Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 777: Mysterious confidence

Bangbangbang ... A few knocks rang, and the heavy office door was opened. Rachel, dressed in luxurious fur, came in. Behind her was a guard who had no time to stop and report, his face was astonished.

In the office, there was no enchanting, undressed, female assistant who could only sit on the boss without sitting on a stool, but David Lawrence, who was immersed in his official duties, looked at the wife who walked in with surprise. It's great to see you. "

"Yeah, since I broke in the last time to disturb you and other women, I don't really want to step into your office." Rachel looked at the office window, and it was just a light day now.

David Lawrence must be working all night, and he is an energetic qualified ruler from the perspective of diligence. This person can stand out from many ambitionists in the last days, and his ability and will are the best choice.

"Want a cup of coffee? Good coffee beans from Jamaica, a luxury item that has been out of stock for six months. I have to say that the" Aurora Corps "has delivered a lot of good goods." David Lawrence stood up and pleased to give Wife makes a pot of coffee.

Hot coffee has an inspiring aroma. Westerners often have a coffee addiction. Without coffee can even make people depressed. Rachel took off her fur coat and hung up. When she reached for her coffee, she saw that her husband turned out a pot of fresh milk.

"Where's your milk?"

"I'm one of the giants of the Brotherhood of Steel. What I can't get doesn't mean I can't get it. Now drinking milk is a symbol of status and status."

Looking at her husband proudly pouring half a cup of fresh milk into his coffee, Rachel, who was still surprised, seemed to know each other for the first time. She couldn't help but compare David Lawrence with Victor Hugo.

The former has completely become a superior, no matter how he talks and behaves, his life has been completely separated from the bottom society; while the latter, Rachel has seen Victor more than once. Hugo casually wore a worn and clean leather jacket Eat in the Legion's public cafeteria with others.

When it comes to temperament, both of them have outstanding charm, decisiveness, tenacity, and fierce popularity. They never shrink from difficulties, attracting a large number of Yingjiejun to surround themselves.

David Lawrence possesses great strength. He likes to plan a lot and is good at integrating contradictory enemy and enemy forces. He even hesitates to complicate simple things and profit from them.

Victor Hugo's hole card in his hand was significantly smaller, so he had to improve administrative efficiency, cut his hands quickly, and promote his will by strengthening the authority in his hands.

Two completely different men, completely different styles of behavior, but both are great commanders. Suddenly Rachel came up with the idea-if these two people collide, who will win?

David Lawrence rejoiced as his wife stared at him with a narrow look. Even if he can now have ten personalities with a lot of fingers, he still feels that his wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. "Dear, how about coffee?"

"Oh ..." Rachel came back from her trance, took the cup and sipped for a while, and said, "I heard that you terminated the deal with the Aurora Corps?"

"No no no ..." David Lawrence quickly denied. "I didn't want to terminate the transaction. I just felt that some specific details need to be discussed. We and the Aurora Corps also need to know each other well. "

"Explain the point, don't fool me like you do with others." Rachel's tone became cold.

David Lawrence smiled awkwardly. He took a report from his office and selected the key points to say: "Victor Hugo is a personal talent, and the 'Aurora Corps' is also a very important force in North America.

Except for the Brotherhood of Steel and ‘Increte’, the only third force in North America, the Caribbean, and South America that can be talked about is the ‘Aurora Corps’. They even formed some kind of hegemony in the Caribbean, making others obey their orders.

But this kind of hegemony is quite fragile. According to the information sent back by the intelligence personnel stationed in Havana, I can say with certainty that Victor Hugo has very limited power.

First of all, Cuban industry is so bad that the infrastructure can't compare with us. Neither the port nor the road can match Victor's ambitions. The production capacity of their refinery is extremely ridiculous, because of the lack of fuel, they can not even operate the tanks that are not easily available.

Secondly, the 'Aurora Corps' lacks a high-quality population. I know Victor has just started a rectification movement, but this will not change the situation of his whole pile of waste, except to increase his prestige and command ability again.

In the end, the entire Caribbean and even South America were a mess, and Victor couldn't find any place to greatly improve his strength. He has no other way but to trust us, which is why they are actively exporting goods to us.

As for me, there are four large oil refineries in my hands, and even one is intact. I also controlled more than a dozen nuclear power plants, of which six carried nuclear bomb attacks, and two have begun to generate electricity again.

I just need to rebuild the oil pipeline and power grid ~ www.readwn.com ~ The social living standard of the residents has been greatly improved immediately. I also have large areas of well-equipped farmland in my hands. I also have steel plants, shipyards, chemical plants, and chemical fertilizer plants.

I am rebuilding the logistics system and the financial system, and I have hundreds of thousands of professionals. As long as you give me another half a year, I can firmly control all the forces within 500 kilometers around New York. Who could compete with me then? "

David Lawrence ripped open a map of the United States on the wall of the office. He pointed to many of the places around New York that were circled and said with ambitiousness: "The manufacturing in these places is a manifestation of my strength, and I am fast You can complete the integration of the overall situation. "

"So you don't think it's important to cooperate with the Aurora Corps?" After listening to her husband's long story, Rachel had understood what David Lawrence meant. "Don't you worry they'll find someone else to work with?"

"No, the 'Aurora Corps' is still very important. There are still many people within the Brotherhood threatening my status, and I still yearn for those more than 30,000 mutants. But I cannot tolerate Victor. Hugo stretched his hand too long.

I have the confidence to cut off Victor Hugo's connection with other northern forces. I want to let him know that I am the king of the north. He can't do anything with him in North America.

The "Aurora Corps" should do some planting in the Caribbean islands and South America, ship some vegetables and fruits to us, or make cheap and practical low-end industrial products. They should provide us with agricultural and industrial raw materials, or some clothes and shoes.

And I should sell Victor for gasoline, diesel, cars, computers, airplanes or whatever. As long as he makes me feel good, I won't embarrass him. Because I have no doubt about him, even the crushing advantage. "

David Lawrence laughed confidently.

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