Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 805: drill

组织 Organized, disciplined, and mission-oriented soldiers are terrible once they get serious. When it was confirmed that Zhou Qingfeng's video was of great value, it was the first time in China that the world's top heavy aircraft carrier could be known from the designer's point of view. The navy immediately gave him a green light for his request.

No matter how ridiculous the so-called 'hypothesis' is. It's ok! We all really think about it.

Zhou Qingfeng did not mention his location or the city to be attacked, but it is necessary to disclose a lot of information if he wants to formulate a combat plan. For example, the distance from the starting point to the target, the ocean conditions between the two places, the coastline conditions, and the enemy's armaments.

Especially when the coastline conditions were drawn, the navy personnel who deal with the charts every day recognized where the terrain was-North America, the East Coast. Exactly not New York!

When Zhou Qingfeng wanted to set a ground attack target, he would also have to draw reference objects on land, such as roads, buildings, and cities. This time, he didn't even run. He doesn't need to say anything, but everything is obvious. This is Staten Island in New York-who knows such a famous city?

But both the navy and the central leadership maintain the most basic tacit understanding of this situation. It's as if the country has never asked where the arms, water, and trench oil that had been removed before? Do not ask Zhou Qingfeng a series of information, high-tech equipment has never been?

Why ask? Now that the cooperation is good, let's continue. You must restrain your curiosity, otherwise you will scare this person away and cry nowhere to cry.

It is not difficult for modern staff to develop a World War II-level aircraft carrier attack plan. And in order to make sure that the plan is foolproof, the Navy really took the baby's No. 16 fishing administration boat for training.

Zhou Qingfeng wanted to conduct a small-scale air raid, so he not only drove the Super Pull-11 for a drill. Twelve naval pilots joined his team, forming a real attack aircraft group, and directly doing the entire combat plan once.

Taking off time from the aircraft carrier, leading a ticket to the sky in the morning light, directing a group of aircraft to fly hundreds of kilometers to attack targets set on land. When the fake target on the ground was blown up by machine guns and rockets, it swooped past Zhou Qingfeng and there was a kind of **** wildness.

The iron wings roar, thunder strikes, the fierce invaders annihilate the flying ash, and the vast earth is the only one to dominate. This is a world of blood and fire. Why do men love war games? Because it's so **** awesome!

When Zhou Qingfeng led the team back to the aircraft carrier and hit the blocking network in turn, he knew that his plan would definitely be successful-Lao Tzu was not alone, Lao Tzu was so hard in the background that the aircraft carrier who could take the baby home would give me a practical drill. David Lawrence is waiting for Haemophilus.

After completing the raid exercise, Zhou Qingfeng continued to learn how to conduct air combat with naval masters. After all, David Lawrence also established an air force. In order to save money, people also use propeller aircraft-t-28 trainer aircraft modified.

In order to improve his air combat skills, Zhou Qingfeng spent nearly one day in the naval base. Xiao Jinlang had to accompany him every day to watch him fly in the air almost 24 hours a day-this guy was still in the sky when it was dark, relying on the guidance of ground radar.

"This guy isn't human!" A naval pilot just landed, clutching his helmet and entering the airport's war room, his voice filled with dissatisfaction.

Xiao Jinlang, who had been staring at the combat panel, turned around and saw Captain Dai, the naval pilot this time, who couldn't help asking: "Why isn't this guy human?"

Captain Dai took a sip of water, and then looked at the several Super La-11s that were fighting in the sky. He calmed down and sighed, "If this guy was born during World War II, he would definitely become the ace of air combat. He learned too fast. , Bold, wild, aggressive, and mentally alive. "

"How is this guy's air combat technology now?" Xiao Jinlang did not say Zhou Qingfeng's name, but everyone knows who he is referring to?

"One day changes. This guy's style is wild, his thinking is clear, and he belongs to the actual combat group. Now we can no longer suppress him." Captain Dai sighed. He was originally an Air Force pilot and later turned to HNA's carrier-based aircraft, air combat was originally his strength.

Now everyone is attacking with missiles. The close-range cannons are almost set up. In addition, the pilots of Shanghai Airlines are not fighting, they are flying out with heavy anti-ship missiles to fight warships. As a result, in a few days, Zhou Qingfeng drove the Super-11 to get flying around.

Captain Dai Dai also practiced some dog fighting tactics in the Air Force, but soon found himself unable to keep up with Zhou Qingfeng's progress. Today he has been shot down three times, and Uncle Zhou in the sky is getting more and more mad, more and more fierce, and being besieged by four or five 'enemy planes' has not fallen into the wind.

"It's the last day today. Tomorrow you can return to the army and find out what this guy wants to do?" Xiao Jinlang asked. His superiors did not ask him to figure out Zhou Qingfeng's purpose, but as an intelligence officer, curiosity is a necessary quality.

Captain Dai Dai looked at the combat drawing board, and the pattern on it had been outlined very clearly. He said in a deep voice: "It's weird, it's really weird very quickly. It can be determined that his goal is Stanton Island, New York, and the departure base should be Cuba.

He keeps saying, ‘Suppose I have a‘ Ford ’class aircraft carrier, but from his earnest energy in doing things, it really gives the illusion that he has an aircraft carrier. But even if he did have an aircraft carrier launching an attack on the United States, wouldn't this be to death?

But the enemy he set is the level of World War II, and the radar air defense network is leaking. Www.readwn.com ~ The air force is also small in size. If that's exactly what he said, his attack and victory are almost inevitable. No matter who his enemies are, he will be stunned. "

Captain Dai Dai felt incomprehensible, but Xiao Jinlang knew more.

The video that Zhou Qingfeng brought out looked like a documentary, and it was still a truncated documentary, but the information contained in the film was extremely rich. The most surprising thing is that the identity of the explainer in the film was confirmed by technical means.

It is exactly the same as everyone's guess. This instructor is the Deputy Chief Engineer of Carrier Design at Newport Nons Shipyard in the United States, and it is also a national treasure in the United States. This kind of person is generally not visible to the outside world, and the outside world does not even know his name.

判断 Judging by the respect of the deputy chief in the course of his explanation, his explanation should be a senior official of the White House or the Ministry of Defense, or even the chief commander of Eagle Sauce.

This is a documentary for military science popularization for rulers. All kinds of confidential information are constantly appearing. Any word can make the Chinese Navy, which is still in the early stage of aircraft carrier development, a treasure.

When others were excited about the information revealed in the video, Xiao Jinlang had an illusion. This video was actually shot for Victor. This guy Hugo watched-otherwise, why would he say 'assuming I have a ship 'Carrier'?

Every time I had this idea in my heart, Xiao Jinlang laughed at his self-denial—no, it was impossible! This is simply heaven and earth, how can this boy have an aircraft carrier? He couldn't have it. (To be continued.)

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