Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 827: Catfish

Zhou Qingfeng placed the headquarters of the food processing plant in Caojia City. In order to meet the timeliness of the plant, the factory split into more than twenty, parasitic in garbage disposal stations throughout the city, and saved a lot of land costs. ?

Because this project did deal with a lot of domestic garbage, it even got support from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in environmental protection. Hashimoto Jiro swept away from the haze for this multi-benefit project, and for a short time took the limelight.

However, when he learned that the so-called 'food processing' is dealing with worthless waste food, Hashimoto Jiro's face turned black. However, in just one week, it has actually created more than 3,000 jobs. This feat cannot be denied, but the mayor is happy again.

"Lin Sang, to whom do you make these dehydrated waste foods?" Mayor Hashimoto was most curious about this question. In front of him, a set of cheap equipment imported from China is working. Under the environment of freezing and decompression, the food will dry quickly and the water will naturally escape.

"Export to famine areas such as Africa." Zhou Qingfeng was also curious to see the process of dehydration for the first time.

"But this cost is totally inappropriate." Hashimoto Jiro opened a sushi restaurant for many years, and it is his instinct to be careful. As long as he calculates casually, the cost of labor and various expenses will make this project a bottomless pit without the slightest possible profit.

One month will lose at least 20 billion, or even 30 billion yen, this kind of daddy project is actually done. At this moment in the eyes of Mayor Hashimoto, Zhou Qingfeng is either a magician with golden fingers or a magnificent master with a problem in his head.

"Mr. Hashimoto's researching spirit is really admirable, but he must be happy, and don't worry about some difficult problems to explain." Zhou Qingfeng gave a haha, patted the mayor's shoulder, and he was born Step away.

In fact, with the deepening of the project, Zhou Qingfeng's money to be lost is simply astronomical. These money can be used to buy more food. But valuables were useless to Zhou Qingfeng.

Therefore, if Zhou Qingfeng does not want to lose his underpants, he must immediately start the smuggling of carbon fiber. The country can't wait to get the goods in his hands.

For processing factories that recycle waste food, a large number of workers hired will not care what weird Zhou Zhoufeng is. The people who can work for Zhou Qingfeng are some people on the margins of the society. The bad points are all the hard work. Thank you for having a job.

And it can create a lot of job opportunities, and then spend a lot of money to stimulate consumption, and even led to a lot of social prosperity. Mayor Hashimoto saw doubts from the food processing plant, and Zhou Qingfeng saw fun, but Shimada Kunihiro, as a gangster, was sighing.

"Lin Sang, although I don't understand why you are doing this, but I'm sure you are an amazing person." Shimada Guoguang said to Zhou Qingfeng a few dozen bows.

As a benefactor, Zhou Qingfeng is the biggest backer for Shimada Kokumitsu, and it is nothing to accept the other person's bow. But he felt that the bow today was a little more sincere and very different from the courteous or fearful bows of the past.

"Why did you feel this suddenly?" Zhou Qingfeng asked with a smile.

"As a Yakuza, I have original sin. It is illegal to sell drugs, control **** and love, open a casino, and intervene in usury. This is very clear to me. When Lin Sang asked me to threaten Toray Strains At the club, I hesitated because it was treason.

I know these things are enough to keep me in prison for a lifetime. I became the fourth generation of the Ishii Club with a high status and enjoyed a life that ordinary people could not enjoy, but my heart was also suffering. But today I felt for the first time that I did the right thing. "

Shimada Guoguang whispered slowly, and even boldly spoke his heart, and continued to smile bitterly, but there was a sense of relief. "I have had more contact with Lin Sang. I even feel that I am not like a real Japanese. Japanese people do n’t say these things. But it feels so easy to speak! ”

The four generations of the Lord looked at the truck drivers who constantly entered the freight yard. Each car was a finished product processed from various food processing points. After it was sent to the warehouse, it was accumulated to a certain amount and then transferred to the bulk carrier. All the prohibited goods had been shipped. Pressed in a special cargo box at the bottom of the bilge.

It's just that Shimoda Guoguang's concern is not the goods, but the drivers who work. This person who has always been cautious and cautious around Zhou Qingfeng suddenly said loudly: "Just yesterday, a little boss under me suddenly came and expressed his gratitude to me.

He was lying on the ground crying and said to me, ‘Mr. Shimada, the factory you set up recruited more than one hundred rioters as truck drivers at one time, and you gave these more than one hundred people a chance to change. If you can, no one wants to be a runaway, no, absolutely nothing! ’

I was crying because I myself was a Yakuza because I couldn't find a job more than twenty years ago ~ www.readwn.com. I had a great shame on my back, and I didn't get a chance to change it until today. Lin Sang, you are not Japanese, you do n’t know how rare this is, it ’s so rare.

What you did today is even more rare than when you killed the Ishiikai dojo with amazing stunts, killed three generations, and supported me. We only had destruction in the past, and today we have construction. I really appreciate you from the heart.

Although the “Jeter” you gave us for sale is called a drug, you cannot stop it after taking it, and once you stop, you will be in great pain. But now, after taking hundreds of thousands of people on "Jite", the effect is amazing.

Countless people say they don't regret even knowing the huge sequelae of stopping taking it. Because it makes so many people happy, it's true happiness.

They are optimistic, joyful, creative, more passionate and efficient. Many people now think that "Jette" is not a drug, it is just a potion with huge defects.

In the same way, Lin Sangwei forced Toray to sell carbon fiber, but the huge profits benefited the entire carbon fiber industry, which Tony President admitted. This series of events does not affect hundreds or thousands of people, but hundreds of thousands of people and the families behind them.

Japan's society is too dull and too rigid. I have lived in Tokyo for more than forty years and I have n’t known Lin Sang for more than half a year. Perhaps the metaphor is a bit inappropriate, but Lin Sen, you really look like a catfish, and stir up the big fish pond in Tokyo. "

Shimada Guoguang expressed his heart and gave Zhou Qingfeng a heavy bow, and a bunch of younger brothers behind him also all bent at 90 degrees. The scene was serious and solemn, making people feel that these Yakuzas are also rare.

"Hahaha ..., after hearing what you said, I also feel that I am very good." Zhou Qingfeng also laughed. 8

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