Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 796: Fight father

Above the sea, the cold wind blows. After more than half a year of bleakness, the sky is rarely seen through the comfortable tile blue. A 1,000-ton passenger and freighter is slowly leaving the small port of Washington and heading for Havana, thousands of miles away.

Seven or eighteen-year-old children gathered on the platform on the aft deck. They looked at the city slowly disappearing on the horizon like adults, until the surrounding scenery was crowded with seawater.

Harris Jr. was also one of the people leaving with the ship. The fifteen-year-old was just growing up, and the cruel life of the last days made him especially precocious.

嗨 "Hi ... my name is John. How about you?" Another boy reached out and greeted him.

"My name is Harris." Little Harris shook hands gently.

The boy John immediately called out several others around him: "This is Joni, this is Schultz, this is Zoya, this is Bebeney, ..."

Even if a few children introduced them, even if they knew each other, they all looked thin, but very flexible, with extraordinary sophistication and maturity. After all, those who lack independence are eliminated in the last days.

"Harris, what does your father do?" Zoya, freckled, asked, she was the rare girl among children. A stable environment, a nutritious and adequate diet, adolescent hormones have come into play, and she has been pursued by several boys.

"My father is ..." Suddenly he didn't know how to identify his father, he hesitated and said, "He is an employee of the Legion's Foreign Ministry."

"Oh ..." Zhuo Ya didn't know if she didn't understand it, but the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' sounds very tall, doesn't it? In fact, other children heard the word and looked at Harris. They felt that this companion who was a little silent on the ship was a good person.

With the envy and respect of more than a dozen peers, Harris could not help but straighten his back. The young man's vanity was greatly satisfied, and in his heart he felt that his dad was really good, and he casually got an extraordinary position.

"My father is a repairman, he has strong hands-on skills, and is particularly good at repairing various machines. So the army is willing to issue visas." Leading John said with a smile, apparently proud of his father.

"What is a repairman? That's a b-class visa. My father is a senior communications engineer with a doctorate degree. He used to work for Bell Labs, so we were marked as b + when we registered. You know how valuable this status is. ?"

Seeing that Zoya seemed interested in little Harris, a bunch of boys felt very upset. Bebeni talked about his father's identity. "I once asked people in the Legion, they said that only one-tenth of the refugees could get a visa, and only one-tenth of the visas were b +."

After a bunch of boring little broken children started to fight dad.

Bebeni continued to yell: "Do you know? The b-level can only take one family member on board, the b-level can take two family members, only b + can three. And because Havana will rebuild the mobile base station and communication network, it is urgent Talents in this field, so my father can make an exception with four family members.

After getting the visa, our family got a big gift package. Guess what I found in the package? chocolate! Chocolate made from real South American cocoa beans. This is a living material only for senior staff.

do you know? The Legion does not engage in the equality of all people. They distinguish between classes, capable people can continuously climb upwards, and they can get more resources, while incompetent people can only go to work hard, at most hungry.

我 When my father got a b + rating, I don't know how many people envy us. Since my father had an additional family place, it even caused a mess. Many people begged my father to join us, and my father decided to find himself a beautiful 20-year-old woman to be a wife. "

It sounds so enviable luck!

A bunch of little farts have to be silent, and the b ++ level is indeed a special favored person. Not to mention the abundant supply of all kinds of materials. You can easily get a beautiful woman to serve yourself. You can also see that Bebney's father is indeed taking advantage.

Zhuo Ya set her sights on Bebeini again, and seemed to be considering whether the sons of employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were more promising, or that b ++ families were more promising. This is the way of survival in the last days, even children in their teens know that they must join forces.

And Harris Jr. was indifferent to this, he had no rank at all. He was able to get on board because his dad was desperate enough, and Foreign Minister Clooney, eager to form an external action team, was fancy.

Just looking at Bebeni's high toe, Harris could not help but ridicule: "Havana is now seriously imbalanced. As long as women can prove that they are not too bad, they can board the ship. How bad your stepmother can not get it alone Visa? "

This is quite reasonable. Just look at only a few girls, Zhuoya, to know the scarcity of women. The 'Aurora Corps' spent huge resources in order to alleviate the contradiction between the number of men and women inside.

Other children who were being suppressed by the ranks laughed and flushed Bebeini. He kept emphasizing that his stepmother was impeccable in appearance and figure, and there were absolutely no flaws.

After successfully regaining momentum, little Harris felt that this kind of fight for his father was a bit boring. Everyone else ’s father and mother went to Havana on this boat, but his father stayed in Washington desperately.

"Harris, what is your father's position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?" Zhuoya began to think that little Harris was more interesting ~ www.readwn.com ~ cooler. Her parents have told a lot after boarding the ship, and using her gender advantage to listen to the news and get more benefits is one of them.

"My father is directly under the Foreign Minister Mr. Clooney, and the specific position is inconvenient to disclose." Little Harris failed to resist the charm of mankind by Zhuo Ya, but he did not say that his father was a captain. , But beautify as much as possible in terms of speech.

"Oh ..." Zhuo Ya didn't quite understand, and it was easy to get confused by the pretending title of 'under the command of the Minister', "" My father is a pediatrician, and our family can only live on him. Now also because my father has b + status, he can get preferential treatment.

Now there are no doctors everywhere. We originally had a good living environment in the New Jersey Brothers. But my father still felt that New Jersey was not safe. He always said he was going to New York and thought that Commander David Lawrence of New York was more powerful.

However, my father changed his mind when he discovered that the Aurora Corps sold a large number of medicines on the black market. He said that there are still forces that can even sell medicine reserves before he can rely on him.

Immediately after boarding the ship, I felt that this judgment was correct. The food supply here is much richer than New Jersey. And I like the legion's policy of class division. Excellent people should lead a superior life. So we are all very lucky, right? "

Bian Zhuoya was quite proud of this, and Harris could not help but agree with it, "Yeah, we are all really lucky." (To be continued.)

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