Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 79: Jenny's Plea

The 5,000-square-meter building is large enough that Ivan and others need time to search over. And Zhou Qingfeng had to flee before the other team's troops came.

I ca n’t escape, I originally expected to use raids and crowds to eat the bandit, but now my band is eaten. The gangsters were spearheaded by the fierce Ivan and pulled support. They were searching for Zhou Qingfeng and other residual forces.

According to Jenny Braun's suggestion, it is easy to open the elevator shaft. Use a saber to insert it into the elevator door. However, in the upward or downward direction, Zhou Qingfeng and the other two had a little disagreement.

"Let's go down, you can escape downwards," said Jenny Braun weakly, thinking about how to persuade Zhou Qingfeng to accompany her to save her daughter.

But Zhou Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Up, I want to get rid of the gangsters here. They can't find us, they will know that we have left the elevator shaft. Subconsciously, we will feel that we have fled down the building. But the actual I didn't leave at all. "

"But there are so many gangsters, we are only three." Jenny didn't give much hope for the comparison of her combat strength.

所以 "So we have to go up even more." Zhou Qingfeng looked at the black Mobutu again, "What about you?"

黑 In the black hole of the elevator shaft, there is only a string of steel cables and cables hanging from it. Mobutu looked at the probe, and still wanted to escape the building. But Zhou Qingfeng insisted on getting rid of these gangsters, and he could only support the other party's decision, "Go up, Mr. Hugo is right, no one would think we would go up."

"But I'm scared." Jenny covered her face and cried again. "What if I can't catch it and fall?"

"Let me carry you." Zhou Qingfeng pulled Jenny over. He first took a rope from the tactical backpack and tied the big horse to his back. The tactical backpack itself was thrown to Mobutu.

Ji Zhenni's one-meter-seven head is not light. She clung tightly to Zhou Qingfeng's back, holding back her inner fear, and could only give her fate to the young man who had just met him for less than an hour.

Zhou Qingfeng leapt forward, jumped into the elevator shaft and grabbed the cable inside, and then hummed and climbed up. There was still some light in the elevator shaft at first, but when Mobutu also jumped in and climbed up the cable, the elevator door closed and the shaft was completely dark.

只有 There were only two men breathing heavily in the elevator shaft. Weak light could be seen through the slit of the elevator door, which seemed extremely claustrophobic. Fortunately, Zhou Qingfeng is strong, and even with the weight of Jenny, he can climb up calmly.

One floor was only four or five meters, and at the tenth floor elevator entrance, Zhou Qingfeng strove hard and stepped on the edge of the elevator door. Jenny was extremely nervous at this moment, because if she accidentally fell, she and Zhou Qingfeng would die.

Zhou Qingfeng's twice the strength of ordinary people is not imaginary. He forced the elevator door open with his toes, and quickly swung the body away. There is a long corridor outside the elevator door, and the sound of gangsters can be heard in the distance.

Zhou Qingfeng quickly put down Jenny, and then turned back to Mobutu. As if they were thieves, the three men quickly started to find a suitable place to temporarily hide.

跟 "Come with me, I know there is a suitable place to hide on this floor." Mobutu is the security guard of the building. At this moment he is more useful than anyone else. The place he was looking for was the personal lounge of the BOSS on this floor of the building, in an ordinary compartment.

The so-called lounge is a small suite with two bedrooms and a living room plus a bathroom and a balcony. The internal facilities are quite complete. It can be seen that the people who originally occupied it will enjoy it. Mobutu picked one and went in. The black man was shocked and scared all day. It would relax and he was exhausted.

Zhou Qingfeng found the refrigerator and wine cooler in the small living room. He found some food and drinks, placed it on a table, and asked, "Come, eat something."

Ji Zhenni could not be hungry for a long time, she gurgles a belly of milk, and then ate a whole box of chocolates and three sandwiches. However, in contrast, Zhou Qingfeng ate more, and almost half of the refrigerator's food was swept away by him, and he also poured a whole bottle of wine.

"The taste of this wine is good, it is completely different from the sour taste I imagined." Zhou Qingfeng only thought of looking at the brand on the bottle after drinking.

"This should be made in South Africa, and occasionally there can be some valuable products." Jenny Braun's knowledge of high society and extreme life is extraordinary.

"South Africa? I thought only France produced wine." Zhou Qingfeng looked back at the other wines in the wine cabinet, but shook his head and said, "I can only say that I know the text above, but I don't know who is good or who is bad. "

Wu Zhenni stepped forward and glanced at him, saying flatteringly, "I can help you see that my identification of wine is expert. I have also studied wine culture specifically."

"No, I don't need to know the culture and identification above." Zhou Qingfeng closed the wine cabinet casually, he turned around in the suite, and finally walked into the bathroom. "Wow ... the people downstairs are desperately looking for water Drink, there is a full tank of water here. "

Wu Zhenni followed into the bathroom, and saw Zhou Qingfeng flicking the water in the bathtub with her hands. It seems that the original owner here wanted to take a good rest after work, but just put the bath water, but the person was gone.

也许 "Maybe we can take a bath." Jenny stretched out her small suit, revealing her placket, and there was an attractive twin peak. She came to Zhou Qingfeng, took the initiative to get close to her, and touched her hand to the middle of her thigh.

"No, this is not the time to take a bath." Zhou Qingfeng calmly refused.

"I'll wash it by myself, can I?" Jenny will not give up easily.

"Of course you can." Zhou Qingfeng did not refuse.

Tong Zhenni entered the bathroom, and the sound of the water clawed for a while. She only wore underwear and came out slowly, sitting next to Zhou Qingfeng. She made a poor excuse for herself and said, "I can't wear my coat, so I can only do that."

The big blonde horse with **** and fat buttocks is enough to make people go up. Even if Zhou Qingfeng knew that the other party was trying to seduce himself with some purpose ~ www.readwn.com ~, he couldn't help but look at it more.

"I think we can ..." Just after Jenny spoke for a while, Zhou Qingfeng immediately got up and went into the room. "I'll find a suit for you. It should be here."

The original owner of the room left a few sets of sportswear, especially for women. In order to gather her top, Jenny tied it in her waist and abdomen, but it was particularly prominent on her chest.

"Am I disfigured?" Jenny released the long one on her left, covering the scar that had been cut by stray bullets. When changing clothes, Zhou Qingfeng gave her a simple treatment to avoid inflammation of the wound.

"It's okay, not a disfigurement. Find a better plastic surgeon and you will recover as usual." Zhou Qingfeng relieved.

那 "Why do you hate me and reject me?" Jenny reached out and grabbed Zhou Qingfeng's arm, as if begging, saying, "Or that I'm not pretty enough, don't you like it at all?"

"It's not a good time to talk about this now." Zhou Qingfeng put away his first aid kit and said, "I think you're sleepy too. Come into the room and have a good rest."

But Jenny didn't move. She thought for a long time and whispered, "Victor, can you do me another favor?"

别 "Don't mention too much demand."

"Can you protect me for a trip to Manhattan's Uptown? My daughter is home alone." Jenny said as she cried. "She is only eight years old, and it is difficult for her to survive without my care. I ask Please, save my daughter, will you? "

"This is an excessive requirement."

"No ...!" Jenny burst into tears for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest, hottest serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mobile users please read.

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