Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 82: aware

Zhou Qingfeng cleared the tenth floor of the building, followed by the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth floors. Layer by layer killing, layer by layer death. The whole process was silent. His agility and speed have become the most terrible attributes in the dark, and often people have died before their opponents can react.

随着 And with the progress of the cleanup, Zhou Qingfeng can also be seen as the cruelty of the last days. What a gang of gangsters who have completely lost their restraint without bearing any responsibilities can do is beyond imagination.

In addition to the messy tables and chairs, overturned cabinets, there are all kinds of living and dead people on the floor. Most of the living were women who had been tortured by these gangsters. In just half a day, these women had suffered nightmares of their own unimaginable life, and some women even committed suicide because they could not bear it.

As for the dead, most of them were male. Regardless of the targets that were shot at random, Zhou Qingfeng even found a broken glass curtain wall on the thirteenth floor. And on the ground outside the curtain wall was a deadly dead body-these mad bandits pushed the living people from the thirteenth floor.

I stood on the side of the glass curtain wall, and a gust of night wind came in from outside. Zhou Qingfeng seemed to feel a **** gas pouring into his nostrils. He could even imagine that a few hours ago, the gangsters just pushed ordinary people who were begging for fun just for fun.

"This is terrible, it is terrible!" With the help of moonlight, Mobutu also saw the slumped corpses on the ground. He spit out with a big bow and a big mouth, followed by crying and saying to himself, "My Lord, have you abandoned this world and abandoned us? Do we live in hell?"

"Courage your courage." Zhou Qingfeng patted Mobutu's back, and Shen said, "You are the first one who voluntarily came up with me to destroy these gangsters. I hope you continue to be brave."

"But I regret it now! With more than a hundred people coming up with you, how many are still alive? Maybe ... maybe only me. And we killed eleven gangsters, and the rest The gangsters are not always able to deal with them so well. They may be aware of the death of their companions and wait for us to die. "

Mobutu shook his head and kept sighing. If he gave him a way out now, he would definitely run away. Zhou Qingfeng can only express his regret for this situation. "Anyway, either the gangster died or we died. Only one of the two sides can survive. If you are afraid, just stay!"

的 Companions who lost their fighting spirit are all pig teammates! Zhou Qingfeng also did not want to bring such people with bad things around him. He turned to take care of the rescued women, distributed them some food and water, and persuaded them to try to keep quiet.

"Listen, what I have to say next is very important, it's about whether you can survive." Zhou Qingfeng swept four floors, and more than 20 women were rescued. These women were all trembling and trembling. obedient.

"First, keep quiet. Otherwise, you do n’t need gangsters to kill you, I will kill you first. Second, do n’t run around. It ’s hard to survive if you run away too quickly. Finally, remember to find a place to hide nearby and work hard to survive . "

After Zhou Qingfeng's explanation, he will continue to sweep the other floors. At this time, Mobutu seemed to have regained some spirits and followed up and said, "I think I can help you a little bit, so I decided to follow you."

Zhou Qingfeng said in his heart: You feel that you can't live alone, you can only follow me?

However, Tucao returned to Tucao, and Zhou Qingfeng did not refuse Mobutu. After all, he didn't expect the other party to do anything, at best it was just looking at the wind. This job is always the best to do?

Then, when Zhou Qingfeng and Mobutu again headed for the fourteenth floor, Yakov, who had been searching for Zhou Qingfeng's traces at the bottom, led his team back. The big-faced man at this moment had a look of anger, and his body was even covered with blood spots.

的 The bandits behind Yakov are behind by three or four meters. These people are now afraid of this mad Russian Russian man. Because just now, Yakov had killed more than a dozen people in order to vent his anger because he could not find the trace of Zhou Qingfeng.

Because the elevator stopped running, everyone could only climb the fire stairs and climbed up all the way from the bottom. When climbing over ten floors, Yakov suddenly remembered that there should be many women caught on these floors to enjoy it.

But when Yakov entered the floor, he immediately snapped—too quiet, the whole floor was too quiet! A place occupied by gangsters should always be full of wanton screams and miserable grievances, or the noise of ping pong and rummaging upside down. But the floor in front of him was silent.

"Ivan, someone broke into the floor under our internal control." After a simple search, Yakov found that many of his gangsters had all been attacked with a sharp knife ~ www.readwn.com ~ he immediately took the situation Tell your brother through the intercom.

"Someone breaks in?" Ivan was just wondering how to strengthen his group in Manhattan, but he heard such bad news, "How many people?"

"The number is small, just two or three people. But from the tenth floor, the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth floors have been emptied by this group. All of the people we originally arranged on these floors were dead."

Watching his men die for a while, Yakov was very angry. "I'm heading to the fourteenth floor, and you also bring some people to search down. I think this group should still be in the building, but It ’s important to note that this group of people is very hard to deal with, not very easy to deal with. "

"Still in the building?" Ivan immediately came to his senses, angered and yelled, "It's Victor Hugo, the little bunny, I know he hasn't left. I'll take someone to search down immediately, be sure to catch this he."

Hearing the news, not only did the Potasky brothers thunder, but even the bandit leader Cogan was so angry that he directly mobilized all the men under his hands to search downwards from the eighteenth floor. Dozens of people were dispatched.

As the number one gangster in the gang, Ivan was holding a M4A1 with a night vision device as a pioneer. The voice of his brother Yakov was soon heard on the radio. "The people on the 14th floor are also dead, and I am heading to Fifteen floors. "

"Damn!" Ivan cursed, and immediately ordered his opponent: "Now divided into three groups, one with me to the 17th floor, one with Cogan's boss on the sixteenth, and one on the fifteenth floor to support me. Brother Yakov. "

The bandits on the 60th and the 70th immediately dispersed the three groups and rushed towards Zhou Qingfeng aggressively.

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