Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 775: depression

The rumbling propellers agitated the air, and a light transporter with obvious patches landed slowly from the air, stopped on a rough surface for more than a hundred meters.

Without waiting for the paddles to stop, the plane's hatch opened, and from there jumped a few strong men wearing warm leather clothes and holding machine guns. The leading man spit on the ground, and with a grin on his bearded face, he laughed a few times, "This broken plane is pretty good."

Immediately after the light transport plane stopped, dozens of people gathered on both sides of the rough runway, shouting, ‘What did you bring this time? Do you have medicine? ‘We want some fresh vegetables and meat’ ‘Women? I have a few beautiful girls in my teens here, absolutely fine. ’

During the quarrel, the leading man struck the muzzle skyward, and scolded, "Give me some quiet."

The sound of gunfire sounded, but the crowd didn't have much fear. Instead, there were more than fifty old men coming out and laughing with open arms: "Walk, you little bunny can't come early? Do you know we are waiting for you? Three days? "

"Old man, please be content. The freighter of the" Aurora Corps "only comes once every half a month, and each time it comes, there is no more than 10,000 tons of cargo. At least two million people can wait to distribute the cargo. You know I do n’t know if it ’s going to be dead to grab the supply. ”

The leader, known as Walker, complained several times and said, "If I hadn't bought this transporter by luck, you would have to suffer in the snow and ice."

The place where the transport plane landed was in Quebec City, Canada. As the country with the largest per capita land, people here deal with cold and snow all year round. Compared to the large number of people who have been frozen to death in the tropics, Canadians have survived a lot.

It is just that no matter how good the cold zone life skills are, it will not be able to carry the nuclear winter for a few months. When supplies gradually decrease, Canadians have to go out to save themselves. Where can they go? American puppet. But America is also a mess!

The strong man named Walker had gone through a lot of hardships and led his team to New York. He even met David Lawrence of the Brotherhood of Steel. But for the Canadians ’help, His Excellency Lawrence also said that there is nothing he can do—doing business may be considered, but giving away supplies is free.

In this way, Walker shouldered the heavy responsibility of dumping supplies, but things like food, medicine, tobacco and alcohol were lacking. As for any high-tech products, who the **** cares about what technology products these days? The most important thing is to fill your stomach and live.

Vegetable and meat production in Canada is inadequate, and imports have always been needed for supplementation. Although the country is rich in petroleum, the refining industry is far from its origin. The most troublesome is that Canada's economic structure is single, most of which are finance, transportation, mining and the like. Losing foreign trade will be over.

The more scarce supplies are hoarding, which leads to even more scarcity, because no one wants to sell things that can save lives. After months of suffering, finally a super big fool hat is willing to re-transaction-‘Aurora Corps’ opened the route from Havana to New York.

Many years later, some people still remember the madness caused by the arrival of the Bird of Paradise.

One potato can be exchanged for equal weight of gold.

As long as a pack of cigarettes, someone pushed his wife and daughter out.

To board the 'Bird of Paradise' and head to Havana, even a riot occurred.

Walker used his Canadian identity as a reason to strengthen the alliance between the two parties and spent a lot of money to get the plane and a small amount of goods from David Lawrence. After he had the limited cargo removed from the plane, he pulled it to meet his old man and step aside.

"I contacted the people of the Aurora Corps. They want workers with professional skills, especially those working in oil refineries. They also need aviation ground crews, and there are a lot of airliners there. They also need women, A lot of highly educated women. "

The old man pulled aside was the leader of Quebec ’s residents ’self-government. He nodded after a moment of groaning, but asked,“ Are you sure that the Aurora Corps is a good place? ”

"I don't know, I can't guarantee you anything. Although I believe that life will be improved in another half year, we may not be able to support it for another half year." Walker said very realistically, he stomped the hard land under his feet, "I heard that the problem of drought land is getting worse."

"Yes, it has not rained throughout the nuclear winter. Meteorologists say that nuclear winter disrupts the circulation of the atmosphere. Without the changes of the four seasons of the year, rainfall will not reappear." The old man sighed again, "I will organize A few moments, we should be able to convene thousands of people. But how can we transport people over? "

"As long as we promise the conditions of the Aurora Corps, they will send a passenger plane to pick up people."

"What condition? Isn't it enough for us to give them?"

"They are going to tear down our refinery."

"The **** are going to demolish our refinery?"

"It's not just refineries, they definitely want more."

"This is a robbery!" The old man suddenly hesitated, but helpless, "But we have no choice, right? As long as we can live, we can only promise."

The harsh reality forces people to sell their supplies at the lowest price, even if the transactions are extremely unequal. Zhou Qingfeng has always wanted to expand his refining capacity, but David Lawrence's cooperation in this area is not very happy. Sending someone and making equipment is like squeezing toothpaste.

So Zhou Qingfeng simply shake off David Lawrence ~ www.readwn.com ~ talk directly to Canadians. Because Canada has a pretty good refining industry, there are refineries in Quebec City.

When it comes to this, Zhou Qingfeng is actually very depressed, and Cuba is far away from the United States where nuclear bombs flew. But this place is basically empty, and the manufacturing industry is quite backward. After all, an oil refinery was blown up and production capacity has not been restored.

However, industrial facilities are everywhere in the United States, and they are technically quite sophisticated. Even Canada can easily find a bigger city, and its industrial production capacity has dropped Cuba's eight streets. But now the end of the world is coming, giving Zhou Qingfeng a good opportunity to pick up tattered and gather skilled workers.

As for the "Aurora Corps" robbery while on fire, everyone has no choice but to wait for the transaction to proceed quickly. After Walker finished his briefing, he walked back to his home along the slumped streets, and his wife and children gave him a warm welcome.

Just after the welcome, the scene at home was a little desolate. The wife said helplessly: "There was a limited supply of corn and potatoes on the market, but now the corn has been eaten up and the potatoes are rotten in the ground."

"We still have half a can of maple sugar at home. It is our last reserve. I plan to keep it for the children."

"Walker, I've really tried everything, but all the food that has been reserved is eaten up. There are rumors in the city that someone is starving alive. If you don't come back, I don't know what to do?"

Looking at the family's thin faces, Walker was tearing to find a few canned meat from his backpack, and then watched his children rush up like little wolves to eat.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I found a way out, we will leave this ghost place immediately. I know where to live in peace."

Walker, who was still a little hesitant, took his heart seriously. Now he feels that it doesn't matter if he sends the entire city to the Aurora Corps, as long as his family can be safe. (.)

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