Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 782: Military revolution

While a group of scientific researchers in the Institute of Optoelectronics waited for the on-site test, Zhou Qingfeng, who brought a full set of 'mechanical exoskeleton', met Xiao Jinlang in the suburbs of Mocheng.

I watched Uncle Zhou drive out a broken qq, Xiao Jinlang said angrily: "I will enter the military martial law zone later, you can't drive in this car, take my car."

Zhou Qingfeng was so good at it that he took his own smart helmet and got on the other's official car. After seeing his height suddenly rise, and then looking at the heavy metal boots and finger cots he was wearing, Xiao Jinlang couldn't help feeling: "You can keep this set of things well, don't lose them."

"You want me to keep this set of things for you, right?" Zhou Qingfeng laughed at the look of Xiao Jinlang's eyes narrowed to death, "But if I say OK, I will show this once and don't do it again in the future This is required. "

Xiao Jinlang watched Zhou Qingfeng put on his helmet, and smiled cheekily, and started his car to a reserve base on the outskirts of the city. The base has been under full martial law, and irrelevant persons are prohibited from entering. Several camera groups have long waited for Zhou Qingfeng's arrival. The central leaders have paid attention to the current situation hundreds of thousands of kilometers away through dedicated lines.

The film crew was a carefully selected national security officer, and they were quite nervous when they saw Zhou Qingfeng appearing. Xiao Jinlang contacted his superiors with a headset and held a stack of test items in his hand. After confirming the situation with various parties, he announced the start of the test.

"What to test first?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"Speed." Xiao Jinlang pointed at a military training playground, "run at a full speed of four hundred meters."

"I'm optimistic." Zhou Qingfeng quickly agreed, he stepped onto the runway with heavy metal boots, and the two camera crews stared at him one after the other.

At this moment, as far away as Xishan of the imperial capital, a group of central leaders, including the General of the Ministry of Defense, are staring at Zhou Qingfeng, who is full of science fiction. The high-definition camera reveals the details of the 'mechanical exoskeleton'.

"This thing looks very simple."

"Without armor, there is only one skeleton. This reduces the weight of the entire system."

"The world record of the 400 meters is now 43 seconds. If he can also run into this time, then the value of this system is very considerable."

A bunch of leaders are discussing in private, one by one guessing what Zhou Qingfeng's 400 meters will be? Under the eyes of everyone, Zhou Qingfeng started. His arms and thighs swayed quickly, and he seemed swift and unusual at the start.

"so fast!"

"The figure is invisible!"

"What's the speed?"

Even through a huge projection screen, the sense of speed created by Zhou Qingfeng also made the leaders watch continuously. The close-range camera crew couldn't lock him at all, only the long-range camera crew saw him sprinting on the playground.

Four hundred meters is just a few breaths. Zhou Qingfeng didn't have much effort to run a circle easily.

"What's the time?"

快 "Tell us, how much time does this kid take for a lap?"

"Twenty seconds? He ran for four hundred meters in just twenty seconds?"

A group of generals of the Ministry of Defense shouted excitedly, shaking with excitement after getting a certain time.

"It's no wonder this kid can kill 'Pandora' by himself."

"Who can stop him at this speed?"

"What about us? What is the speed of the 400 meters set in our t-45 project?"

After a lot of inquiries, Zhou Qingfeng was asked to run another four hundred meters a few times, and he ran easily every time, every 20 seconds. Everyone can see that he still has room for more.

The flat runway did not cause any trouble for Zhou Qingfeng, so a 400-meter obstacle course was raised. On this runway, there are various tactical facilities such as span piles, trenches, low walls, platform jumps, single-wood bridges, high walls, and low-pile nets.

Under normal circumstances, passing in two minutes and thirty seconds is considered passing, running in two minutes and ten seconds is good, and running in two minutes is excellent. The generals staring at the screen this time no longer made any guesses, but just stared at the picture tightly.

周 And Zhou Qingfeng ran as fast as lightning for the first time. The whole person is agile and flexible, and none of the seven obstacles can hold him back. He would run acrobatically on the playground, and then run the entire field in a minute.

It only took a minute!

环境 The environment on the battlefield is complex, and it is naturally impossible to have a flat runway for soldiers to act. There are various potholes and uneven obstacles in actual combat. Obstacle running simulates as many difficulties as possible in combat.

It took only one minute for the obstacle to run for four hundred meters. This speed will make the attacker even more powerful, and the defender will be able to break through the position without having time to react. This would invalidate all existing weapons and tactics.

Zhou Kefeng was not addicted. After being asked to run a few more times, he simply used his strong strength and agility to jump over the obstacles that blocked him. It only took 30 seconds this time, and ran a 400-meter obstacle in half a minute.

The generals of Yuan Yuan in the imperial capital were completely speechless and could not describe their inner feelings. They thought of countless ways in their hearts. They all felt that relying on the number of people is absolutely immortal in front of this super soldier, at most it is possible to kill this guy with heavy fire coverage.

The elder Central was calm, and whispered to the smile around him: "This boy has been running for ten or four hundred meters in a row, and he is not exhausted!"

Isn't it ,, change for an ordinary soldier, even if you change for the soldier king, run for a distance of four or five kilometers in a row breathless. But what about Zhou Qingfeng? I can't see any signs of asthma, he is still alive and lively ~ www.readwn.com ~ On paper data alone, the leaders' feelings about 'power armor' haven't been deep, but you can take a look at Zhou Qingfeng's performance onsite The shock was stunned and I could hardly believe my eyes.

Next, Zhou Qingfeng also performed weapon control performances. Pistols and rifles were extremely accurate. The most speechless thing was that he was carrying an 85-type heavy machine gun to shoot while running. The speed was fast and the running was stable. It's accurate.

This is a heavy machine gun. Ordinary soldiers can shoot bullets into the sky without a tripod.

In the next street battle test, Zhou Qingfeng was a hero standing tall and tall, with an old-fashioned forty rocket launcher and ten rockets, directly in the three or four-story building. Attack from a possible angle.

火箭 A rocket launcher weighs more than five kilograms. Ten rockets occupy the entire back space of Zhou Qingfeng and weigh about 30 kilograms. With such a load, Zhou Qingfeng is still walking and flying freely.

Zhou Qingfeng can also use fists to break open the building wall and directly attack the imaginary enemy hiding inside the building. In short, his breakthrough is violent cracking every time, simple and happy, and crisp.

After this test, any doubts and denials of 'power armor' disappeared. Whether it is the central leadership or the Ministry of National Defense, they are clenching their teeth: showing the spirit of having two bombs and one star in the past, no matter how difficult this thing is, we must get this thing out anyway.

新 A new military revolution is here! (To be continued.)

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