Ernst Rom will report to you."

Zhou Qingfeng first laughed a few times, and then said to everyone in the lobby, "Rome was a fat man at Columbia University when I was wrapped around me. You see he has finally lost weight.

For nearly a year, Roma was the officer who fought with me the most. Every time there was a difficult problem to solve, he was always able to step forward without mentioning any conditions. He was even seriously injured in Haruko's **** battle and almost lost his life.

After returning from Baltimore this time, he said that his injuries were unhealed, he surrendered the command of the Second Guard Battalion, and took the initiative to serve as the logistics director of the Legion.

In recognition of merit, I have decided to award His Excellency Rom the New York Combat Medal, the Haruko Combat Medal, the Baltimore Combat Medal, and the highest honour medal that must be awarded by me. "

Several gold bronze bottoms ~ www.readwn.com ~ inlaid with precious stones, medals printed with different patterns and texts were taken out, and Zhou Qingfeng solemnly wore them on Roma's chest.

"I also want to announce one thing. The scientific research staff of our corps conducted in-depth research on a series of mutant organisms brought back from North America to extract a powerful self-healing drug from the radiation cockroaches.

This medicine can greatly promote the healing of human trauma. We have conducted thousands of animal and human experiments with excellent results. Given that the production of this drug is still very small, I have decided that it can only be used by those who have achieved considerable honor in the Legion.

Ernst Rom, as long as you inject this medicine, which is named 'Treatment Needle', the sequelae of your serious injury can be completely cured. You don't need to worry about your future life at all, you can continue to be a front-line battlefield commander to win more achievements. "

Once this result was announced, the whole room was noisy, which simply added insurance to everyone's lives. Rom, who was less than 30 years old, was flushed with excitement because of this, and swore allegiance to Victor Hugo, commander of the army, to defend the 'Aurora Corps' with his life.

Federo, who was sitting nearby, stared, his face twitched, his expression extremely ugly. (To be continued.)

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