Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 794: Cope

快 "Fast, fast, fast ...! Push the car away, push it away."

"Clean the road without any debris."

"The enemy's helicopter is behind us. Whether we can escape depends on whether we have worked hard!"

Old Harris's men are pushing hard to drive a few abandoned vehicles on the road. Three electric pickup trucks are used as tractors to output the highest horsepower and drag the already rusted and immobile vehicles off the road.

两个 Even two under-aged loli are helping to clear the small obstacles on the pavement. They are still thin and weak, they are sweaty and tired, their faces are red and white for a while.

只有 On the busy scene, only Maddie Bull, who was lying on the side of the road, was purring. He kept trying to break free of restraints and make a sound, at least to understand why he was kidnapped? Because the people in front of them made it clear not only for money.

After Xun quickly fled from New Brunswick, the escape route of old Harris and others was not smooth. Apparently, David Lawrence's men were really angry, sent a large number of people to pursue, and even used helicopters.

Knowing that he couldn't flee directly to Philadelphia, Old Harris turned to the west road. However, after deviating from the road, the road is difficult to move. In some places, the road has not been cleaned up, and the road surface has a lot of obstacles.

But if he just ran away by car, but could not run the helicopter behind him anyway, the old Harris could only hope that the Clooney in Washington could send an aircraft to rescue them. "Two hundred meters of runway, our rescue plane Requires a runway of at least two hundred meters. "

The dozen or so people are on New York's 78 highway to Allentown. They are now racing against time, because chasing can happen at any time.

"Boss Harris, the helicopter is here." Just as the runway was about to be cleaned up, the watchman in charge yelled.

"Hell, hurry up." Old Harris cursed angrily and pulled two loli into the woods by the road. More than a dozen people looked at the horizon with horrified eyes, because there was a roar in the northeast approaching at high speed.

Here comes an s-70 helicopter, which flies fast, carries a large load, and has good versatility. It is an honorary product of Sikorsky Aircraft Company and enjoys worldwide reputation for excellent equipment. At this moment the helicopter was flying at a speed of two hundred meters along the road.

"Damn, we will be found." Old Harris looked at a section of highway he had just cleared, which was too conspicuous on the road where a lot of abandoned vehicles were piled up.

Sure enough, the helicopter in the air found a clearing path that suddenly appeared on the ground. It circled a circle and landed on an open field 300 meters away from Old Harris and others, laying down seven or eight heavily armed soldiers.

"Boss, what should we do? There are helicopters staring in the sky, we can't escape if we want to escape next." Several team members asked anxiously.

"Calm down, we slowly leave this forest. Be careful not to make any noise." Old Harris was actually beating like a drum, but he could only forcibly calm down as a commander. "Those soldiers are not many and they may not find us. "

When the enemy is approaching, no one dares to mess around, and a dozen people can only move slowly. The fallen Brotherhood soldiers quickly ran to the newly cleared highway and searched for suspicious signs of tracking.

Move, move, move carefully and quickly. Although the Harris team is hiding in the woods, the high-profile helicopter threatens them too much. Old Harris carried an akm and carefully watched the s-70 again hovering in the sky, especially daunting at the m2hb by the hatch.

Suddenly, the threats came quickly and suddenly. There was a sound of dry branches stepping in the woods, and a wolf dog suddenly emerged from the direction of the highway.

"Fuck, these guys still carry dogs!" A defender in charge scolded and watched that the dog was about to pounce on himself. He only had to hold up his assault rifle and hit a shuttle.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire sounded, and I couldn't hide it anymore. Old Harris didn't worry about the soldiers, he shouted, "Hit that helicopter first."

The dozen or so rifles of the squadron immediately set fire and aimed at the s-70 in the sky. The intensive bullet rain was like a metal storm, with hundreds of bullets flying into the sky, and a few banged on the helicopter.

Unfortunately, this ignition is no threat to a helicopter, and it can't even penetrate the fuselage. The pilot of the S-70 only raised the height of one hundred meters and turned in a direction so that the heavy machine gun of the hatch aimed at Harris and others.

Alas, the fierce revenge fire is like pouring rain. Although the bullet density is not high, the dead wood in the forest is broken and the dust is flying. This is not something a few assault rifles can handle.

What's more terrible is that when a fire was fired here, the brotherhood soldiers on the highway also rushed to kill them. This air-ground coordinated cross-attack is based on the people and guns of Old Harris, who are not opponents at all.

"Boss, what shall we do?"

"Should surrender, this firepower is too strong to carry."

"Idiot, surrender to you. See if it will make you a meat sauce."

When the team that was formed just a few days ago faced adversity, there was an immediate problem. Old Harris had been calling everyone to fight back together, anyway, to suppress the fierce heavy machine gun on the helicopter. But the stunned bullets came over, some were scolding, some were running around, some were unlucky and had been killed.

I wondered if I might die in this unknown forest, and old Harris was extremely crazy. He rushed to Maddie Bull and took out a pistol against the fat sheep's head, thinking that he might survive on him at the last moment.

The situation on the ground is already extremely critical, and then the helicopter in the sky suddenly heard a radio warning from a companion on the ground, "Be careful of attacks from the air."

"What attack?" The helicopter pilot didn't understand. He looked at the chickens and dogs that were hit by the attackers on the ground, and was in a good mood.

"The **** clearing the highway look like runways, and we suspect there will be planes nearby." The soldiers on the ground shouted on the radio.

And just then, there really was a roar in the distance. Several black dots quickly appeared on the battlefield from far to near ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the ground old Harris carried the radio. There was a shout, "Group K Harris, I am the flight rescue team, please tell me your current position when you hear it."

"Hahaha ... **** ', these guys are finally here." Old Harris was ecstatic, grabbing the radio and shouting, "I'm Harris, kill us that helicopter first."

呃 "Uh ..." The commander of the flight rescue team gave a shout, and said helplessly: "We are transport planes, we ... well, let's try it."

Without that helicopter, the rescue operation cannot begin. Five 'Yunwu' light transport planes opened their doors, the speed of the plane was reduced to 120 kilometers, and the commander in charge of the rescue ordered on the radio: "Set me on fire and fight that helicopter."

Twenty-five 'Yunwu's opened the queue at a distance of 100 meters. The extremely slow flight speed seemed to float in the sky. A heavy machine gun is mounted at the door of each 'Yunwu', and aiming at the hovering s-70 is a fire.

If the transport plane dares to launch an attack?

The pilot of the s-70 did not expect that several transport planes dared to fire at himself. He didn't care if the other party was right or wrong. He quickly drew the fuselage and saw that the situation was not good. Those infantry on the ground ignored.

The old Harris and others on the ground finally turned back from the Ghost Gate, and for the rest of their lives, they kept breathing and smiled silly. Watching a ‘Yunwu’ fall, Old Harris sighed, “It ’s not easy to make a fortune!” (To be continued.)

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