Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 840: Shunchang Adversity

Wasteland, Havana, Revival One, Cafeteria.

Praying before meals ...

"Thank you Victor Hugo for giving us food to save us from famine and disaster. We sincerely thank you for this and will give all our loyalty for obedience. Amen!"

The beauty principal, Jenny, takes the lead in holding pre-dinner prayers every day. All teachers and students must respect each other. Anyone who does not disturb will be punished. From confinement to eviction.

After a short prayer, the whole cafeteria became lively. Today is a weekly food day. Everyone is looking forward to what will be delicious.

Since Zhou Qingfeng has harvested a large amount of dehydrated waste food and aging food, the farming industry in Havana has begun to expand wildly. Filling your stomach is no longer a requirement of the 'Aurora Corps'. How to eat delicious food is your next goal.

However, for hundreds of thousands of people to eat well, it is still impossible for the Legion, but it is still possible for school students to eat more oil and water on weekend dinners every week. But for the prayer before dinner, it is still a bit defamatory.

"Why do we praise the commander of the army? We should thank God for that." Bebeini, who likes to complain, expressed dissatisfaction. "There is no religious freedom at all here. This is a blasphemy of my faith."

"Bebeney, you shut up. If God does exist, it won't hurt us." Schultz held a knife and fork, eyes fixed on the iron door of the cafeteria. The whole cafeteria, with more than a thousand students, seemed to be sitting quietly, but they were all tightly prepared to prepare.

John also scolded angrily: "Bebeney, if you can't get me to eat the extra meal tonight, I will never let you go. This is a gourmet only once a week, my stomach has been waiting for a whole week . "

Even the always calm little Harris whispered, "Bebeney, you have harmed us several times. The last time you wrote a love letter to Principal Jenny, the people in our group were punished for a week. Men's toilet. If you mess up again this time, I will push you into the toilet to eat shit. "

Four friends from Washington have been living in Havana for a month. This month let them understand a lot of things-the minimum one, do not challenge the legion authority.

And just as three little friends stopped Bebbini from dying, there were four students across the table. The round table in the restaurant seats eight people, and a large bowl of food will be served later. It depends on everyone's speed to eat more and eat less.

However, there will be a trainer staring at the canteen. No order is forbidden, and anyone who dares to be in disorder will be sent to detention. And one level is a group, even sitting system. Therefore, young Harris and others are most worried about this stinking mouth of Bebeni.

But after hearing a whispered conversation with Harris and others, another group of four boys at the same table stared at Bebeni, one provocatively: "Boy, go on. For your firm faith, go to the trainer Talk about prayers, and we all support you. "

Bebeni opened her mouth, and seemed to be hesitating. John, who was short, was in a hurry. He knew that his companion was just a habitual complaint. He was not really trying to provoke the faith policy enforced by the Legion. The consequences of such a big death are serious.

When Schultz saw that the situation was not right, he hurriedly whispered: "We are loyal to the monarch and the patriotic Catholic Church, and we think that Victor Hugo is God. Yes, yes, that is the truth. Who dares to deny this and wait for us to blast Kill it. "

The four boys on the opposite side suddenly lost their momentum, but there was no courage to talk about nonsense, right and wrong, and it would be miserable if they were pinched by small pigtails.

Bebeni, who had been in a daze at this time, said weakly: "I actually want to say that today's meal should be braised pork. I have already smelled that drooling taste. In the Chinese words, 'That oily , Fragrant, smooth and greasy taste is the love of life '. "

The little Harris and others were immediately overjoyed, and the thieves looked at the four boys with smiles. "You have a kind of don't eat pork! You have a kind of jumping up and saying that this is against your belief! We are happy to see this. "

There are too many people in Havana now. Little Harris is opposite the four children who believe in green teaching. However, in the face of the provocation by Harris and others, a child across the road also whispered, "We are equal and fraternal Hebiarchs. We follow the teachings of Caliph Victor Hugo. Any meat can be eaten."


Hypocrites ...


The two groups of boys put on each other's head the crimes that they can think of, anyway, it is not pleasing to the other side. Until the iron door of the cafeteria delivery opened, one by one the master of the kitchen came out with a large bowl of food.

Wow ... there was a noise in the cafeteria, and the large bowl full of food was as large as a washbasin. Inside was the hot braised pork.

In the face of good food, the enemies at the same table are all enemies, and everyone starts to calculate which piece of meat is the largest, the most fragrant, the fattest, and the most detoxified. Little Harris and others sparked sparks with the opposite pagans.

"Well, let us thank the Victor Hugo Commander for the last time. It is he who has allowed us to live a peaceful life in the awful end times." Jenny stood up for the final ideological education.

Little Harris and others rushed to say this again in the most sincere tone, and even Bebeney was extremely attentive. Because after saying this, you can start eating!

"Wow ... this piece of meat is mine."

"Don't grab it. Be careful to knock the bowl down. No one has to eat it."

"Oh ... it's so hot, so hot, so hot, so delicious."

At this time, more than a thousand children had left their faith outside of Jiuxiaoyun ~ www.readwn.com ~ Eat and talk. The whole scene was swift and decisive, quickly and decisively. A bowl of braised pork was about ten kilograms, and the soup was licked up within three minutes, and everyone was not satisfied.

"Damn, these believers are eating faster than we are."

"I think in fact I can eat this basin all by myself."

"Why just finished this, but I think I've digested all the meat?"

The students in the canteen were too much to eat, while Zhou Qingfeng was in his office dealing with recent matters concerning religious reform. Since the rectification campaign, the cohesiveness of the ruling class of the Legion has increased significantly, so he began to deal with civil issues.

Because of the diversity of people, languages ​​and religions in Havana, many people hope that the Legion will allow a multicultural existence. But Zhou Qingfeng vetoed this, "Multiple farts, all for me integration, only unity has strength!"

One leader, one group, one belief, one world.

As a result, a large number of people protested.

"Seven priests of Judaism protested against the blasphemy of the Legion? These people were so full that they were forced to serve hard labor."

"The residents of the Green Church want to hold demonstrations and hope to respect their customs? Kill them all, etc ... These are also laborers. The women go to the cat's claw club, the men go to raise pigs for me. . "

"Buddhists ... Buddhists also come to make trouble for me? Oh ... I hope to hold a seminar on the harmony of religion according to law. That's good!"

"A bunch of weak slags, I jumped out of rebellion with a little stability. Huh ..., whoever follows me will die, and whoever goes against me will die. I am very sharp."

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