Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 822: Best at troubleshooting

"For Lin Sang's request, we have to go back to discuss it, please be patient."

"Please rest assured that we must take Lin Sang's trade requirements seriously, and we will give results soon."

"Although there are some problems, we can certainly solve them."

An upscale izakaya in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.

Several people sat in a simple Japanese-style room, all watching a video on an LCD TV on the wall. And a few serious Japanese people watched sweating and horrified. Their gazes inevitably turned towards the other two people sitting opposite.

Zhou Qingfeng was sitting in a mountain, wearing a hat and sunglasses, and with some makeup, he was dealing with tempura fried shrimp on his low table. He ate fast, several bites, and the table was quickly emptied.

Next to Zhou Qingfeng, the four generations of Shijinghui of the Ishii Association were staring coldly at the few soulless guys on the opposite side, even if they didn't say a word, fierce anger was coming out.

"Last night I banqueted Kimura, the sales department of your company. However, unfortunately, he failed my trust in him. Not only did he not meet Lin Sang's requirements, he even called the police. This is unacceptable. "

Shimada Guoguang made these remarks with anger, bowed to the other guys in suits and knelt down in shock, apologized constantly, and kept yelling ‘request for forgiveness’.

The reason for this scene is that Ishii will have a relationship with Zhou Qingfeng on his own, and the speed of making money can be described by printing money. The "Jite" provided by Zhou Qingfeng is hard to find in the Japanese market. This powerful drug with a strengthening effect has become an intractable potion.

As long as you keep eating, ‘Jite’ can bring success and confidence. Politicians, celebrities, rich people, and elites all need it. But once you stop taking it, that pain can make people become a waste directly.

Mastering the sale of 'Jite' has enabled Ishii to gain not only money, but also huge network and political power. This power is so strong that Ishii will become Tokyo's underground supremacy, with a style that speaks volumes.

Shimada Kunimi, who is in charge of the Ishii Club, has also become a real big man. Not only has he sat firmly in the Ishii Club, he has also continued to expand his strength. The four generations who temporarily helped the higher ranks were no longer able to be called by the cats and dogs.

When Zhou Qingfeng came to Tokyo this time, he didn't just deliver the new Jeter supplies. He also had other purposes-he needed to develop new financial resources.

The ‘Extreme’ series of food, ‘Jite’, and Lanchen Pharmacy all provide a huge amount of money to Zhou Qingfeng, but most of this money is used to maintain the ‘Radiation’ laboratory. Raman-managed laboratories are on track, but spending money is in the tens of millions of dollars.

And if you want to get to Canada in a wasteland thousands of kilometers away, what Zhou Qingfeng can get is a huge amount of supplies, especially food. The food in his hands was transformed with a huge amount of swill.

At present, Huaxia forcibly collects sluice water in the Modu area with huge administrative costs, basically losing 100 million yuan a day. And Zhou Qingfeng wants more, and loses more.

Although China has taken a large amount of advanced defense technology in China, it is still happy to do such a huge loss. But what will happen if the scale increases again? Loss of tens or tens of billions a month may not matter at the high level, but cadres at the bottom who do not know the truth are afraid to leak.

In order not to make a mistake, Zhou Qingfeng felt that he needed to invest in the next dehydration work—to completely commercialize this matter, and the problems that can be solved by spending money are not the problem. The fear is that there is no money.

And how to make more money, Zhou Qingfeng eyeed Japan. He had previously asked Ishii to contact some domestic export-restricted companies and products, which were often very profitable, such as high-grade carbon fiber.

Because of its unique and outstanding physical and chemical properties, carbon fiber is the pearl of the materials industry. In this regard, Japan's Toray has done a very good job, and they mastered the best carbon fiber production technology in the 1970s. Relying on the production of the world's top carbon fiber, Toray's childhood has been ..., sober.

Huaxia also engages in carbon fiber, but high-grade carbon fibers cannot be made. For example, carbon fiber is needed on the satellite to meet the huge temperature difference of more than one hundred degrees above zero on the sunny side, and one hundred degrees below zero on the back side. But this thing is not only expensive, other people do not sell it to you.

Every year, Eagle Sauce engages in several so-called spy cases, often rabbits are smuggling various black goods, of which high-strength or high-modulus carbon fiber is one of them. Every time a man is caught, Eagle Sauce will publicize it a little, in order to humiliate the rabbit, which is awful.

And now, Zhou Qingfeng decided to make this money-smuggling? It should be very simple. I bought M60 high-modulus carbon fiber from Dongli at a high price, and the market price was 2,000 US dollars per kilogram. I made 3,000 US dollars per kilogram. So everyone has money to make, right?

However, it was very difficult for Mr. Kimura, the head of the sales department of Toray, to come out to talk. The little devil nodded at that time to consider, but turned around and called the police. Make an appointment with Toray's person.

This killing will also force you to continue the arrogance of the talk, shaking the others in Toray Sales Headquarters. Knowing that the killer was in front of him, there was nothing he could do.

Call the police? If the alarm is useful, what kind of triad is there? The four generations of the Ishii Association directly obtained the police's files for handling the report by Minister Kimura.

"Everyone, please tell me if you have any trouble. I believe there is nothing that cannot be resolved." Zhou Qingfeng cleared the food on his desk and looked at some of Dongli's cadres sincerely after eating a full meal.

"Please believe my sincerity to this business. I am willing to buy a high-grade carbon fiber at a 50% premium. The quantity is unlimited. I want to know how much. I know that the capacity of your production line has not been fully utilized. More production points. It's not difficult.

And you just leave the factory, I'll fix the rest. I can even prepay 50% and remove any obstacles that hinder this business and guarantee that everyone will make money. Please believe me, I have this ability to execute. "

Zhou Qingfeng's words were calm and calm, with sharp eyes and strong momentum. He also leaned forward on his knees, with an irresistible murderous power, but the Lord Minister died when he died. Who doesn't worry that he will be the next?

Letting the Japanese respond positively in the face is simply embarrassing. But now it ’s hard to guarantee his life, the fierce **** on the other side stared at himself, and he would have to bite the bullet to solve the problem.

The eye contact had been going on for a long time, and Toray's deputy director of the sales department had to say something useful, "Lin Sang, this matter has some specific operational troubles."

"It doesn't matter, what I am best at is to troubleshoot." Zhou Qingfeng's head lifted, and his spirits dried up. .


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