Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 817: You two are too shameless!

When it was confirmed on the radio that the Aurora Corps really fought with the New York Brotherhood, Simon Commander, who was in Philadelphia, was relieved. In particular, it was learned that the Bayway Refinery had been killed, and Lord Lawrence's madness on the spot needed to be rehabilitated on the spot. He was happy to fill two bottles of 'Extreme' whisky in the office.

The following news seems to mean that the living environment of the New Jersey Brothers has improved significantly, because it is his wife, a woman who replaced David Lawrence!

Hahaha ... In the last days, everyone follows the law of the jungle that speaks by strength. How can a woman be convinced? This is a big joke! Women are now just vassals of men, bedding on warm quilts.

Commander Simon was relieved, relieved, and happy, and he was even wondering how to push New York in the next step, occupying the site with all kinds of resources.

The woman named Rachel Conner must not be in control of David Lawrence's group of powerful soldiers. The originally invaded parties will definitely jump out and want to take a bite. By that time, with a little provocation, David Lawrence's hard-earned business broke down immediately.

Speaking of David Lawrence's ability to grab the ground is really strong, as long as you look at the map, the entire Northeast corner of the United States will soon become him alone. This piece of fat is really drooling!

And I heard that His wife and daughter are very beautiful, they are all in the best, I do n’t know who will be cheaper? Commander Simon felt that he had a chance to kiss Fangze, and it was great to think about it!

"Sir, the people of the 'Aurora Corps' came and said that they would give us a batch of 5,000 mutant troops." The deputy knocked open Simon's office and reported the good news.

"Really?" Simon boss was overjoyed. This is really wanting to sleep. Someone handed a pillow. He was still trying to send that army to grab a New York site. So, immediately came an ace army?

"Our people have found that this troop is passing through Baltimore on foot. They do not carry weapons and only have a small amount of support. The people of the" Aurora Corps "want us to deliver the agreed personnel and materials as soon as possible, and are ready to receive this team. Report again.

"Great, I will arrange to receive this team myself." Simon also heard about the bravery and loyalty of the mutants. To put it plainly, this is a rootless army, as long as they get their approval, they will basically not betray them.

For Simon, who is about to fall apart, a powerful mutant army will be the basis for his power reorganization. He has even made up his own ambitions in the brain, showing his magnificent scenery. Those soldiers who had perfunctory things and resisted orders should feed the mutants.

"As soon as possible for the" Aurora Corps ", don't make mistakes, lest there be a problem with this transfer of command."

Simon boss feels that his spring is coming. With mutants, he will still be afraid of David Lawrence of New York? He even felt that the throne of the Lord of America was beckoning to him in the future.

"Should I do something? To show the power of a powerful ruler." Simon Boss pondered for a while, and decided a telegram to enhance his sense of existence. He intends to mediate the war between the Aurora Corps and the New York Brotherhood.

The main idea is ‘the survival of the last days is very difficult. Everyone is the last hope of human beings. Sit down and talk about any problems. There is no need to fight and kill. I am willing to provide a channel for peaceful settlement of the problem to both parties in the war, and I hope you can think about it calmly. ’

This telegram occupies the high ground of morality and comforts the public with a strong humanitarian spirit. The boss of Simon feels that there will definitely be a large number of war-averse people. The people who desire peace will support him, adore him, love him, and finally become his loyal fan.

Isn't this a pretend telegram? In the past, the Great American government liked this kind of news, and mediate disputes somewhere. Conciliation can go to the side that does not agree with them.

After the boss of Simon sent out the public telegram, he felt that he had some of the essence of being president of the United States. As for the words in the telegram, would anyone believe them? Anyway, the boss of Simon himself does not believe it.

After the telegraph came out, the mutants also quickly arrived, and the personnel and materials agreed with the Aurora Corps were also delivered, but the next script did not act as Simon Boss. While he was daydreaming in his office, a joint commando flew over by helicopter.

Wolf-like special warriors rushed into the Philadelphia City Hall quickly, and the bloodless commander occupied Simon's commander's office and arrested him and a dozen other confidants.

"I'm the Regional Commander of the Brotherhood of Steel in New Jersey. Have you considered the consequences of doing this?" When a dozen guns were aimed at his chest, Simon Boss had a rare time to rise up, and dared to face it with courage. .

In the commando, Old Harris, who had been here a while ago, came out with a sneer and counted the counts of the other party. "Her Simon, you have been charged with multiple counts of malfeasance, corruption, murder, etc. The most serious of these is crimes against humanity.

In order to realize your ambitions, you maliciously provoked the relationship between the Aurora Corps and the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel in New York, created an appalling terrorist attack, and attempted to blame others for events that caused heavy losses and casualties. Your baseness and shame are intolerable.

But God bless you, your sinful plot has not succeeded. We have solid evidence to prove you guilty. I am arrested by the orders of Victor Hugo, Commander of the Aurora Corps, and Ms. Rachel Conner, Deputy Chief Commander of the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel New York. Www.readwn.com ~ Please give up resistance and accept justice Trial. "


This must be a joke, right?

Today is not April Fool's Day!

Am I awake and dreaming? This dream is not very good.

But no matter how the boss of Simon shook his head or even scratched his arms and thighs, everything in front of him remained unchanged. Two wolf-like soldiers approached and grabbed him and towed out of his office.

When Simon was launched, His Excellency was still in a state of persecution-why did I become a criminal? Wrong ... I didn't do anything! I just had a telegram trying to mediate this war. How did this war become my movement? I yearn for peace!

No ... you can't do this to me, you're planting loot, you're marrying, you're the mean ambitionist.

No matter how the boss of Simon excuses and curses, his fate is already doomed. On the day he was arrested, Rachel of New York and Lena of Havana simultaneously declared that they severely rebuked the crimes of undermining human peace and survival and attempting to provoke war.

The blockade of Washington was done by the boss of Simon. The air strike on New York was also done by the boss of Simon. All the bad things were done by the boss of Simon. The 'Aurora Corps' and the Brotherhood's New York branch are innocent, so it is reasonable and legitimate for us to divide his forces.

The personnel and materials of the New Jersey Brotherhood are compensation for the Aurora Corps, and the site is the compensation of the New York branch. That distribution is fair, right? If not, that's it!

The other forces of the wasteland suddenly fell into surprise, and originally thought it would be a protracted, **** and fierce, endless life-and-death fight. As a result, the boss conflicted with the second child, and the third child who died was a bystander.

You two are so shameless! 8

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